Minister of land launches multi billion road work construction in Gulu City

GULU– The Minister of Land, Housing and Urban Development, Judith Nabakooba, has launched road construction in Gulu City.

The multibillion road construction works worth Shs 42.8 billion under the Uganda Support for Municipal Infrastructure Development (USMID) phase two was launched last week at Gulu Archdiocese.

The 7.78 kilometres of road under construction include Vincent Oola Lubaro Road of 2.540Km, Pope John Paul Road of 1.540Km and Nelson Mandela Road of 1.680 Kilometres.

Others are; Onono Road of 1.014Km, Lakana Odongkara of 0.583Km and Francis Barabanawe Road measuring 0.431 kilometres.

The construction work is being undertaken by China Railway Group 18, a Chinese construction firm that was awarded the contract by Gulu City Council Authority in April last year.

The Minister of Land Housing and Urban Development, Judith Nabakooba has called for close supervision of the construction works.

The Mayor Bar-Dege Layibi Division, Patrick Oola Lumumba explained that the poor state of roads within the division has affected transport, trade and businesses.

He revealed that the division has prioritised rehabilitation of about 100 roads within the next five years through local revenues to facilitate trade and improve on the security of the area.

Fred Obwona, the Chairperson of Bardage-Layibi division Boda- Boda SACCO has commended the extension of the USMID project into the division which he says will boost their income.

Obwona revealed that three boda-boda riders were killed by unknown people in the last 12 months after they were waylaid in some of the bad roads in the area.

He further explained that many of the boda-boda riders in the area will benefit from the new road network since they were struggling to raise money to pay back loans of the motor cycles they have acquired from the Microfinance Institutions.

“We are hopeful to take economic advantage of the roads once they are completed to improve our household incomes,” Obwona further explained.

However, the Commercial Manager of the construction firm, Zhang Milo disclosed in an interview later with theCooperator that work will begin in the next one week and be complete in 12 months.

“We have assembled some of the equipment here while others are yet to arrive in the country,” Zhang told theCooperator.

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Re-allocate Emyooga funds to local government accounts systems

GULU – The Resident City Commissioner (RCC) of Gulu, Denis Odongpiny has urged the government to re-allocate Emyooga funds from the Microfinance Support Centre to the Ministry of Finance and release it through the local government accounts system.

The Office of the RCC is charged with the responsibility of monitoring, supervising and evaluating the Emyooga programme.

“While the President has assigned us with the supervision of the project, let’s not forget that we don’t have the mechanisms for accountability and that is where we have concerns,” Odongpiny added.

This same view is held by Gulu City Town Clerk, Moses Otimong, who said that council has no legal mandate to monitor, supervise and account for funds that are not reflected in the national budget.

“I can’t be held responsible to account for funds I am green about; and above all the money doesn’t come in a manner that we can monitor,” Otimong explained.

Otimong further urged the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to restructure Emyooga into the local government system to avoid abuse and corruption in the project.

The ambiguity of the legal frameworks surrounding the Presidential Initiative on Wealth Creation, Emyooga program, has continued to leave questions on accountability mechanisms in the project.

The government has entrusted the Microfinance Support Centre with the implementation of the project which is directly charged with financing the enterprises selected under the project.

The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development released Shs 260 billion to support the project through the Microfinance Support Centre.

Gulu City Council (GCC) among other implementing local government systems was allocated Shs 1.1 billion which was received on July 06, 2021 to support the 438 different groups within the City.

However, technocrats and top government officials have sighted mistrust, bureaucracy and the unclear legal frameworks as hindrances to the progress of the implementation of the project.

Whereas the Resident District Commissioners (RDC) and the Resident City Commissioners (RCC) are mandated to oversee the implementation of the project, accountability mechanisms have not been established.

Gulu City Council Commercial Officer, Catherine Lanyero who presented the report to the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC) raised concerns on lack of legal policy frameworks.

Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, the Bardege-Layibi Division Member of Parliament and two other area Members of Parliament in the city met with city authorities over the uncertainties surrounding the project on Wednesday 11th August, 2021.

Lanyero revealed that only 36 of the 438 groups who applied for the different projects and enterprises received funding, adding that the majority failed to meet the conditions to access the loan.

She further explained that, lack of legal frameworks in the governance and the management of the fund has continued to leave unresolved questions on monitoring and accountability of the project.

