Financial Inclusion Key For Resilience – Bankers Conference 2021

UGANDA – Uganda Bankers Association (UBA) has been challenged to come together to drive financial inclusion as well as increase provision of financial services.

This was during the virtual Annual Bankers Conference (ABC), a signature industry event that brings together regulators, practitioners and various industry experts involved in delivering financial (banking services) from domestic, regional, national and international spheres; to discuss trending issues, drivers and dynamics that are increasingly shaping sustainability strategies in banking, finance and the overall development ecosystem.

The conference which was themed, “Bend but do not break” was aimed at finding ways in which the financial sector can thrive in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The conference was organized by UBA and sponsored by MasterCard, Raxio Data Center, FINCA, Experian, Stanbic Bank, Financial Sector Deepening Uganda, and KCB Bank.

Speaking during the conference, Joseph Lutwama, the Director in charge of programs Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) said that, there is a need for stakeholders to work with the government to create opportunities for economic empowerment.

“It is good that we have made strides in deepening financial access for those already using financial services; but for those who are still excluded, I think it is important that as stakeholders working with the government, we create opportunities for economic empowerment. Until we create those opportunities for economic empowerment, financial services and financial inclusion will continue to be a dream for many of those who are at the bottom of the pyramid,” Lutwama said.

“This will take collective efforts by not only the government and other private players but also financial institutions which still have a role to play in driving innovation and driving that economic activity that ultimately will benefit the financial services as more people are able to earn and own assets which they can insure and generate income,” he said, adding that multiplier effect only happens when they work together collectively to be able to drive financial inclusion as well as deepen financial markets.

Lutwama further advised, UBA to think of having what he termed as solid legal systems urging that this will help them to do business sustainably.

“Everything rises and falls with trust and there is no better place to build trust in the financial system than having a solid legal system; and more particularly a system which has a culture of enforcement of contracts. Financial services or any economic activity is driven by contracts whether written or unwritten; what will build trust is our ability to meet our end of the bargain of the contract. In a country where it is very difficult to get justice or where justice is always delayed, it will be difficult for people to trust and enter into contracts more so in the digital era where the person you are getting into a contract with is not seen. In the digital banks where a transaction is completed under a minute, and you don’t know whom you are transacting with, in the event that you have an issue, how are you compensated? So, in an environment where it is not clear, how you can be compensated, it will be very difficult for us to trust people and engage in financial services,” said Lutwama.

Lutwama further submitted that, “we will need to rethink the financial sector regulatory system; currently we have diverse regulators, Bank of Uganda, Capital Markets Authority, UMRA, National Payment System; there are many regulators, the financial system is becoming grey and it is very difficult to know where banking stops, where payments begin and where investment starts or retirement benefits start or stop, in such an era, it then becomes very important that we also need to break barriers between regulators and adopt systems that are more inclusive and impressive so that they become easier for some to innovate and even the regulators to ably protect the consumers.”

James Byaruhanga, the General Manager at Raxio Data Center called on financial banking institutions to embrace integration of the banking services to be able to tap into the global market.

“So you need to think about global payment platforms, for example MasterCard which will help to improve on service delivery in financial service sectors, so there is a need for integration; and integration becomes very critical because every single player can transact from one platform to another, the internet becomes a market place. So I think it’s time to think about adopting the internet as a market place,” said Byaruhanga.

Speaking at the same meeting, Mathias Katamba, the Chairperson UBA said that the banking sector has become versatile in this period of the Covid-19 pandemic adding that the sector needs to think beyond the impact of the pandemic.

“We do not only have to focus on how the sector has been affected, we should focus on what we can learn from these times and put the lessons into actions,” he advised.

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Nebbi Food Vendors Protest Over Uncollected Garbage

NEBBI -The local food vendors in Nebbi Municipality are protesting over the accumulated heaps of garbage that have not been collected by the town authorities and has affected their businesses for the last one month.

