Gulu Farmers Avoid Large Scale Farming

GULU –Deeply frustrated by the high cost of opening and ploughing virgin land, farmers in Acholi sub-region have steered clear of large scale farming.

Beatrice Kipwola, a member of Paicho Central Kal Cooperative Society in Paicho Sub County, Gulu district, told theCooperator that she has restricted herself to cultivating no more than five acres of land.

“Each season I plant only five acres of both soya beans and beans. This year, I had planned to add another five acres, but this means I have to inject Shs 900,000 in just opening and ploughing the virgin land, minus other inputs, planting and weeding expenses. This is a risk I don’t want to take, considering that high yields are not a guarantee,” Kipwola said.

A tractor costs between Shs 80,000 to Shs 90,000 to dig up an acre of unused land. An ox-plough costs Shs 40,000.

Since more than 90 percent of people in Acholi sub region are engaged in either subsistence or commercial agriculture –free hands for hire to open new land are hard to come-by because everyone is busy.

Each person or family does their own land opening.

Kipwola, who gets a net profit of about Shs 300,000 to Shs 400,000 every season, said she is afraid of expanding her gardens because hiring individuals to open land costs Shs 120,000 per acre. She said the high cost diminishes her profit margins.

Kipwola hires an ox-plough to open land.

Joska Lacaa, another member of Paicho Central Kal Cooperative Society, said she cannot cultivate beyond three acres.

Lacaa said she has restricted herself to growing only an acre of ground nuts and an acre of maize to avoid the prohibitive cost of opening new land.

She said uprooting a single tree stump from virgin land costs between Shs 10,000 to Shs 20,000.

“If there are 20 tree stumps on an acre, it means I have to part with a minimum of Shs 200,000 before employing the use of a tractor, twice. So, where will my profit come from?” Lacaa said.

Simon Opiro, the chairperson of Paicho Central Kal Cooperative Society, said land opening is a daunting task for the more active 47 female members of the cooperative. The cooperative has 219 members, but only 81 are active. Unlike men who can do some of the tasks, women have to hire most of the services, he said.

Opiro said that besides the prohibitive cost of hiring tractors for land opening, the whole sub county has only three tractors, which are always occupied. He said it takes about a month or more to get a tractor on-the-ground after booking.

Santa Joyce Laker, the chairperson of Atiak Sugar Plantation Out growers’ Cooperative Society Limited, said land opening is the biggest challenge to the cooperative.

“Operation Wealth Creation gives only seeds; how do you give seeds to someone who is unable to clear a large farm for commercial agriculture?” Laker said.

“We need support from government. It has only supported us to open land for sugarcane, not other crops, yet commercializing agriculture needs a lot of inputs,” Laker said.

A 2016 study of Land, Food, Security and Agriculture in Uganda by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Makerere University Business School found that cooperatives in Uganda now, unlike in the heyday of the cooperative movement, are not getting enough government support in terms of inputs.

The study suggests that agriculture credit be extended to cooperatives in form of tractor hire services and supply of inputs such as pesticides and other equipment, such that recovery is done at the time of sale of produce.

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Gulu Rice Farmers’ Group Goes For Big Loans

GULU –The 48-member Latyeng Farmers’ group in Gulu District has big plans and an even bigger appetite for loans.

First, the group wants to morph into a cooperative largely to attract big loans to expand its business portfolio.

The 48 group members grow rice, produce foundation seeds, pack and label rice. Last season, the group planted 115 acres of rice and harvested 160 tonnes.

Vicky Ocan, the group secretary, told theCooperator that Latyeng farmers’ group has organized 152 farmers into seven different groups.

“We have seven farmers’ groups each with about 30 to 40 farmers, who get rice seeds from us on credit and repay with an extra bag of rice after four months, as we link them to buyers,” she said.

Ocan said the small groups have not yet registered with Latyeng Farmers’ group.

“Although these farmers are not registered with our group, we give them regular training in rice-growing business. And as we plan to shift to a cooperative setting, we shall consider them first during registration of members,” Ocan said.

