West Lango diocese opens SACCO, elects new leadership

Philip Otim, the Apac District Commercial Officer, has been elected Chairperson for West Lango Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited.

The nascent SACCO was opened last December by the Diocese of West Lango under its key objective of “Socio-economic and social transformation, financial management and control”.

In a meeting held at the diocesan headquarters on Wednesday, the SACCO members elected its full Board and the new leadership took office with immediate effect.

Adeline Elem, the Administrator of Uganda Registration Bureau, was elected the SACCO’s vice Chairperson, Rev James Moro Treasurer, and Sam Olili Egiri General Secretary.

Rev. James Okee, the West Lango Diocesan Secretary warned the new leaders against serving their own interests while executing their duties at the diocesan SACCO.

“Be honest and patriotic because we have a lot of confidence and trust in you. We shall always be there in case you need any strategic guidance so that you serve for the betterment and transformation of the West Lango SACCO. Christians have a lot of hope in you. Don’t let them down,” he said.

“Always keep the members informed about whatever you are doing because we must change the negative public opinion about the SACCO.” He said the diocesan management will do whatever is in its means to ensure the Sacco is moved forward.

The formation of West Lango Diocese SACCO follows a request from Maj. Gawera Fred, the Kole and Kwania Operation Wealth Creation Coordinator (OWC), said that the church is more faithful in handling funds.

Meanwhile, speaking at the function, West Lango diocesan Bishop Julius Caesar Nina revealed that plans are underway to register the Diocese as a Multi-purpose Cooperative Society Limited to mitigate poverty among the Christians.

“We are planning to register the Diocese as a Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society Ltd to mitigate poverty challenges in the diocese through Agriculture production, Animals and Fishery Projects; poultry, Bee Keeping, and Tourism.”

West Lango Diocesan SACCO covers the four districts of Apac, Kwania, Oyam and Kole. The Diocese has 86 parishes and 720 Sub-parishes in total. Christians from all over the diocese are supposed to come to its headquarters to withdraw their savings.

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Government injects Shs 1.6bn into Masindi SACCOs

The government has given Shs1.6 bn to 54 SACCOs in Masindi district under the Presidential Cluster Initiative on Wealth and Job Creation (Emyooga).

The cash injection was made in fulfillment of a pledge made by State Minister for Microfinance, Harunah Kasolo Kyeyune while launching the Emyooga program in the Bunyoro sub-region last year.

At the time, the minister revealed that government would inject Shs 620m into each constituency to fund businesses under 19 selected clusters that include Boda-boda riders, salon owners, carpenters, taxi operators, welders, market vendors, Journalists, performing artists, mechanics among others.

Under the project, each enterprise group with a minimum of 30 members is supposed to receive up to Shs 30m in funding, which will be accessed as a revolving fund by members to boost their respective income-generating ventures, at interest rates as low as 5 percent annually.

Earlier this year, theCooperator reported that 54 SACCOs had formed out of over 1000 such groups. Groups of individuals involved in similar enterprises were tasked to form SACCOs through which they would receive financing under the scheme.

The SACCOs were formed from three counties including Masindi municipality, Bujenje, and Buruli, with 18 from each.

Funds inaccessible

While members of the different SACCOs report having started receiving the Emyooga funds on their accounts in late December, many are bitter over the fact that they are as yet unable to access it.

“We have no clear explanation as to why this is happening. There is an information gap as far as this matter is concerned,” the perplexed members complained.

When theCooperator contacted Moses Kalyegira the Masindi District Commercial Officer to ascertain the cause of the delay, he confirmed that 54 Emyooga SACCOs received the money but members cannot access it until their SACCOs have presented a certificate of registration.

He explained that the requirement to present the certificates, which was supposed to have been done prior to account opening, had been waived temporarily at the time, with the understanding that the SACCOs would acquire them before accessing funds.

“The SACCOs were given a go-ahead to open bank accounts without certificates of registration because the State minister for Microfinance, Harunah Kyeyune Kasolo, wrote to the banks requesting them to allow the SACCOs to open the accounts without them,” Kalyegira intimated.

However, he promised that the SACCOs’ managers would be able to access their money.

“We expect the Certificates of registration to be ready by next week such that the SACCOs can be able to transact their money with the banks. After receiving the certificates, we shall call all the SACCO leaders to come to pick them,” he said.


Kalyegira noted that sensitization of prospective beneficiaries is currently underway, saying that a section of people think that the money is meant to be shared out or is just a token of appreciation for mobilization of votes.