Some vendors noted that the accumulated heaps of garbage have not only affected their food businesses but also is a health risk to the entire population of the town since it stinks.

The place which turned to be a dumping site for garbage was initially gazzeted temporarily for a taxi park by the then Nebbi Town Council in 2013, before Nebbi town became a municipality when the council banned kiosks in town as one of the avenues to decongest the town which also rendered many people jobless.

The chairman Taxi and Vendors Association Bright Lemu Oting, says they have lost their customers due to accumulated heaps of garbage which have over stayed for a month.

Before the council resorted to dumping garbage where they are operating their food businesses, they used to sell ten kilograms of meat daily but now, they hardly sell three kilograms which has rendered many food vendors jobless in this lockdown posing financial losses, Oting added.

He added that many vendors servicing loans in any of the financial institutions have resorted to selling off their assets to meet loan repayments to avoid losing their properties.

“We are told to leave our business place but, we were not given the new business location where we will be relocated to conduct our normal businesses to sustain our livelihoods,” Oting said.

Another food vendor Peter Kawala who has been in food vending business for the last 50 years said, it’s a great shock to hear from municipal that, they should leave their business place and yet they have not been given the next place to conduct their business.

“We are ready to shift if we are given a new place to conduct our businesses because we cannot hijack the directives from any government agency,” Kawala said.

According to the letter written by William Makune Abwoli, Nebbi Municipal Town Clerk, that was served to the food vendors on 7th, July 2021, it reads in part; all the businesses inside this garbage dumping site should be relocated to other locations that shall be deemed suitable for any human activities and free from any health risk.

Abwoli also cited in the letter that, it should be on record that all the businesses around the garbage dumping site were on temporary basis, without licenses as guided by the management of the central division and the vendors should be made aware that effective 13th August, 2021, they must leave the site.

“The garbage site is a health risk and we shall forcefully evict the business operators if there is lack of cooperation, violating the served letter,” Abwoli said in the letter.

The uncollected heaps of garbage in the heart of Nebbi town have become a hot political issue to top political actors in the municipality but the Town Mayor Geoffrey Ngiriker, defended the council by saying, in the last financial year, the council realized a drastic decline in revenue collections due to Covid-19 pandemic which is affecting the garbage collection in town.

“The council was supposed to collect Shs 790 million from local revenue, but only collected Shs 500m which has remained a bigger challenge in managing garbage collection,” Ngiriker said.

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Low Arabica Coffee Exports Blamed On Tree Aging

UGANDA – In the recent released report, Uganda’s agriculture skyrocketed as the country registered an increase in coffee export.

During the month of June 2021, Uganda exported a total of 61,838,860 kilograms of coffee valued at US$ 58.56 million at an average weighted price of US$ 1.58 kilo,1cent lower than US$1.59/kilo in May 2021.

Despite the general increase in coffee export, Arabica coffee registered a decline while Robusta increased in quality and quantity.

According to the report, Robusta coffee increased by 63.89% and 72.56% in quantity and value respectively, while Arabica coffee exports decreased in both quantity and value by 29.93% and 23.16% respectively.

The increase of Robusta coffee was attributed to newly planted coffee seedlings during the month of June 2021, after numerous infectious pests and diseases such as Black Coffee Twig Borer (BCTB), Coffee Berry Borers (CBB), Coffee Stem Borer (CSB), Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR), and mealy bugs were reported in Robusta growing areas.

“Increasing Robusta exports during the month compared to the previous year were due to newly planted coffee which started yielding, supported by favorable weather. By the end of May, an accumulative total of 2,815,833 coffee seedlings were distributed for planting under the coffee rehabilitation and renovation programme,” reads part of the report.

The report also indicates that Arabica coffee monthly exports continued to reduce compared to the previous year as a result of the off-year biennial cycle characteristic of Arabica coffee.