Ben Ocan, the Chairperson of Latyeng Farmers’ group, said they are still keenly studying the farmers to pick out the serious ones before they talk them into forming a cooperative.

Ocan believes a cooperative will help them get enough loans to buy machinery and other equipment to produce more rice and grow bigger.

“Right now we can only borrow Shs 50 million from the Microfinance Support Center. But we want to be able to borrow as much as Shs 300m so that we buy a big tractor for opening many acres of land and a lorry to transport our produce,” Ocan said.


The group, however, faces a string of rice milling and bagging challenges.

The group was given a Shs 98 million rice huller by the National Agricultural Advisory Services, NAADS, in 2017 but it has not been installed due to lack of power in the area.

The machine can hull 300 bags of rice daily. Ocan said their prayers for electricity in the area have not been answered.

He said farmers travel 10 kilometers to hull their rice expensively.

Ocan said they need about Shs 40 million to install a three-phase transformer to run the machine, or a generator of about Shs 100m, which the group cannot afford.

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Pay Dispute Rocks Atiak Out Growers Cooperative

AMURU –Rebel war abductees allied to Dwog Cen Paco Cooperative Society in the Northern district of Amuru are demanding about Shs 8.68 billion in wages for work done for Atiak sugarcane plantation in the last four years.

The 119 complainants, all former abductees of the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army, LRA, said they formed the cooperative in 2015 with 206 members. In 2016, they were contracted by Atiak Sugarcane Out growers Cooperative Society and National Agricultural Advisory Services, NAADS, to plant sugarcane and supply Atiak Sugar Factory in Amuru District.

Santo Omony said NAADs officials and Joyce Laker, the chairperson of Atiak Out Growers’ Cooperative, promised to pay each member of Dwog Cen Paco Cooperative Society Shs 5 million every year for an acre of sugarcane grown.

Omony said his colleagues; 77 women and 42 men, were given 534 acres to plant. The women were given four acres each and men three acres each. He said each woman is demanding Shs 80m and each man Shs 60m for work done in the last four years.

Their work, he said, involved weeding, planting sugarcane, weeding and cutting cane for crushing at the sugar factory.

After four years of working on the sugarcane plantation, the laborers say they have not got a single penny.

Omony said they decided to lay down their tools on January 4, 2021.

“We were supposed to start weeding and also cut some sugarcane from the plantation in January but we decided that we could not continue working without pay,” Omony said.

“I know this money has already accumulated and it can’t be paid at once. But our request is that they should be considerate and give us part payment,” he added.

Concy Aloyo, another member of the group, said they feel discriminated against, given that workers from other districts such as Gulu, Lamwo and Adjumani have been paid.

“We took up this initiative to be self-reliant after losing our land and even family members during the LRA war, and it pains me that our endeavor is not paying us,” Aloyo said.

Aloyo said the chairperson of Atiak Sugar Out growers’ Cooperative, Joyce Laker, promised in January when they refused to work that she would get back to them after a week, but she didn’t. Aloyo said if the five-year contract expires, it will become difficult for them to get paid.

Simon Ojara, another aggrieved member, said the NAADS coordinator for Northern Uganda, said in July last year “that our money was already given to the chairperson of Atiak Sugar Out growers’ but we wonder why they have not paid to date.”

Attempts to get a comment from Joyce Laker were futile. She neither picked nor returned our repeated calls.

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Emyooga: Family Probed For Forgery

HOIMA – Accusations of forgery have roared to the forefront in the creation of three Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (SACCOs) under the Presidential Initiative On Wealth And Job Creation, Emyooga.

Imposters, passing themselves-off as journalists and artists nearly received official certificates for three SACCOs that would have allowed them access Emyooga money.

But suspicious district officials held on to the certificates, pointing to forgery.

Samuel Kisembo Araali, the City Resident Commissioner of Hoima, confiscated three certificates during the official handover to Emyooga beneficiaries on Monday afternoon, April 26 at Hoima Booma Grounds in Hoima City.