According to her, each of the 36 groups which received funding initially deposited Shs 10 million to the different banks which is the one-third savings condition established before the fund can be disbursed to the beneficiaries, adding that the condition is within the Cooperative Act.

The disbursement performance report indicates that only Shs 32.4 million have so far been released to the beneficiaries and the performance only stands at nearly 3.7% while billions of shillings remained inaccessible in the banks.

Members of Parliament have also raised concern on who is mandated to benefit from the interests which will accumulate in the banks for the period the beneficiaries are struggling to meet the conditions to access the funds.

While the city authorities have no idea on this concern, the Emyooga Coordinator Acholi sub-region, Caroline Alarokoma alleged that the banks have fixed the money to realize profits, one of the many factors that delayed the groups to access funding though she could not point out the specific banks.

The Area Member of Parliament for Laroo-Pece Division Fr. Charles Onen revealed that the different groups in the city have spent Shs 260 million alone to complete the registration yet they are again required to deposit one third of their savings into the banks before accessing the money which is equivalent to Shs 10 million.

“The condition is unfair and yet the project intends to improve the livelihoods of the vulnerable Ugandans but look at the poverty level in Acholi sub-region and tell me whether the groups will be able to raise that money to become the beneficiaries,” said Fr. Onen Charles.

Gulu City Woman Member of Parliament Betty Aol Ocan, said the approach government initiated for the disbursement was wrong; it calls for immediate review before the resources could get wasted.

“Emyooga shouldn’t be about receiving but how it will impact the lives of people from the region differently from other projects which were marred by corruption,” Aol further explained.

Some of the group members who talked to theCooperator shared that they have been frustrated by the processes set to access the funds and decided to abandon the project.

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Bunyoro receives Shs 4 billion as affirmative action to fight poverty

HOIMA – The government through the Ministry of Bunyoro Affairs which operates under the office of the Prime Minister (OPM) has released Shs 4 billion to Bunyoro region as a special grant to fight the worrying poverty among the kingdom subjects.

The Shs 4 billion was released under a program dubbed Micro Project Association which was recently initiated by President Museveni to help the people of Bunyoro create jobs and wealth so that they can move out of poverty.

The funds were unveiled by the State Minister for Bunyoro Affairs, Jenifer Kacha Namuyangu on Wednesday during the launch of the program at the RDC’s office in Hoima City.

During the launch, Namuyangu disbursed Shs 64.5 million to 16 groups from Hoima City and Hoima district who are the first beneficiaries of the program.

According to Namuyangu, the Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) are mandated to monitor and supervise the implementation of the program adding that the funds will only benefit organized people in groups.

Though the beneficiaries have the right to select enterprises of their interest, Namuyangu directed leaders and technical officials to sensitize, help and guide the beneficiaries in selecting the best enterprises which are marketable and train them with financial literacy.

“This money is from President Museveni given to Bunyoro sub-region as a special intervention for them to get out of poverty in addition to other projects,” she explained.

She added that the government is ready to add more money on the Shs 4 billion to ensure that all the people interested in benefiting from the project are not left out.

“We shall even give them more money, because we have the money, this is the money for last quarter but I have already written to all accounting officers in the ten local governments of Bunyoro to select other groups and this time round we want everybody involved, the Members of Parliament, District Chairpersons and their Executives, Councillors, Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) and the District Internal Security Officers (DISOs) must all be involved so that the groups that are sent to me are groups that are real groups that are serious and on the ground,” she explained.

Namuyangu warned the beneficiaries against mismanagement of the funds and appealed to them to have goals, values and be focused to use the funds for the intended purpose.

Speaking on the behalf of the beneficiaries, the retired Bishop of Bunyoro Kitara diocese Rt. Rev Nathan Kyamanywa commended the president for the initiative but said that the money is too little to create impact to the beneficiaries and asked the Minister to lobby for more funding.

“There is a group which has received Shs 2 million here, so I was wondering how the members will share this money, I want to give my example. When you visited my farm, I told you that I need to have 5000 goats in 2 years, you know my budget and I have just received 10% of my budget, how will I be able to produce 5000 goats with that money, we are not rejecting it but we request that you add us more money.”

However, the Woman Member of Parliament for Hoima district, Harriet Businge welcome the program saying it will help many people to move out of poverty but questioned the criteria used in selecting the beneficiaries. She complained that groups were picked from one particular area leaving out many other areas on the program.