Speaking to Asaph Bainomugisha, the Treasurer Nyeibingo Co-operative Society, a cooperative which deals in coffee production in Bushenyi district, Robusta coffee is dominantly grown at lower elevations (<1400m) such as central and northern Uganda while Arabica coffee is predominantly cultivated at higher elevations (>1400m) in parts of eastern, southwest and northwest Uganda, said Bainomugisha.

“Arabica coffee production is low because it is grown in hilly areas and even its demand is low letting the increment to go down. Like in Uganda, it is in Busoga, Kasese and some few parts of Uganda” says Bainomugisha.

He adds that Arabica coffee is also hindered by unfavorable soil properties such as high soil PH and excessive number of shade trees in the East, high soil magnesium concentration and poor mulching systems.

John Nuwagaba, the General Manager Ankole Coffee Producers Cooperative Union (ACPCU), confirmed that areas where Arabica grows well are limited in Uganda while the traditional coffee types keep increasing the population pressure.

Nuwagaba adds that the challenge has been mainly Arabica coffee aging trees that were not affected by coffee wilt disease.

“Because of coffee wilt that attacks mostly Robusta trees, there has been a lot of replanting and less tree replanting on the side of Arabica coffee which is resistant to coffee wilt. This means that Robusta has got more young trees which are more productive than the Arabica areas.”

On the issue of quality, Nuwagaba says that Arabica coffee handling is more sensitive which most farmers have not practiced.

“Like in Kasese, until recently the handling was still poor and this causes a decline in the quality standards of Arabica coffee,” he said.

Nuwagaba adds that the weather changes and disastrous floods like what happened in Kasese destroyed Arabica coffee plantings that resulted into low productivity on the export market.

“In Kasese, floods washed away coffee trees and farmers have limited acreage unless we take Arabica coffee to new areas where we can have varieties that can grow in much lower altitude to boost the production,” Nuwagaba emphasized.

However, Emmanuel Ssenyonga, the General Manager Masaka Cooperative Union says, the union registered an increase in Arabica coffee production at their facility.

“Here at our factory, there was an increase of Arabica coffee by 7% because in Masaka region, it has been its season but I must admit that there has been a deliberate increase in acreage under Robusta coffee and its increase is still going up” says Ssenyonga.

He again attributes the increase in Robusta coffee on better post handling practices by farmers.

“There has been a growing concern on the quality as well because people no longer dry their coffee on the bare ground basing on the going restrictions. In Masaka Cooperative Union, we have been providing tumplines to our farmers where they dry their coffee and several other cooperatives are doing it,” Ssenyonga explained.

Arabica coffee fetched an average price of US$ 2.62 per kilo, 14 cents higher than in May 2021. The highest price was Mt. Sustainable Arabica, Fully Washed Sipi Falls sold at US$ 5.37 per kilo higher than Washed Robusta sold at an average price of US$ 1.96 per kilo.

“Our buyers do the blending where they get 50% Robusta and 50% Arabica, roast it and grind together to get the blended coffee. But because Arabica is scarce in the market, they put like 40% Robusta from Uganda then 60% Arabica from America or Brazil yet they like coffee coming from the same source, a reason I think why Arabica yields high price in the international market” Yekonia Tumwijeho, the Human Resource Manager(HRM),” ACPCU recommends.

Tumwijeho says despite doing well in Robusta coffee, the union is also advancing to Arabica coffee in the region.

“In Rubirizi and Buhweju, we are going there because we want Arabica coffee since most of our customers are asking for Arabica. Recently we also held a discussion with organizations from Bugisu who have very good Arabica coffee so we intend to tap there since we are not limited by operation so that we can establish a branch by doing the processing and export from that side,” the HRM explains.

On his part, Nuwagaba encouraged farmers in hilly areas to prune their coffee so that they can be motivated on incentives to improve production.

According to UCDA’s report through Uganda Coffee Federations (UCF), Global coffee production for 2020/21 is estimated to increase by 0.3% to 169.5 million bags while the consumption is estimated to increase by 1.9% to 167.24 million bags.