The SACCOs whose certificates were withheld include; Hoima West Constituency Journalists Emyooga SACCO, Kigorobya Constituency Journalists Emyooga SACCO and Hoima West Performing Artists Emyooga SACCO.

The seizure of the certificates followed pointed queries about the credentials of the people who turned up to pick the documents on behalf of the three SACCO groups.

Kisembo explained that the SACCOs were formed by none journalists and artists. He said the district will investigate how family members constituted the membership of one SACCO meant for journalists. He said that the culprits will be prosecuted.

He said the Emyooga money was initiated to create jobs and wealth for people. He said anyone who misappropriates the money will be arrested.

“They are three (SACCOs), which we are going to investigate thoroughly because they seem to be belonging to one particular group. One family mobilized themselves and they are all members of the journalists’ SACCO. One is the chairperson, another is the secretary and another is the treasurer. They are not even journalists,” Kisembo said, adding that he withheld the certificates to help in the investigation.

“I am glad that we have been able to detect this before giving them the money. Just imagine if they had already taken the Emyooga money, it would be unfortunate,” he said.

62 out of 72 SACCOs in Hoima district and Hoima City received their certificates. The SACCOs were formed from1,460 Emyooga associations based in the four constituencies of Hoima West Division, Hoima East Division, Kigorobya and Bugahya Counties.

Each constituency has 18 SACCOs and each constituency is supposed to get Shs 560 million out of Shs 2.24 billion allocated to the entire district.

Yosam Tumwebaze, the Resident District Commissioner for Hoima, urged beneficiaries to put the money to proper use.

“This money is for helping you to develop yourselves and move out of poverty, so when you get it, don’t use the money for alcohol, weddings, buying clothes, or marrying second wives,” Tumwebaze said.

Colonel Joram Kagyezi, the coordinator of Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) in Bunyoro region, promised to monitor the beneficiaries to ensure that money is put to proper use.

“The Emyooga money is a seed; you need to use it wisely so that it moves you to another level. I promise that I will move and reach each group that will share this money. So if there is anybody who has been thinking of misusing the money like the way the youth did with the Youth Livelihood Fund, he or she should not take this money because things will not be good for them,” he warned.

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Peg Emyooga Seed Money To Property

MBARARA –Geoffrey Mutebi, the District Commercial Officer of Mbarara, has suggested that loan applications for Emyooga seed money should be pegged to personal property to guarantee successful recovery of the money.

Mutebi made the proposal recently during a talk show on Radio West which was sponsored by The Uhuru Institute for Social Development.

He said the Presidential Initiative On Job And Wealth Creation, Emyooga, is designed to prop up a saving culture among Ugandans and is different from programs like the Youth Livelihood Fund, National Agriculture Advisory Services (NAADS) and Operation Wealth Creation (OWC), which never really changed people’s livelihoods.

“Research shows that 68% of Ugandans still work for the stomach but the Emyooga seed money is meant to focus on the economy where 18 SACCOS in each constituency will be given capital for development,” Mutebi said.

He said all 353 constituencies in Uganda will get a share of government’s Shs 260 billion start-up capital.

“As Mbarara district we have two constituencies; Kashari South and Kashari North, which got Shs 1.2billion that will be divided among the 36 SACCOs,” he said.

Mbarara City received Shs 1 billion in December 2020, which was divided equally between Mbarara North and Mbarara City South divisions while Rwampara district received Shs 1.4 billion for all the 36 emyooga SACCOs in its two constituencies.

“Each constituency formed 18 SACCOs and each SACCO has a start-up capital of Shs 30million,” Mutebi said.

Enock Kerere, the co-panelist and Chairperson of Kashari South Restaurant Owners Emyooga SACCO, said recovery of the Emyooga seed money may be difficult because members have not put up any collateral to guarantee the loans.

“It’s not a revolving fund, its start-up capital but paid at least after three months so how will one pay back when there is no property attached?” Kerere added.

Alex Kibirige, the Chairperson of Kamukuzi Preforming Artists Association, told theCooperator that Emyooga SACCO leaders may be arrested to force them to settle members’ debts.