“It is unfortunate, that the criteria used to select the groups was unfair because when you look at Hoima district which I represent, only few groups benefited from this cycle, the entire Bugahya county with over seven sub-counties has no beneficiary at all, there is no group that has come from the entire Bugahya,” she complained.

Hoima Resident City Commissioner (RCC), Samuel Kisembo promised that a mechanism will be put in place to ensure that all the interest groups benefit.

He added that they are planning to have a committee which will select and scrutinize the beneficiaries in the second phase of the project.

Kisembo also urged the beneficiaries to excellently perform so that they can be given more funds since it’s allowed for those groups that perform well.

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Kiryandongo residents want Emyooga conditions “relaxed”

KIRYANDONGO – Residents of Kiryandongo district have asked the government to consider relaxing some of the conditions laid out before a person accesses funds under the Emyooga programme.

While meeting their constituency Members of Parliament (MPs) over the weekend, residents said the conditions set are limiting their ability to borrow and improve on their household income and well being.

Kiryandongo is made up of three constituencies which include; Kibanda South and North and the two constituencies are represented by Hon. Jacob Karubanga and Hon. Linos Ngompek respectively, while Hon. Hellen Kahunde is the Woman Member of Parliament.

During a meeting held at Kigumba sub-county headquarters, SACCO leaders prepared a report on issues affecting them and presented it to their MPs while alleging that the programme may not ably help them if it has stringent conditions attached.

“The government started this programme to help us fight poverty but it is becoming hard. We were told we need to have saved at least 30% of the money we need to borrow, but that is a tough and stringent condition. Besides that, the money given to SACCOs is also not enough,” the report read.

Isaac Museveni Ulama, the Chairperson LC3 for Kigumba sub-county said there is a lot of bureaucracy when one wants to access the money thus limiting beneficiaries in addition to the 12% interest rate attached.

“There are too many forms to fill and unfortunately, a person is made to move for so many days before the entire process is completed. The process is too long and discouraging,” Ulama said.

Kenneth Kyaligonza, the Chairperson of Kibanda South Carpenters’ SACCO, said the guidelines were not well articulated to the masses before the programme was rolled out.

“This money came at a critical time of election campaigns and most people thought it was ‘free.’ Many people are still finding it hard to understand the conditions because they had different expectations,” Kyaligonza said.

However, Karubanga said, “this is a revolving fund and you must respect it. All of you cannot get money at once. Borrowers should respect the conditions set and pay back in time such that others can also benefit. If you handle the programme well, you will all benefit in the end,” Karubanga said.

However, Ngompek said the conditions set to access the money are meant to ensure that borrowers show commitment.

“When the Youth Livelihood Project was started, many people misused it by either marrying more women or wasting it in bars and it was hard to trace such money. However, the 30% savings you are being asked for are a sign of commitment that you will pay back,” Ngompek said.

When contacted, Kiryandongo District Commercial Officer, Sam Kakumba said the district received over Shs 1bn which was distributed among 35 SACCOs.

“Kibanda North has 18 SACCOs while Kibanda South has 17 and each has an average of seven associations. Each SACCO received Shs 30m except the ones for local leaders which got Shs 50m each. Each constituency has one local leaders’ SACCO. Apparently, 40 associations from different Emyooga SACCOs have received funds,” Kakumba said.

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APG withdraws ultimatum after reaching agreement

AMURU – Acholi Parliamentary Group (APG) has withdrawn the 7-day ultimatum given to the government to find a long-lasting solution to the disputes and violence that has left more than 20 people dead, scores injured and properties worth millions destroyed.

Last week, Acholi Parliamentary Group (APG), an umbrella body that brings together all the members of parliament from Acholi sub-region gave the government up-to Friday this week, to ensure the safety and security of Apaa residents ; investigations on the alleged invaders attacking, killing and destroying people’s properties and have them arrested.

The leaders also demanded that the government gives a clear stand on a long-lasting solution to the area claimed by Amuru, Adjumani and Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) or else they will mobilize the people in Apaa to defend themselves.

In an interview with our reporter on Friday morning, Hon. Anthony Akol, the Chairperson Acholi Parliamentary Group (APG) who also doubles as the Kilak North MP says they have withdrawn the 7-day ultimatum following 5 key resolutions during a meeting with President Museveni. He says they have given the government up to six months as they observe their interventions as far as the land dispute is concerned.

“I have demobilized the people in Apaa following our meeting with President Museveni and I think the directives he made, are reasonable. This time we want a long-lasting solution to this problem. We have lost too many people to this dispute,” said Akol.