In Uganda, coffee exports are projected to be 650,000 bags as the main harvesting period in greater Masaka and South Western regions is in the months of July 2021.

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Bwijanga Launches Construction Of A Coffee Processing Machine

MASINDI – Bwijanga Coffee Farmers Cooperative Society Limited in Bwijanga Sub County, Masindi district has launched the construction of a coffee processing machine.

According to the Masindi District Engineer, Atugonza Ramek the construction work of the coffee processing machine is going to be conducted by Kona Construction Company Limited and will be supervised by Masindi District Local Government Authorities.

“The facility will house the coffee processing machine, offices and the store. We are also going to construct a one stance latrine,” the engineer explained on Wednesday during the ground breaking ceremony in Kikingura village Bwijanga sub-county.

Benedicto Ssensaga, the chairman of Bwijanga Coffee Farmers Cooperative Society Limited said that the Ministry of Agriculture sent them Shs 203 million under the Agriculture Cluster Development Project (ACDP) to facilitate the establishment of the machine.

“We were tasked to contribute 33% before we are given the money. We successfully raised the percentage and we contributed it in form of materials,” explained Ssensaga.

He added that the machine is going to address the issue of market since they’re going to be able to add value to their coffee noting that they have not been benefiting from their coffee because they would sell it as a raw material.

“This machine is going to also boost coffee growing, create employment opportunities and also stir up development in the area. We thank the government for the support rendered to us. We are going to use this opportunity to develop ourselves,” he noted.

Mudede James, the LC III Chairperson Bwijanga sub-county asked the members of the cooperative to closely monitor the construction of the facility to avoid shoddy work.

“Make sure that you own this facility and closely monitor its construction. This facility is yours so make sure that you use it to change your lives,” said Mudede.

He also asked the contractor to give jobs to the local people such that the community can also benefit.

Nyendwoha Kiiza Kenneth the Member of Parliament Bujenje Constituency, challenged extension officers at Masindi District Local Government to help coffee cooperatives in the district to produce quality coffee which can be competed for in the market.

He said that many people are growing coffee but the quality being produced is bad because they don’t get extension services.

“We put a lot of emphasis on extension services because it’s necessary. Don’t stay in offices but also, you should go to the field and tell farmers what to do. Most of the farmers are there in the villages and they don’t know what to do,” stressed Nyendwoha.

Byaruhanga Cosmas, the Masindi district LCV said he has started achieving his mission of ensuring that cooperatives are uplifted.

“I told you during my term, I want to ensure that we have active cooperatives. I want to ensure that all cooperatives which collapsed are revived. We need to trace all these cooperatives to ensure that they are resurrected,” he explained.

Tibasimwa Dominic the Deputy Resident District Commissioner-DRDC Masindi pledged total support to the cooperative by the government noting that in case there’s any opportunity, they will be the first to be thought about.

Kikingura Coffee Farmers Cooperative which started in 2018 apparently has 1,050 active members and according to Ssensaga, this season they have experienced unreliable weather patterns which have significantly affected production more especially this season.

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Bwijanga Launches Construction Of A Coffee Processing Machine

MASINDI – Bwijanga Coffee Farmers Cooperative Society Limited in Bwijanga Sub County, Masindi district has launched the construction of a coffee processing machine.

According to the Masindi District Engineer, Atugonza Ramek the construction work of the coffee processing machine is going to be conducted by Kona Construction Company Limited and will be supervised by Masindi District Local Government Authorities.

“The facility will house the coffee processing machine, offices and the store. We are also going to construct a one stance latrine,” the engineer explained on Wednesday during the ground breaking ceremony in Kikingura village Bwijanga sub-county.

Benedicto Ssensaga, the chairman of Bwijanga Coffee Farmers Cooperative Society Limited said that the Ministry of Agriculture sent them Shs 203 million under the Agriculture Cluster Development Project (ACDP) to facilitate the establishment of the machine.