“This money is a grant to the SACCOs, which will lend it out to at an interest of 8% per annum. People should use this money resourcefully because it can change their lives,” Kalyegira urged.

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Farmers shun Agoro irrigation scheme water

Members of Agoro self-help irrigation cooperative society have stopped using water from the scheme blaming it for destroying their crops and causing their gardens to lose fertility.

Agoro Irrigation Scheme was rehabilitated between 2012- 2013 at a tune of Shs 27 billion by the ministry of water and environment, to boost agricultural productivity in the area. It is used by about 900 farmers, including 187 members of the society.

However, some members of the society, who mainly grow vegetables, told theCooperator that their crops were negatively impacted after the irrigation scheme was rehabilitated.

Corina Aloyo, a farmer and member of the Agoro cooperative, watered her vegetables using water from the scheme, said the water causes yellowing and stunting of vegetables.

“I planted 3 acres of eggplants, cabbages, and beans but they all died,” she said.

Aloyo believes the same water is to blame for the cooperative’s loss of 10 acres of vegetables worth Shs. 40m, last season, which many had blamed on a mysterious disease.

Denis Ocan, another member of the cooperative, said the water caused his garden to become very hard with white patches, as though the water was mixed with salt. The result, he said would be very low yields and loss of soil fertility.

“According to my own observation, this water for irrigation has a problem. First, if you spray it in the garden, even healthy crops start changing and withering. Secondly, the garden becomes very hard and whitish and loses fertility after a short time,” Ocan said

Ocan revealed although the problem has existed since 2013, the true impact of the scheme on yields has been masked because farmers kept abandoning the gardens that lost fertility, for fertile ones.

“This water for irrigation has been used for long. But, since we still have vast farmland here, farmers have abandoned several plots that have lost fertility,” he said

Francis Todwong another member of the cooperative, adds that the majority of their members have abandoned the irrigation scheme and the gardens around it, resorting instead to farming in wetlands and virgin land far away from it.

Brenda Acao, the Communications Officer for the northern region in the Ministry of Water and Environment, said the ministry is unaware of any issues with the water from Agoro irrigation scheme and has thus far received no report about the farmers’ concerns.

“As far as I know there is no problem with the water. But since the concern is from the users, we shall send a team of experts to do an assessment and understand the concerns of the users,” she said.

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SACCOs grappling with fraud, poor governance

A significant number of Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) in Uganda have suffered fraud and poor governance, a new report indicates.

The report was released by the Project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA), an organization that monitors the performance of different SACCOS in Uganda.

A study by the organization found that 64 out of 453 SACCOs supported under the program had collapsed, while 312 are grappling with fraud and poor governance issues, among other challenges.

Collins Agaba, PROFIRA’s Program Manager, says that only 77 of the SACCOS supported by PROFIRA had no issues.

“141 have at least one problem, and the rest have suffered more than three problems,” he noted, adding:

“We found that the main challenges facing SACCOs include defaulting on payment of loans by members, low volume of business and poor financial practices.”

Agaba explained that whereas cooperatives are managed by elected committees, the leaders chosen often lack the knowledge required to manage them.

“They then end up depending on untrustworthy staff who embezzle members’ deposits.”

In response, he revealed, PROFIRA has embarked on empowering members of different SACCOs with the requisite financial skills.

Robert Odur, the Chairperson Board of Directors of Ikwera SACCO, agreed with the report’s findings.

He cited the case of Ikwera SACCO which was established in 2009 which has had its portfolio drop from over Shs 170m two years ago,to less than Shs 50m currently.

“169 million shillings was loaned out by Ikwera Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited in the financial year 2018/2019, but in the last financial year, we only gave out 42 million shillings as loans. Our clients are not able to repay the money in time and loan recovery is a challenge,” he said in an interview.

Kwania District Commercial Officer, Patrick Bura expressed concern about the rate at which SACCOs in the district are collapsing, saying it could lead to an increase in poverty rates among the population if not urgently dealt with.

” There is an urgent need to rejuvenate the failed SACCOs and equip the SACCO leaders with management skills or else many people will suffer and even lose their assets in search of the financial services that SACCOs are meant to offer.”

Joyce Acio, a resident of Aduku town council notes, people are likely to run to money lenders whom she says are worse than banks given their exorbitant interest rates.

She argues that having SACCO members manage them introduces a conflict of interest, thereby negatively impacting their performance.

“When the SACCO staff are also members, they start taking loans and bringing them back without interest because no one is supervising them,” she said.

Acio advises all Saccos to establish Internal Audit Committees whose task should be to regularly audit the financial institutions to avoid embezzlement.