In a meeting with President Museveni at State House Nakasero, a delegation of Acholi leaders led by Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny Dollo and attended by other leaders including; Honorable Hillary Onek, Richard Todwong, Beatrice Atim Anywar, Akol Anthony, Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, Judith Achan, and Michael Lakony the LCV Chairperson Amuru district and Gen. Charles Otema Awany agreed with the President’s directive of protection of civilians and boosting of UPDF presence in the area.

In the meeting, Museveni directed Environment Minister, Beatrice Anywar to get a satellite report covering the Eastern part of Zoka forest, from 1984 before the war, to establish earlier human settlement in Apaa areas, and a review of the process of how the area was turned into a conservation area in 2002.

On the question of environmental destructions and the encroachment on Zoka forest, Minister of Environment should immediately evict anyone currently in Zoka forest. The meeting also resolved that the office of the Prime Minister should find a mechanism which will see a peaceful co-existence between the Acholi and Madi ccommunity.

Akol says that the previous commissions set by the President had people from the either side which influenced the decision making which has been one of the reasons why the dispute in the area has not been solved.

Michael Lakony, the Amuru district LCV chairperson says even when the President has directed that security be boosted in the area, there`s still need for the army to be deployed in the area and a military detach investigated for allowing more than 200 people armed with bows and arrows to destroy people’s houses and properties among others. Lakony claims that the people mostly from Adjumani district are released unconditionally.

Demand for a new administrative unit managed by central government.

Lakony says that in the past two months, 7 mothers have died as they try to access a health facility outside Apaa because Apaa Health Center II was closed by the government over the ongoing dispute. He says the future of the children in the area is also miserably unknown because schools in the area have also been closed.

Lakony and Akol says people in the area have been denied their rights to health, education, freedom among others due to this protracted dispute. They urged the government to give an interim administrative unit to Apaa and be managed by the central government with the hope of re-establishing schools and health centers in the area.

Francis Opong, a resident of Apaa says there has been an improvement in security after the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) deployed in the area and started driving the people believed to be coming from Adjumani out of the area. Opong hopes that this time, the directives of Museveni are followed unlike the previous directives he gave in 2018 and were not followed.

In August 2018, when the President visited the contested Apaa land, he made three key directives aimed at solving the land dispute including the proposal that the people of Apaa who at predominantly Acholi be moved to Acholi area and notes that the locals will be compensated, that those already staying in Apaa trading center should remain where they are but not expand into the protected Zoka forest and the government gets another portion of land nearer the populated area of Adjumani because the locals were already residing in Adjumani district but inside Zoka forest.

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Kiryandongo commissions Shs 2 billion NUSAF 3 projects

KIRYANDONGO – Kiryandongo district authorities have commissioned the Shs 2 billion Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF 3) labour intensive public works projects. Funds for the projects had been blocked on the beneficiaries’ account for the last one year.

The money had been blocked in the financial year 2020/21 by Dorothy Ajwang, the then Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) after she suspected that there could be ghost groups and members.

The money is going to benefit 79 groups which are in eight watersheds in the entire district meant for; Ox traction, soya bean growing, sunflower growing and labour-intensive works like construction of roads.

The groups are supposed to get Shs 2.1 billion where by every group will be getting Shs 17 million.

This prompted Ajwang to write to the Inspectorate of Government (IG) to come on ground to do thorough verification.

However, the IG gave them a go ahead after they realized that all the groups and the members were genuine.

The members had also complained over the delayed disbursement of funds saying that everything had been done well but they never knew the motive of the CAO.

The groups had been formed in the financial year 2017/18 expecting immediate funding.

On Thursday, the group members were excited to see the long-awaited funds being commissioned.

The projects commissioned include; community access roads, market stalls, institutional greening and community fish ponds.

The labour-intensive public work projects are expected to improve on the welfare and livelihood of the people as well as easing access to social services such as markets, schools and health facilities.

“We are happy that we are going to receive the long-awaited funds. We formed these groups in 2017 expecting to get the money immediately but in vain. We thank God for this opportunity,” the members explained.

While addressing the beneficiaries at Gwara Primary School-Karuma on Thursday, Edith Aliguma, the district Chairperson thanked the community for participating in the labour intensive public works and informed them that the delay in implementation of the projects was caused by the need to verify whether the members of the groups formed were genuine or not.