“We were tasked to contribute 33% before we are given the money. We successfully raised the percentage and we contributed it in form of materials,” explained Ssensaga.

He added that the machine is going to address the issue of market since they’re going to be able to add value to their coffee noting that they have not been benefiting from their coffee because they would sell it as a raw material.

“This machine is going to also boost coffee growing, create employment opportunities and also stir up development in the area. We thank the government for the support rendered to us. We are going to use this opportunity to develop ourselves,” he noted.

Mudede James, the LC III Chairperson Bwijanga sub-county asked the members of the cooperative to closely monitor the construction of the facility to avoid shoddy work.

“Make sure that you own this facility and closely monitor its construction. This facility is yours so make sure that you use it to change your lives,” said Mudede.

He also asked the contractor to give jobs to the local people such that the community can also benefit.

Nyendwoha Kiiza Kenneth the Member of Parliament Bujenje Constituency, challenged extension officers at Masindi District Local Government to help coffee cooperatives in the district to produce quality coffee which can be competed for in the market.

He said that many people are growing coffee but the quality being produced is bad because they don’t get extension services.

“We put a lot of emphasis on extension services because it’s necessary. Don’t stay in offices but also, you should go to the field and tell farmers what to do. Most of the farmers are there in the villages and they don’t know what to do,” stressed Nyendwoha.

Byaruhanga Cosmas, the Masindi district LCV said he has started achieving his mission of ensuring that cooperatives are uplifted.

“I told you during my term, I want to ensure that we have active cooperatives. I want to ensure that all cooperatives which collapsed are revived. We need to trace all these cooperatives to ensure that they are resurrected,” he explained.

Tibasimwa Dominic the Deputy Resident District Commissioner-DRDC Masindi pledged total support to the cooperative by the government noting that in case there’s any opportunity, they will be the first to be thought about.

Kikingura Coffee Farmers Cooperative which started in 2018 apparently has 1,050 active members and according to Ssensaga, this season they have experienced unreliable weather patterns which have significantly affected production more especially this season.

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Gulu Cooperatives Lose Money To Fake Agricultural Deals.

GULU – Hundreds of cooperative farmers in Gulu district have lost millions of shillings to fake agricultural deals in the Agricultural Cluster Development Project (ACDP).

ACDP is a partner project of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries and World Bank.

The project was rolled out in the country in 2017 to raise farm productivity, support value addition, widen market accessibility and capacity building for farmers.

The government mapped out 57 implementing districts in the geographic cluster with each cluster having a minimum of 5 districts and 150 million dollars was allocated for the project.

The 2020 report from Ministry of Agriculture indicates that up to shs 21.7 billion has so far been disbursed to support 111 farmer organizations in the 24 pilot districts.

The districts include Amuru from Acholi Sub Region, Iganga from Central, Nebbi from West Nile Sub Region, Kalungu and Ntugamo from Western Uganda.

Gulu district among the implementing districts was aligned in cluster 6 with Oyam, Kole, Lira, Nwoya, Amuru and Apac to focus on maize, bean and Robusta coffee as enterprise crop selection.

In the arrangement, a beneficiary of the project is expected to meet 33% of project cost as the government provides 67% of services through an electronic voucher system.

However, whereas the project was designed within the National Development Plan III on poverty eradication; hundreds of farmers have lost millions of shillings to the project in Gulu district.

Moses Omony, the Chairperson Tidi Mamyero Farmers’ Cooperative in Bungatira Sub County alleged that the district has collected over shs 148 million from the different farmers but failed to provide the services.

Omony explained that each of the members was to get seeds, fertilizers, tents and other farm inputs in 2020, which have never been delivered as the district failed to account for the money collected.

Terencio Ocitti, a member of Pur Ber Cooperative Society, says he had paid Shs 148,500 for the fertilizers, seeds and tent but received none of the items for more than a year now.