“Chances of us getting imprisoned will be high because there is no clause for collateral. We are even likely to see the leadership refusing to issue loans because they do not trust members in their Emyooga groups, meaning the money will not be fully utilized,” Kibirige explained.

“How will I give you money when I don’t know your character much as we are dealing in similar skills? What if you default, who will be handcuffed, automatically it will be the chairperson,” he added

“Members still think the money is for sharing and celebrating the election victory (of NRM) since the program came during election time, so you can’t tell them to pay back,” he said.

Kibirige said the money disbursed is too little compared to the number of SACCOs.

“For instance our group requested for Shs 6 million but we were only given Shs 1 million yet we are 22 members. So how do you share one million amongst all those members?” Kibirige said.

Each cluster of skilled SACCOs in constituencies will be given Shs 30 million to cater for multiple groups.

“Remember we removed almost shs 500,000 for operational costs such as transport, printing the constitution, renting an office. I am even stuck with Shs 500,000 on our account because I don’t know how I can distribute it to all members” he said.

He advised the government to re-invest this money in already existing SACCOs to boost their portfolio instead of starting up new ones.

“Our mother SACCOs are already performing and they are established. They are not struggling like our Emyooga SACCOs, why don’t you empower them on condition that they reduce their interest rate such that more members can join? Because all these Emyooga SACCOs were not given a standard interest rate, some are already charging high interests compared to already existing SACCOs,” he said.

“Some are charging 5%, ours is charging 3% but EBO SACCO is charging 2%, so how will these Emyooga SACCOs compete? Actually those that will survive for a year will be few or none,” he said.

Mutebi said emyooga is here to stay.

“I want to explain to Ugandans that this program is meant to change our living conditions because Ugandans are known for working for a daily meal forgetting the next day, so we want to turn this program into a success,” Mutebi said.

“An average Ugandan will learn how to save, how to work and borrow money to improve his or her household income,” Mutebi explained.

Kerere said the disbursed Shs 260 billion has already created an economic impact in communities.

“This is a lot of money in saturation that will not leave the country the way it is. For instance landlords who had their rooms unoccupied in Bwizibwere have already started celebrating as there are over 18 Emyooga offices are already in existence,” he said.

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Members Get SACCO Managerial Training

GULU – At least 80 members of Savings and Credit co-operatives from 17 rural groups, with little or no managerial skills of their own, have received training in managing SACCOs formed under the Presidential Initiative On Job And Wealth Creation, Emyooga.

The training conducted by the Microfinance Support Center, MSC, in Gulu district council hall on April 22, 2021, attracted five members from each of the groups.

Kevin Atimango, the MSC Client Relation Officer, took the trainees through the action plans they need to take before members can access their money.

The trainees are expected to train other group members, mobilize savings, hold an annual general meeting, open an office and activate their SACCO accounts.

“The money for office rent should come from the members’ savings, not the Emyooga cash. That is why it is important for you to encourage members to pay their membership and subscription fees,” Atimango said.

Gulu district received Shs 560 million two months ago but money is still lying on the constituency bank account.

Gulu Resident City Commissioner, Stephen Odong Latek, encouraged the trainees to work like they are competing for a top prize to grow their SACCOs and become role models.

“After eight years we should have a billion shillings out of this money in your account and even qualify to become a bank,” Latek said.

Latek explained that if groups worked hard, they will be saved from the claws of bureaucracies and expenses involved in borrowing money from other financial institutions.

“We are doing this to save you from the very tedious and expensive processes of borrowing money from banks, whereby when you apply for a million shillings, you end up getting only Shs 700,000 because some of it is deducted for other costs,” Latek said.

Latek also warned people spreading rumors that the Emyooga cash is free money that should be shared by members. He said he will arrest anyone who squanders the money.

“This money was not a bribe for you to vote the NRM as some of you are speculating, it is for you to multiply it and improve your livelihood.”