“We also wanted to ascertain whether the groups which were formed two years before the disbursement of funds were still together or maintained the same project interest,” explained Aliguma.

Aliguma also commended the Inspectorate of Government for working closely with the district to ensure effective implementation of NUSAF 3 projects.

She also assured the community of the district’s commitment to offer services despite the end of NUSAF 3 projects.

During the same occasion, James Penywi, the Director Monitoring and Evaluation at the Inspectorate of Government called upon the community to always raise complaints on service delivery through their local leaders before they think of the IG.

“Always use your leaders to raise complaints, only come to the IG if your leaders don’t respond. Make engagements and work with the technical people to ensure good working relations,” Penywi urged the beneficiaries.

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Kenyan fuel tanker explodes at Goli customs border

NEBBI – Businesses were last Friday paralyzed at Goli custom border when a Kenyan fuel tanker registration number KCN-019Q/ZF7830 that was transporting fuel to Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) via Goli customs exploded in a huge flame of fire.

The accident happened in the morning hours around 4:00am and fortunately, didn’t claim any lives but destroyed a lot of properties.

Residents of Mboma East village, Jupangira sub-county in Nebbi district, where the accident happened were stranded without food and shelter after the incident. The affected families had to take refuge with relatives and good Samaritans.

According to Moses Kyeyamwa, the Operations Commander (OC) at Goli border post, the incident forced some of the affected families to take refuge with nearby communities. Residents described the incident as similar to an explosive bomb going off with a blaze which could have been sparked by friction of the tyres due to the distance covered by the trailer.

He adds that, the diesel fuel tanker carrying an estimated 25,000 liters of diesel heading to DRC arrived at Goli border post from Kampala and caught fire shortly after parking by the roadside.

Unfortunately, the fire extended to another stationed petrol fuel tanker registration number 0887AA07/0888A07 which later burnt a parked coaster 200 meters from the first incident due to the spreading flames.

“Police had running battles with local residents who had gone to collect the spilt fuel from the flamed fuel tanker to avoid loss of lives. Since the heat couldn’t be controlled, police cut National Water Sewerage Corporation water pipes to quell the spreading flames,” Kyeyamwa said.

He says businesses which used to boom at Goli border were paralyzed for the whole day as police officers and fire brigades were draining fuel from the burnt trailer for easy access of the road to avoid another risky accident.

One of the eye witnesses John Okurboth, who arrived at the scene in time says, the few people who reported at the scene started mobilizing for sand and water before firefighters arrived at the scene but still, they were overpowered by the thick and toxic flames coming from the burning fuel tankers.

“I thought it was a rebel attack when I heard explosive sounds going endlessly from my room, since Zombo was attacked by unknown rebel groups from DRC a month ago; so, we also imagined the same situation was repeating itself at Goli border,” Ukorboth said.

Ukorboth adds that some drivers and turn-men who parked their lorries by the roadsides made loud alarms to other drivers to cross the border to avoid another incidence of getting burnt from the spreading fire.

The LC I of Mboma East village Phillip Abok said, the Friday fuel tanker explosion has left a number of families homeless and their properties destroyed by the fire from the explosion and looters pretending to be rescuers.

He says since people are facing partial lockdown, the government should provide food and temporary shelters to the affected families since the vulnerable, elderly mothers and children are spending sleepless nights in the cold and are hungry.

“Mothers and young children were rescued with the help of community members who made alarms to wake up those who were in their deep sleep to avoid loss of lives but still their properties were destroyed in the process of getting rescued,” Abok narrated.

One of the victims Ms. Consulate Madhawun who was staying 3 meters from the explosion says, her family members survived because the wind was blowing towards the western direction, but her properties all got burnt and others were looted by the rescuers who had come to save their lives.

“I thank God for saving my life and that of my family since the distance from my house to the road was so near. If it was not because of God, we would have all died,” Madhawun said.

Scovia Gamba, a mother of two who used to run a local hotel at the border says, she lost her properties worth more than Shs 5 million to the explosive fire since the incident happened early morning which made it difficult to rescue her properties.

She adds that the incident happened when she had just borrowed a loan of Shs 2m to boost her food vending business at Goli border. Her business was also affected by the 42 days’ lockdown which prohibited the inter district mobility of public and private transport to curb the spread of Covid19.

Scovia who started her local hotel business at the border narrated that, she started her business in the year 2018 with a capital of Shs 500,000 and she was able to take care of her elderly parents to survive but, it’s going to be hard to regain her business because she will be hard hit by limited capital to stabilize her business again.