“I have planted four hectares of beans without fertilizers and I can’t believe that the government can defraud us that way,” Ocitti told theCooperator in a recent interview.

Agnes Akwero, another farmer from Lawiyadul has expressed disappointment with the District Agricultural Department for failing the project whose objectives she says were beneficial.

Geoffrey Anywar, the Gulu District Agricultural Engineer distanced himself from the mess and blamed it on the project facilitators, whom he says were to identify the beneficiaries.

He disclosed that the lead project coordinator Simon Ocaka Lamex breached the project guidelines and collected an unspecified amount from the farmers and disappeared.

According to him, each of the farmers should have opened an account where a secret pin would be provided to deposit the money and then access the inputs from the government.

“The farmers didn’t follow the guidelines and opted for short cuts which we can’t tell how much money they have collected and lost to the facilitators,” Anywar said.

When summoned for three consecutive crisis meetings, Lamex admitted to collecting the money but asked the district to grant him time to look for the money and refund it.

The accused did not even disclose to the district officials on the number of the farmers he had reached out to and collected money from.

The district had set out a plan to auction his piece of land to recover the money within a period of two weeks as investigations into the number of the beneficiaries defrauded expanded.

Meanwhile, Christopher Opiyo Atekere, the Gulu district chairman similarly noted that the district has failed to access the password through which the farmers were registered.

According to the Agricultural Engineer, the district was to register about 5,000 farmers for the project while the paperwork is showing over 1,000 farmers have already been registered.

The Public Relations Manager for Ministry Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries Charlotte Kemigyisha says the ministry is already following up on the irregularities in the project.

“We have been informed about the project and we shall be in the district soon to follow up on the allegations,” Kemigyisha disclosed to theCooperator.

The 4 year-project was scheduled to end in March last year with a total of 193 farmers organizations targeted to benefit but it was extended by one year following Covid-19 pandemic.

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Gulu Cooperatives Lose Money To Fake Agricultural Deals.

GULU – Hundreds of cooperative farmers in Gulu district have lost millions of shillings to fake agricultural deals in the Agricultural Cluster Development Project (ACDP).

ACDP is a partner project of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries and World Bank.

The project was rolled out in the country in 2017 to raise farm productivity, support value addition, widen market accessibility and capacity building for farmers.

The government mapped out 57 implementing districts in the geographic cluster with each cluster having a minimum of 5 districts and 150 million dollars was allocated for the project.

The 2020 report from Ministry of Agriculture indicates that up to shs 21.7 billion has so far been disbursed to support 111 farmer organizations in the 24 pilot districts.

The districts include Amuru from Acholi Sub Region, Iganga from Central, Nebbi from West Nile Sub Region, Kalungu and Ntugamo from Western Uganda.

Gulu district among the implementing districts was aligned in cluster 6 with Oyam, Kole, Lira, Nwoya, Amuru and Apac to focus on maize, bean and Robusta coffee as enterprise crop selection.

In the arrangement, a beneficiary of the project is expected to meet 33% of project cost as the government provides 67% of services through an electronic voucher system.

However, whereas the project was designed within the National Development Plan III on poverty eradication; hundreds of farmers have lost millions of shillings to the project in Gulu district.

Moses Omony, the Chairperson Tidi Mamyero Farmers’ Cooperative in Bungatira Sub County alleged that the district has collected over shs 148 million from the different farmers but failed to provide the services.

Omony explained that each of the members was to get seeds, fertilizers, tents and other farm inputs in 2020, which have never been delivered as the district failed to account for the money collected.

Terencio Ocitti, a member of Pur Ber Cooperative Society, says he had paid Shs 148,500 for the fertilizers, seeds and tent but received none of the items for more than a year now.

“I have planted four hectares of beans without fertilizers and I can’t believe that the government can defraud us that way,” Ocitti told theCooperator in a recent interview.