“I’m telling you now that whoever spearheads the misuse of this money will be jailed. Every decision or action regarding this money has to be made by the group, and with due regard to the laws of the SACCO, not by an individual. Falsification of documents and signatures will not be entertained,” he said.

The RDC said for SACCOs to grow, members should borrow the money with the aim of multiplying it, not to host visitors, friends, or to buy household items.

Samuel Baker Okello, the chairperson of the Aswa Tailors’ SACCO, said the training had given him a clear picture of how to steer the group.

“I now know the requirements we need to fulfill before we can access the money. This has been unclear for long,” Okello told theCooperator after the training, adding that, “it will also help me convince other members to pay up their membership and subscription fees, which has not been easy.”

Okello revealed that only seven members of his group have paid up.

Patrick Kitara, the focal person for Emyooga in Gulu district, said during a talk show organized by The Uhuru Institute for Social Development on Mega FM, a day before the training, that SACCO members should pay up the required fees, and abandon the belief that the money is free for all.

“Those who did not pay up are the ones causing confusion. Some groups have 30 members but you find that only 5 or 10 members have paid the fees. Now they have heard that the money is available and want to come and be active. But as long as they have not paid the money, they can’t benefit from it,” Kitara said

Emyooga was launched in August 2019, by President Museveni to enable beneficiaries shift from subsistence to market-oriented production.

The government has earmarked Shs 260 billion for the program, with each constituency getting Shs 560 million.

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Gulu City Traders Issue Ultimatum To Umeme

GULU – Gulu Market vendors have issued a two weeks ultimatum to electricity distribution company, Umeme: Stop the power outages or brace for street protests.

Complaints have been piling but the latest power outage that lasted three weeks triggered an outpouring of anger from mainly members of Gulu Main Market Vendors SACCO.

On April 20, at least 400 residents of Gulu City petitioned Umeme to stop the power outages.

The petition was handed over to Gulu Resident City Commissioner, Nsubuga Bwehayo and Doreen Ogenga, the area Umeme manager. Aswa River Region Police Commander, the District Police Commander and the 4th division army barracks commander got copies.

The petitioners are demanding constant and adequate power supply lest they pour onto streets in protests in two weeks.

Patrick Omaya, the Chairman Gulu Main Market Vendors SACCO, said constant power outages, have cost them clients. He said some business can’t do without power, such as salons, milk coolers, and tailors.

“And there are some sections of the market such as the basement that need constant power. We have tried with Gulu city, vendors clear all their bills and Umeme cuts power claiming council has not cleared the bills,” he said.

Joyce Luyom, the vice chairperson of Gulu Main Market SACCO, said power outages are a big nightmare.

“If you go to the basement during day or night you can’t carry out any meaningful transaction. And if a criminal decides to enter that place, they can kill without their victim recognizing them,” Luyom said.

Since 2016, a year after the main market was commissioned, vendors have been complaining about poor lighting during day time. In the same year, vendors called for the installation of solar panels to address the issue of power outages.

The poor lighting in the basement forced vendors with stalls there to move out and display their goods in the market compound.

This has also drawn complaints from other vendors who claim they are being undercut by colleagues selling merchandise in the compound.

Margaret Auma, who sells second hand clothes in the basement, said when there is no power, she gets no more than two clients a day.

“Constant power blackout in the market forces me to carry my goods to the compound twice daily, which is very tiring,” Auma said, adding “that is the only way I can at least get some money.

Susan Adong, a tailor, said when there is no power, she is completely out of business.

“The machine I use to design patterns on my clients’ clothes cannot work without power,” Adong said.

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Anger In Hoima As Leaders Cling On To Emyooga Cash

HOIMA –As district authorities in Hoima continue to hold on to certificates of 62 savings and credit co-operatives (Sacco) denying them access to Emyooga cash for weeks, angry complaints are piling and some savers are demanding refunds.

The complainants are largely members of different Emyooga associations, who formed SACCOs hoping to benefit from the Presidential Initiative On job And Wealth Creation.

Florence Asaba, the Chairperson of Hoima West Women Entrepreneur SACCO, said some members have lost hope of getting the Emyooga cash and are demanding refunds.