She also called on District Commercial Officers to ensure capacity building for the SACCO leaders as one measure to minimize the chances of their collapse.

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How SACCOs came to dominate Uganda’s Cooperative Movement

As you travel across Uganda, you will not miss a signage with the word “Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs)”. Even businesses that lend money and have nothing to do with formal cooperatives have somehow baptised themselves with the same name. This is testimony that SACCOs are widely accepted because they offer much-needed financial services.

The industry performance of SACCOs is another positive indicator that they are doing rather better than their other counterparts in terms of liquidity. Nonetheless most of them have wanting capitalisation positions to which the industry ought to pay attention.

Some of the most conspicuous financial cooperatives include Wazalendo, YSAVE, URA, Makerere University Staff, Prisons, Exodus, St. Francis Investment, Nebbi and Kitgum SACCOs amongst others. It is estimated that the top 10 SACCOS cumulatively have an asset base of over Shs 300 bn.

Inception and collapse

The proliferation of SACCOS started during the 1970s economic crisis when banks were no longer happy to lend because of the high risks associated with borrowers. At this time, public servants and persons in white collar jobs, some of whom had not received salary over a period of time had to find alternative sources of credit.

It is then that the Savings and Credit Societies came in handy as most public servants came together to save and borrow. This is how Uganda Savings and Credit Cooperative Union was born in1972. The idea was to find an entity that would organise and build the capacity of the primary financial cooperatives.

As the cooperatives were recovering from the political and economic challenges of the 20th Century, the stigma of mismanagement and embezzlement of agriculture cooperative’s assets was highly entrenched and people lost confidence in the movement. The pain of the loss that the cooperative population had undergone was too much that many people wanted nothing to do with anything called “cooperative”.

“Moreover with liberalisation, cooperatives could not stand to compete because government had spoon-fed and denied them the opportunity to run on real business principles,” says Dr. Wilberforce Kisamba-Mugerwa, the Chairperson of the Microfinance Support Centre (MSC), a microfinance services agency owned by the Government of Uganda.

Resurrection and evolution

Nevertheless, the need for cooperatives still remained a fact among most Ugandans; the conditions of the day couldn’t keep people away from working together.

Indeed in the 1990s, Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA) saw the need to save the cooperative movement and came up with the idea of village banks. After UCA visited Asian countries including Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia where they learnt about the Village Saving and Loan Association model, they came and replicated it here in Uganda.

“The baptism “Village Banks” was adopted because UCA did not want to mention cooperatives since that word had been condemned,” says Ivan Asiimwe, the General Secretary of the Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA).

Eventually, the “Village Banks” threatened the commercial banks and then war was declared against them, with their detractors saying they were not banks. Immediately, UCA and partners changed their name to SACCOs.

Govt support for SACCOS

In addition to UCA’s efforts, in 2005, the Government of Uganda, through the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) came up with the “Plan to Enhance Rural Financial Services”. The Plan’s stated aim was to develop financial infrastructure designed to reach the population in all sub-counties through the strengthening of apex institutions and existing SACCOs, as well as the creation of new SACCOs in more than 20 districts where they did not exist.

According to public circulars published in newspapers at the time, the program would be implemented through Micro Finance Support Centre Limited (MSCL), MOP, SUFFICE and UNDP’s Support to Village Savings and Credit Institutions project.

Lydia Nanono a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union Limited (UCSCU), whose 4 regional and 11 sub-regional offices support SACCO operations across the country, says SACCOs, cater for the special needs of their members like buying land which they pay in instalments without collateral.

Nanono adds that SACCOs are increasing in numbers because of the trust they engender, their flexibility and easy accessibility, unlike banks which are absent in some areas. She admits that UCSCU has been aided by government and development partners in performing its support role to cooperatives.

She singled out the Rural Financial Services Programme (RFSP), a 7-year project which benefited about 730 SACCOs by providing operational incentives like computers, salaries and rent as one of the major projects that boosted SACCOs.

She also reveals that the Project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA), a project partly funded by a USD 30m loan from International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is supporting some 500 SACCOs countrywide with training and technical support on managing credit, financial literacy, savings, mobilization and business development.

Another government initiative to boost SACCO growth has been the extension of affordable credit through the Microfinance Support Centre (MSC) in which cooperatives comprise three-quarters of its client portfolio.

Belinda Atim MSC’s Public Relations and Communications Officer says that SACCOs are readily available within the rural settings and meet the institution’s criteria of group lending.