Agnes Akwero, another farmer from Lawiyadul has expressed disappointment with the District Agricultural Department for failing the project whose objectives she says were beneficial.

Geoffrey Anywar, the Gulu District Agricultural Engineer distanced himself from the mess and blamed it on the project facilitators, whom he says were to identify the beneficiaries.

He disclosed that the lead project coordinator Simon Ocaka Lamex breached the project guidelines and collected an unspecified amount from the farmers and disappeared.

According to him, each of the farmers should have opened an account where a secret pin would be provided to deposit the money and then access the inputs from the government.

“The farmers didn’t follow the guidelines and opted for short cuts which we can’t tell how much money they have collected and lost to the facilitators,” Anywar said.

When summoned for three consecutive crisis meetings, Lamex admitted to collecting the money but asked the district to grant him time to look for the money and refund it.

The accused did not even disclose to the district officials on the number of the farmers he had reached out to and collected money from.

The district had set out a plan to auction his piece of land to recover the money within a period of two weeks as investigations into the number of the beneficiaries defrauded expanded.

Meanwhile, Christopher Opiyo Atekere, the Gulu district chairman similarly noted that the district has failed to access the password through which the farmers were registered.

According to the Agricultural Engineer, the district was to register about 5,000 farmers for the project while the paperwork is showing over 1,000 farmers have already been registered.

The Public Relations Manager for Ministry Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries Charlotte Kemigyisha says the ministry is already following up on the irregularities in the project.

“We have been informed about the project and we shall be in the district soon to follow up on the allegations,” Kemigyisha disclosed to theCooperator.

The 4 year-project was scheduled to end in March last year with a total of 193 farmers organizations targeted to benefit but it was extended by one year following Covid-19 pandemic.

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Masindi Youth Advised To Form Cooperatives

MASINDI – The member of parliament for Bujenje County Kenneth Kiiza Nyendwoha has called upon the youth in Masindi district to form cooperatives to enable them tap into support from the government.

“Unity is the way to go if you are to develop. Stop working in isolation and form cooperative groups to help you share ideas. When you’re united and organized, everyone will look for you,” Nyendwoha explained.

Nyendwoha was speaking during the ground breaking ceremony of the construction of a maize milling facility for Bujenje Maize Farmers Cooperative Society Limited at Bikonzi village in Bikonzi Sub County at the end of last week.

He also gave them Shs 1 million cash to help the cooperative smoothly run its activities.

The Cooperative which was formed by the youth in the area received Shs 167 million under Agriculture Cluster Development Program (ACDP) to enable them add value to their maize production.

According to their budget, Shs 86 million is for the construction of the structure to house the facility while Shs 67 million is for the procurement of the maize processing machine.

“The money was given under ACDP and the beneficiaries were tasked to write more proposals so that they can access further funding. Their proposal was appreciated and that’s why you are seeing them getting money today,” said Richard Kiiza the principal assistant secretary to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

The members also contributed 33% which was one of the requisites for them to qualify for this funding.

Barbara Benya, the cooperative chairperson said, the facility is going to boost their income and also create market for maize in the area.

“We are going to use this chance to produce quality maize flour to enable us get enough market,” said Benya.

Benya added that they’re currently 108 members adding that they started as a small association in 2018, after being organized by National Cooperatives Business Association (NCBA).

He also thanked Recreation for Development and Peace Uganda (RDPU), for giving them knowledge on how to make business plans to enable them start a small business enterprise.

RDPU is a youth-based organization that skills the youth in different areas in the districts of Masindi, Bulisa, Kikuube and Apac.

Benya said that the organization has helped them acquire leadership skills and knowledge on how to write business plans and proposals.

“This knowledge has helped us a lot to reach this stage,” the Chairperson added.

Cosmas Byaruhanga, the Masindi district LCV Chairman who also graced the function asked the members of the cooperative to resourcefully utilize the facility to add value to their maize.