Much as the money is already on the SACCO accounts, she said savers cannot access it because they don’t have certificates. She demanded to know why government is delaying to release certificates to members.

“As the chairperson of the SACCO I am finding challenges, people have been saving, others paid for share and subscription fees but what they expected is not materializing, so some members have started demanding for refunds so that they withdraw from the SACCO,” she said.

Interviewed for comment, Andrew Zimbe, the Midwestern Regional Manager for the Microfinance Support Center (MSC), said the SACCO certificates were released to the district leadership headed by Hoima Resident City Commissioner (RCC) Samuel Kisembo.

He said the center released 62 out of 72 certificates to the district leaders.

According to him, Hoima district has 72 SACCOs, which were formed from 1,460 Emyooga associations.

The SACCOs are in four constituencies; Hoima West division, Hoima East division, Kigorobya and Bugahya County. Each constituency has 18 SACCOs.

Each constituency is supposed to get Shs 560 million out of Shs 2.24 billion disbursed to the entire Western district of Hoima to benefit 1,460 Emyooga SACCOs.

“We handed over 62 certificates to the RCC two weeks ago, we are just left with 10 certificates, which we are planning to deliver soon,” Zimbe said by telephone on Friday, April 16.

Interviewed on April 19, Kisembo, the RCC, admitted the district received the certificates.

He said they are holding on to the certificates because there are no guidelines on how the money should be managed.

He said they want to train SACCO leaders, beneficiaries and commercial banks managers in SACCO management.

“We received the certificates from MSC but we want to first prepare ourselves before members start accessing this money and we are doing this to avoid what is happening in other districts like Kikuube where SACCO leaders are embezzling the money.” Kisembo said.

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Emyooga Program Is Not Political –Lira RDC

LIRA –Appearing on 88.0 Voice of Lango FM, Lira Deputy Resident Commissioner rigorously fended off pointed allegations that the Presidential Initiative On Job and Wealth Creation, Emyooga program, was introduced to benefit President Museveni’s re-election.

Speaking on Coop Talks on April 20, a radio-talk show sponsored by The Uhuru Institute for Social Development, James Chemutai, said they have heard malicious rumors, which are false that Emyooga program was a political campaign tool.

The malicious rumor, he said, has been propelled by some local leaders, who did not understand the concept of the new government program.

Chemutai said the Emyooga program was established to empower Ugandans with seed capital to fight unemployment. He urged people to steer away from political propaganda.

“Emyooga program targets Ugandans, especially in the informal sector that come together and form savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) under 18 Clusters,” he said.

Chemutai said the clusters include; boda-boda riders, taxi drivers, restaurants, welders, market vendors, women entrepreneurs, youth leaders, people with disabilities, journalists, performing artists, carpenters, salon operators, tailors, mechanics, produce dealers, veterans, fishermen and elected leaders.

From the time of its launch in August, 2019 by President Yoweri Museveni, Chemutai noted that about 51 SACCOs including, 33 from Erute North and Erute South constituencies, and 18 in Lira City have already received Shs 30 million each.

Several emyooga beneficiaries who called into the talk show, expressed dissatisfaction with the way the program is handled by the responsible government officials. They said some beneficiaries have either failed to get the funds or get less than expected.

Emmanuel Ogwal, a youth chairperson of Dokolo North Carpenters’ Association, which comprises 30 members, said they were given Shs 30 million but were told to first raise Shs 500 million from other sources before withdrawing the cash.

Lillian Owino, an entrepreneur from Alebtong district, said there are too many fees beneficiaries pay before they finally get the money. She said, however that before she got her money, she was asked whether she supported NRM. When she said yes, her papers were processed.

Denis Okonye from Abim district decried the long process and troubles beneficiaries have to endure including walking for several days to the offices to access the money.

Okonye wondered why government does not use the established structures in different sectors including member-associations like Uganda Manufacturers Association.

In response, Lira district Commercial Officer, Josephine Alobo said they have been gathering people’s views on the rescue funds and are compiling a paper to submit to the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development for redress.