She adds that MSC lends at between 9% to 17% per annum. She boasts of a total disbursement of Shs 250bn and 200 model SACCOs which have proven to be effective in the management of their finances and hence helped the organisation to reach its mandate as far as coverage across the country is concerned.

SACCOS being coddled?

However, the direct and free support to SACCOs continues to elicit mixed reactions. Kisamba Mugerwa is concerned that although government has good intentions in offering financial and other support to cooperatives, the cooperatives are being run on wrong principles partly because of this assistance.

“Once you start along these lines, people do not associate because of the felt need but because of the expectations from the government,” Kisamba Mugerwa argues.

He admits, though, that despite starting out on shaky ground, some SACCOs had made the most of available opportunities, adopted cooperative principles and are successful.

Defending government’s strategy to finance SACCOs, the State Minister for Cooperatives, Frederick Gume, says government is not giving cooperatives money for keeps but for them to improve on their capacity to lend such that “if they are now crawling, they will soon be able to run”.

“If everyone works within cooperatives, the country’s economic status can improve,” Gume affirms.

However, some industry players think that the reduction on dependency would be achieved if small SACCOs merged. They associate the proliferation of small SACCOs lacking the capacity to borrow or lend wholesale with the motive of receiving free money from politicians and development partners.

“They [small SACCOs] should not be getting loans. If these SACCOs with small numbers merge and numbers increase to encourage members to save, they would not need to borrow,” Nanono says.

Challenges and future of SACCOs

SACCOs, like other types of cooperatives, grapple with their own challenges including fraud, loans, low savings, competition and dependency. According to Atim, leadership remains the main issue stifling cooperative growth.

“It means we are unable to loan to some of them and that becomes a challenge for us because we would love to lend to as many as we can,” Atim says.

But also, some founder members are challenging the democratic principle on which cooperatives are built.

According to Atim, the support and interest cooperatives are receiving from government and development partners is one strong impetus to their growth. She advised though, that this support will only translate into gains if the SACCOs deal with their leadership challenges and embrace technology and innovation.

This article was originally published in Issue 4 of theCooperator magazine.

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Amuru Sugar plantation recruits 400 labourers for urgent sugarcane harvest after fire

At least 400 casual laborers have been urgently recruited and deployed to harvest the sugarcane that survived a wildfire at Amuru Sugar Plantation recently.

Amuru Sugar plantation was gutted by fire on December 27, 2020, leaving 6000 out of 8000 acres of sugarcane destroyed.

Following the tragedy, the proprietors of Atiak Sugar Plantation resolved to recruit 1,000 casual laborers to cut down the remaining 2000 acres of sugarcane so that they are processed into sugar, to avert more losses from similar incidences. The plantation has suffered five fire outbreaks since 2018, leaving the sugar factory with losses worth billions of shillings.

Santa Joyce Laker, the chairperson of Atiak Sugar Plantation Outgrowers Cooperative Society, told theCooperator that so far 400 casual laborers, out of 1000 needed, have been recruited from Amuru, Gulu, and Adjumani districts, and have already started cutting the remaining sugarcane.

“They started working on Saturday and they are coming in shifts. We cannot wait till they are 1000 people to start work,” Laker said.

Laker said the company lost 75 percent of the sugarcane in the plantation to the fire, translating to an Shs 12bn loss.

“An acre of sugarcane yields Shs 2m. So, if you multiply 2m by 6000 you get the picture of the loss,” she said.

Dan Kidega, the Board Chairman of Atiak Sugar plantation, said the company will soon start sensitizing the community on the benefits of the plantation and also recruit vigilantes to control looming fire outbreaks.

In January 2020, the Aswa River Region Police Spokesperson gave seven strategic recommendations to avert rampant fire outbreaks in the sugar plantation. They include recruiting a community liaison officer, profiling all workers, building a watchtower, outlawing charcoal burning around the plantation, installing fire breakers, and urgent resolution of workers’ grievances relating to wages. However, most of these suggestions are yet to be implemented.

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Co-operators appeal for legal framework to promote water for production

Members of Miromi Farmers’ Cooperative Society in Agali Sub County, Lira district, have appealed to the government to come up with a strong legal framework to facilitate farmers’ access to water for agricultural production.

A study report produced by the Uganda Farmers’ Common Voice platform indicates that although Uganda is endowed with water resources, most farmers in the country rely on rain-fed agriculture, mainly due to limited access to irrigation-based water sources.

The study, which was conducted by Prof. Moses Tenywa of Makerere University, blames the limited access to water for production on an inadequate legal framework for the sector.