However, the district Chairperson Emmanuel Urombi says, the district is conducting assessments to ensure the affected families are helped.

“The district has no capacity to provide any relief items to the affected families but, the tragedy has been reported to the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) for further management,” Urombi said.

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Masindi SACCO leaders Disagree over Emyooga Savings Requirements

MASINDI – SACCO leaders in Masindi have disagreed over the 30% savings requirement to access loans from Emyooga SACCOs.

On Wednesday, Joab Businge, the Masindi municipality member of parliament held a consultative meeting with leaders of Emyooga SACCOs in Masindi municipality to ascertain how the program is progressing.

The members of parliament had been directed by the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Anita Among to undertake a fact-finding mission to assess the progress of the Emyooga program.

On the whole, Masindi district received Shs 1.6 billion; of which, Masindi municipality got Shs 559 million as seed capital.

According to the report presented by Robinah Nyangoma, the Masindi Municipality Commercial Officer, 18 SACCOs were formed from 453 associations in the entire municipality, adding that so far Shs 257 million has been saved by different SACCOs and Shs 719 million has been disbursed to beneficiaries. She further added that Shs 57 million has been recovered from different SACCOs.

Notably, in the meeting that was held at Masindi municipality gardens; members had divergent perspectives on the issue of the 30% savings requirement for accessing loans from the Emyooga SACCOs.

According to the policy, a member must have saved 30% of the money applied for before their loan application is approved.

Many members argued that this requirement was too much; persons with disabilities complained that the percentage is too much for them to afford, noting that it should be reduced to at least 10%. Others suggested that the requirement be reduced to 20%.

“A lot of money is stuck on our accounts because of this requirement,” a member stated.

Jim Agaba from the Masindi Municipality Constituency Saloon SACCO complained that they had no money to raise the percentage required and urged the authorities to reduce the savings requirements to enable people like her to access the money.

However, some members supported the savings requirement of 30% noting that it’s compelling the members to improve on their saving culture.

“The people who are complaining that the percentage is too much are the people who don’t want to save. This percentage is helping us grow our SACCOs. It should be maintained for the betterment of our SACCOs. This also acts as security for the members who want to default,” said Isingoma Cleophas, the Chairperson, Masindi Municipality Tailors SACCO.

The disagreement on the percentage has been brought about by different politicians and some program officers who tell beneficiaries uncoordinated information.

Businge, the area member of parliament blamed the leaders and program officers for giving people uncoordinated information, saying that this will lead to the collapse of the program.

“As leaders, we should all speak one language if the program is to yield fruits. As leaders, stop misleading people. Proper information must be given to the people because what we need are positive results. People should stop politicizing this program,” said Businge.

Other challenges

Members also complained that some SACCOs have very many associations explaining that the Shs 30 million given to such SACCOs is of no help.

Fatuma Nyangoma, the Treasurer, Masindi Municipality Constituency Producers’ SACCO said they are comprised of more than 200 associations explaining that Shs 30 million was like a drop of milk in the ocean.

“We gave out money and it got over. The associations need money but there’s nothing and they’re active and saving. Rotating around all these SACCOs with only Shs 30 million is not realistic. We pray that the government reconsiders SACCOs with many associations,” said Nyangoma.

The members also complained that the lockdown and the prolonged dry spell also constrained their recoveries.

Simon Kyomuhendo also a beneficiary blamed the government for bringing the money at the wrong time saying that the money was brought to them during campaign time.

“Many people treated this money as a thank you. We would receive different politicians mobilizing people to form SACCOs to benefit. Some of them were telling people that the money was free. The propaganda in this program by politicians was too much,” said Kyomuhendo.

In his response, Businge promised to report everything as it was put by the members.

“I am going to make a comprehensive report which will be presented to parliament,” said Businge.

The MP promised to meet the veterans, youth, persons with disabilities, and the women separately in the course of this week.

Masindi district as a whole got Shs 1.6 billion which was disbursed to 54 SACCOs across the district and the municipality.

Emyooga is a Presidential Cluster Initiative on Wealth and Job Creation which was introduced in 2019.

The 19 clusters selected to benefit from the program include Boda-boda riders, salon owners, carpenters, and taxi operators, welders, market vendors, journalists, performing artists, mechanics among others.