Alobo said the red-tape is meant to ensure the money is not mismanaged. She however, reminded emyooga beneficiaries to save a lot.

“It’s only a foolish farmer who begins to cook the seed and eat it up, the president has made an initiative to give you the seed and it’s upon you to grow or plant this seed so that you can be able to get many seeds, so that at the end of the day you are socially and economically empowered,” she noted.

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Beneficiaries: Emyooga Cash For SACCOs Too Little

“You find a Sacco with over 500 members in different associations in a constituency getting Shs 30 million, do you expect it to help them out of poverty. I saw some members in my area getting Shs 50,000. How do you move from one step to another with that meager support?” one caller asked.

MASINDI –During an appearance on Kings Radio recently, Moses Kalyegira, the District Commercial Officer of Masindi, said disbursement of emyooga funds in the Western district is almost complete.

Speaking on a talk show program sponsored by The Uhuru Institute for Social Development on April 20, Kalyegira said there are only four savings and credit cooperatives, SACCOs, which haven’t got their money because they have a few issues to resolve.

“We are helping these SACCOs get their money. They have a few challenges but we are helping to resolve them. The money is there on their SACCO accounts. After resolving their issues they will access the money. The other SACCOs have all got their money and they have started using it,” he said.

He also dismissed as false claims that emyooga funds were introduced as bait for votes for President Museveni during the January 14 2021 presidential election. He said the program was introduced before campaigns started.

“This program was introduced to supplement on what people were doing already and also to support other program like the National Agriculture Advisory Services (NAADS), Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) and the Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Program (UWEP) among others,” Kalyegira added.

He also used the radio appearance to clarify that the program never came to kill the traditional SACCOs as many people claim. He said the program is tailored to organize and support people who are organized in one cluster.

According to Kalyegira, Masindi District received Shs 1.6 billion, channeled through 54 SACCOs. The 54 SACCOs were formed in three constituencies; Masindi Municipality, Bujenje County and Buruli.

The official disbursement of the funds was launched in March 2021 by Rose Kirabira, the Masindi Resident District Commissioner.

Kalyegira however, said SACCO members need to have saved at least 30 percent of the money they are applying for to access emyooga cash from the bank. He said requirement is a big challenge for most SACCOs.

Pamela Nyakato, the chairperson of Bujenje Constituency Leaders Emyooga SACCO, said the program has created jobs, knowledge and skills sharing since people doing similar things meet and share experiences.

Challenges faced

Nyakato also noted that the program is saddled with many challenges and a lot of sensitization is needed.

“Many people thought this program was a thank you (to them) from the president for mobilizing voter support for him. It’s very hard to remove this thinking from the members but we’re trying hard to do the needful and some members have started understanding it,” she noted.

Nyakato also said most members have a poor saving culture. She said many people save in anticipation of getting emyooga money and once they lay their hands on it, they disappear.

“Many SACCOs are also facing a challenge of unskilled leaders. Many people are illiterate and are running these SACCOs. Proper record keeping is a problem. Even accessing the money from the bank is a problem since many are forced to sign several times. You find their signatures varying,” she said.

“For instance, for a member to get money from the Sacco he or she should have saved at least 30% of the money he or she is applying for but few meet this requirement and yet this is the applicants’ security,” she said.

People’s reaction

Most callers however, expressed dissatisfaction with the program. They said the money is too little to move members to another level.

“You find a SACCO with over 500 members in different associations in a constituency getting Shs 30 million, do you expect it to help them out of poverty. I saw some members in my area getting Shs 50,000. How do you move from one step to another with that meager support?” one caller asked.

Another caller was unhappy with the delayed disbursement of the funds. He said they spent a lot on transport following up on their applications.

“We have been putting in a lot of money following up the matter with the bank and other officials but what we are getting as members is very little compared to what we put in. SACCOs with many associations would have been given more money instead of only Shs. 30 million per Sacco,” he said.

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The post Beneficiaries: Emyooga Cash For SACCOs Too Little appeared first on The Cooperator News.