Nixson Ogwang, the Chairman, Miromi Farmers’ Cooperative Society, seconded this finding, saying that the government needs to come up with a policy on the water for production.

“This would encourage the participation of the private sector in solving some of the challenges hindering small scale farmers to access water for production in the country,” he argued.

Irrigation to boost production

Established in 2016, Miromi Farmers’ Cooperative Society cooperative deals in onion and tomato production in the dry season. Members believe an irrigation system would enable them to produce food all year round and increase sales.

Ogwang appealed for the government’s support in acquiring the requisite technology through the Microfinance Support Centre.

“The current technologies on the markets are very expensive to ordinary farmers like us, but through Private-Public Partnership, the government can subsidize the costs and attract the private sector to avail the technologies to farmers at cheaper prices,” he observed.

Donald Denis Opio, the Chairperson of Can-Onoto-Waa Youth Farmers’ group, which is also under the same Cooperative, says they earn about Shs 20m per acre of tomatoes sold during the dry season.

“Part of the money got from the project is shared among the individual youths who are engaged in tomato farming,” he revealed.

The group has great ambitions. According to Ellen Akello, also a farmer, they are now targeting producing tomato and onion on a large scale for export.

“An irrigation system would help us achieve this aim, create employment for ourselves through farming and boost household income,” she said.

In an interview with thecooperator, Erute South MP, Jonathan Odur, commended the members of the cooperative for engaging in farming during this dry season and pledged to follow up with the government about their appeal.

“As leaders we shall ensure that money is available in the subsequent financial years to support farmers to access water for production. Without fighting for the farmers, Uganda will be food insecure since rain-fed agriculture cannot sustain food production in the country,” he said.

Uganda has enormous fresh water endowments covering about 15% of its total area. However, only 2% of the water is utilized for production with 1% used in irrigation compared to the 70% of water used for irrigation worldwide.

Experts say that low utilization of water for production has contributed to a decline in agricultural productivity, mostly for small holder farmers who dominate the agricultural sector in Uganda and mainly depend on rain-fed agriculture.

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Lango Cooperative Union in battle to recover lost assets

The leadership of Lango Cooperative Union is struggling to repossess its prime assets that were lost to private individuals.

Formed in 1952 to promote cotton growing in the greater Lango sub-region, it collapsed in the 1980s due to fluctuation of cotton prices and defaulting on loans taken from microfinance institutions by the Union’s then Board of directors

The government, a few years ago, offered to compensate the Union for the losses, and records at the Ministry of Finance indicate that at the beginning of this financial year, the government paid out Shs 2 bn under Lango War Claimants, out of a total debt of Shs 17 bn it owes the union.

However, Maxwell Akora, the Lango Cooperative Union Vice Chairperson, who doubles as Maruzi County MP, says that while the Union needs to recover all its assets in order to expand its projects, some people occupying the properties are reluctant to return them to the Union.

“We have secured our land assets located in Angayiki Village in Chawente Sub County, Kwania. The land, measuring about 1,165 hectares, is equivalent to 9 square kilometers. It had been previously claimed by the Microfinance Support Centre for sale to recover a debt of Shs 1.46 billion,” he said, adding:

“We have now found means of settling that debt and so we have secured the land. We are waiting to take possession from the court bailiff who has been evicting people from the land,” he said.

Some of the Union’s properties still in private hands include three separate pieces of land and one big plot under rehabilitation, an Administration block, and stores at plot 16, Station road in Lira City, among others.

Akora says while some of these assets were sold off by commercial banks that had attached them as after the Union failed to pay back loans, some were taken over by unscrupulous people occupying them as encroachers.

According to Akora, the Union is in the process of reassembling its maize and soya bean processing plants and factories, which would require it to own sufficient land, preferably in locations they formerly occupied.

Agnes Abote, a member of Akia Primary Society is happy with the move to repossess the Union’s assets and hopes it can help settle the rampant cases of land conflicts involving different primary societies.

“The Union’s leadership should be transparent and accountable. The Union’s record ended on a twist, but now that it has started recovering its assets, I believe this will benefit the primary societies as well as the farmers at the grassroots,” Abote said in an interview.

Tom Odoc, a farmer and resident of Acaba Sub County in Oyam district, advised the Union leadership to sell or lease out its land to investors as a potential source of revenue.

“The Angayiki land had been redundant for too long,” he argued. “The Union’s leadership should auction the land to an investor in order to get the money that may be divided to the different primary societies, facilitate the Union’s activities, or be loaned out to farmers.”

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