Under the project, each SACCO is supposed to receive up to Shs 30m to be accessed as a revolving fund by members to boost their respective income-generating ventures, at an interest rate as low as 5% annually.

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SACCO leaders in Masindi disagree over the 30 percent Emyooga savings requirement

MASINDI – SACCO leaders in Masindi have disagreed over the 30 percent savings requirement to access loans from Emyooga SACCOs.

On Wednesday, Joab Businge, the Masindi municipality member of parliament held a consultative meeting with leaders of Emyooga SACCOs in Masindi municipality to ascertain how the program is progressing.

The members of parliament had been directed by the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Anita Among to undertake a fact-finding mission to assess the progress of the Emyooga program.

On the whole, Masindi district received Shs 1.6 billion; of which, Masindi municipality got Shs 559 million as seed capital.

According to the report presented by Robinah Nyangoma, the Masindi Municipality Commercial Officer, 18 Saccos were formed from 453 associations in the entire municipality, adding that so far Shs 257 million has been saved by different SACCOs and Shs 719 million has been disbursed to beneficiaries. She further added that Shs 57 million has been recovered from different SACCOs.

Notably, in the meeting that was held at Masindi municipality gardens; members had divergent perspectives on the issue of the 30 percent savings requirement for accessing loans from the Emyooga SACCOs. According to the policy, a member must have saved 30 percent of the money applied for before their loan application is approved.

Many members argued that this requirement was too much; persons with disabilities complained that the percentage is too much for them to afford, noting that it should be reduced to at least 10 percent. Others suggested that the requirement be reduced to 20 percent.

“A lot of money is stuck on our accounts because of this requirement,” a member stated.

Jim Agaba from the Masindi Municipality Constituency Saloon SACCO complained that they had no money to raise the percentage required and urged the authorities to reduce the savings requirements to enable people like her to access the money.

However, some members supported the savings requirement of 30 percent noting that it’s compelling the members to improve on their saving culture.

“The people who are complaining that the percentage is too much are the people who don’t want to save. This percentage is helping us grow our SACCOs. It should be maintained for the betterment of our SACCOs. This also acts as security for the members who want to default,” said Isingoma Cleophas, the Chairperson, Masindi Municipality Tailors SACCO.

The disagreement on the percentage has been brought about by different politicians and some program officers who tell beneficiaries uncoordinated information.

Businge, the area member of parliament blamed the leaders and program officers for giving people uncoordinated information, saying that this will lead to the collapse of the program.

“As leaders, we should all speak one language if the program is to yield fruits. As leaders, stop misleading people. Proper information must be given to the people because what we need are positive results. People should stop politicizing this program,” said Businge.

Other challenges

Members also complained that some SACCOs have very many associations explaining that the Shs 30 million given to such SACCOs is of no help.

Fatuma Nyangoma, the Treasurer, Masindi Municipality Constituency Producers’ SACCO said they are comprised of more than 200 associations explaining that Shs 30 million was like a drop of milk in the ocean.

“We gave out money and it got over. The associations need money but there’s nothing and they’re active and saving. Rotating around all these SACCOs with only Shs 30 million is not realistic. We pray that government reconsiders SACCOs with many associations,” said Nyangoma.

The members also complained that the lockdown and the prolonged dry spell also constrained their recoveries.

Simon Kyomuhendo also a beneficiary blamed the government for bringing the money at the wrong time saying that the money was brought to them during campaign time.

“Many people treated this money as a thank you. We would receive different politicians mobilizing people to form SACCOs to benefit. Some of them were telling people that the money was free. The propaganda in this program by politicians was too much,” said Kyomuhendo.

In his response, Businge promised to report everything as it was put by the members.

“I am going to make a comprehensive report which will be presented to parliament,” said Businge.

The MP promised to meet the veterans, youth, persons with disabilities, and the women separately in the course of this week.

Masindi district as a whole got Shs 1.6 billion which was disbursed to 54 Saccos across the district and the municipality.

Emyooga is a Presidential Cluster Initiative on Wealth and Job Creation which was introduced in 2019.

The 19 clusters selected to benefit from the program include Boda-boda riders, salon owners, carpenters, and taxi operators, welders, market vendors, journalists, performing artists, mechanics among others.

Under the project, each SACCO is supposed to receive up to Shs 30m to be accessed as a revolving fund by members to boost their respective income-generating ventures, at an interest rate as low as 5 percent annually.


The post SACCO leaders in Masindi disagree over the 30 percent Emyooga savings requirement appeared first on The Cooperator News.

SACCO leaders in Masindi disagree Over the 30 Percent Savings Emyooga requirement .

MASINDI – SACCO leaders in Masindi have disagreed over the 30 percent savings requirement to access loans from Emyooga SACCOs.

On Wednesday, Joab Businge, the Masindi municipality member of parliament held a consultative meeting with leaders of Emyooga SACCOs in Masindi municipality to ascertain how the program is progressing.

The members of parliament had been directed by the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Anita Among to undertake a fact-finding mission to assess the progress of the Emyooga program.

On the whole, Masindi district received Shs 1.6 billion; of which, Masindi municipality got Shs 559 million as seed capital.

According to the report presented by Robinah Nyangoma, the Masindi Municipality Commercial Officer, 18 Saccos were formed from 453 associations in the entire municipality, adding that so far Shs 257 million has been saved by different SACCOs and Shs 719 million has been disbursed to beneficiaries. She further added that Shs 57 million has been recovered from different SACCOs.

Notably, in the meeting that was held at Masindi municipality gardens; members had divergent perspectives on the issue of the 30 percent savings requirement for accessing loans from the Emyooga SACCOs. According to the policy, a member must have saved 30 percent of the money applied for before their loan application is approved.

Many members argued that this requirement was too much; persons with disabilities complained that the percentage is too much for them to afford, noting that it should be reduced to at least 10 percent. Others suggested that the requirement be reduced to 20 percent.

“A lot of money is stuck on our accounts because of this requirement,” a member stated.

Jim Agaba from the Masindi Municipality Constituency Saloon SACCO complained that they had no money to raise the percentage required and urged the authorities to reduce the savings requirements to enable people like her to access the money.

However, some members supported the savings requirement of 30 percent noting that it’s compelling the members to improve on their saving culture.

“The people who are complaining that the percentage is too much are the people who don’t want to save. This percentage is helping us grow our SACCOs. It should be maintained for the betterment of our SACCOs. This also acts as security for the members who want to default,” said Isingoma Cleophas, the Chairperson, Masindi Municipality Tailors SACCO.

The disagreement on the percentage has been brought about by different politicians and some program officers who tell beneficiaries uncoordinated information.

Businge, the area member of parliament blamed the leaders and program officers for giving people uncoordinated information, saying that this will lead to the collapse of the program.

“As leaders, we should all speak one language if the program is to yield fruits. As leaders, stop misleading people. Proper information must be given to the people because what we need are positive results. People should stop politicizing this program,” said Businge.

Other challenges

Members also complained that some SACCOs have very many associations explaining that the Shs 30 million given to such SACCOs is of no help.

Fatuma Nyangoma, the Treasurer, Masindi Municipality Constituency Producers’ SACCO said they are comprised of more than 200 associations explaining that Shs 30 million was like a drop of milk in the ocean.

“We gave out money and it got over. The associations need money but there’s nothing and they’re active and saving. Rotating around all these SACCOs with only Shs 30 million is not realistic. We pray that government reconsiders SACCOs with many associations,” said Nyangoma.

The members also complained that the lockdown and the prolonged dry spell also constrained their recoveries.

Simon Kyomuhendo also a beneficiary blamed the government for bringing the money at the wrong time saying that the money was brought to them during campaign time.

“Many people treated this money as a thank you. We would receive different politicians mobilizing people to form SACCOs to benefit. Some of them were telling people that the money was free. The propaganda in this program by politicians was too much,” said Kyomuhendo.

In his response, Businge promised to report everything as it was put by the members.

“I am going to make a comprehensive report which will be presented to parliament,” said Businge.

The MP promised to meet the veterans, youth, persons with disabilities, and the women separately in the course of this week.

Masindi district as a whole got Shs 1.6 billion which was disbursed to 54 Saccos across the district and the municipality.

Emyooga is a Presidential Cluster Initiative on Wealth and Job Creation which was introduced in 2019.

The 19 clusters selected to benefit from the program include Boda-boda riders, salon owners, carpenters, and taxi operators, welders, market vendors, journalists, performing artists, mechanics among others.

Under the project, each SACCO is supposed to receive up to Shs 30m to be accessed as a revolving fund by members to boost their respective income-generating ventures, at an interest rate as low as 5 percent annually.


The post SACCO leaders in Masindi disagree Over the 30 Percent Savings Emyooga requirement . appeared first on The Cooperator News.