“I am imploring you to make a brand. I don’t want to see you selling maize in a raw form and yet you would be getting money from other bi- products. I am also warning you against mismanaging this project. Make sure that you have clear record keeping, transparency and accountability,” said Byaruhanga.

He added that many cooperatives which are starting now are not celebrating their first birthday day because of lack of honesty among the leaders and the need to pay themselves.

“Being a leader in a cooperative is a sacrifice once you deviate from that, just know you’re heading for collapse,” Byaruhanga added.

Presiding over the function, Dominic Tibasimwa, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner (DRDC) Masindi promised to help more youths who are organized in groups and cooperatives to get support from the government.

The construction of the facility has already commenced and it will be supervised by Masindi district local government.

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Extension Officers Receive New Motorcycles

MASINDI – Masindi district has procured five brand new motorcycles in an effort to improve extension services and production in the district.

The UG Boss Motorcycles valued at Shs 31 million were procured using the agricultural extension grant and they are meant to facilitate the movement of the agricultural extension workers in the district.

While commissioning the motorcycles at the district headquarters on Thursday, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner (DRDC) Masindi, Dominic Tibasimwa explained that the motorcycles are meant to enable the sub county extension workers reach the farmers at their respective farms and advised them on the right agronomic practices.

“This is part of the government’s strategy to improve and promote commercial farming in the country. We need to ensure that farmers get extension services since they are necessary. I also realize that transport for extension office has been a challenge,” explained Tibasimwa.

Dr Fredrick Ssebuguzi, the acting District Production Officer revealed that some agricultural extension workers in the district have been facing challenges of transport since they did not have motorcycles.

“The motorcycles will solve the problem and increase agricultural production in the district. This has been a great challenge but I am optimistic that my officers are now going to reach the farmers,” he said.

He explained that the motorcycles have been allocated to the extension workers for Bwijanga, Budongo, Kimengo and Miirya sub-counties adding that the District Animal Husbandry Officer was also allocated one.

Richard Kiiza, the district Principle Assistant Secretary who represented the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) cautioned the users against misusing the motorcycles to enable them serve the intended purpose.

Geoffrey Kiiza Bigabwa, the secretary for production, marketing and natural resources in the district hailed the government for the efforts it has put in transforming the country’s economy through improved agricultural production.

Extension officers in the district had been complaining over lack of transport to effectively execute their work.

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Kagadi District Local Leaders Divided Over Tax

KAGADI – A bitter row has erupted between the district leaders of Kagadi over loading and unloading tax of agricultural products in the area.

The tax is levied on vehicles carrying agricultural produce and enforced at the borders of Kagadi district namely; Kyamutunzi, Paacwa and Buronzi. It is alleged that the tax collectors mount roadblocks at these border points to enforce the tax.

According to some receipts seen by theCooperator news, vehicles carrying agricultural produce and alcohol are being charged between shs 100,000 and shs 180,000.

The collection of this tax has caused disharmony among the leaders as the traders continue to protest against the tax.

Yosia B Ndibwami, the district Chairperson for Kagadi said that, this tax was passed by the previous district council following the Local Government Act.

He noted that this tax was being collected by town councils and sub-counties. However, the district took responsibility for collecting the tax after town councils and sub-counties failed to collect it due to inadequate staffing.

“We agreed that the district collects the tax at the border points and we also agreed to remit 65% of tax to the town councils and sub-counties after collection.” he explained, adding that the tax is lawful because the Local Government Act allows council to levy a tax and collect it.

He added that council also agreed that the tax be collected on vehicles carrying produce from the district at the exit points of the district.

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Kagadi district, Mathias Ndifuna argued that the tax is lawful; adding only that, the collection mode is the one which is questionable.

“What is known is that this tax must be collected at the sub-county but not mounting road blocks on entry points of the district” Ndifuna said.

Some Kagadi district councilors disowned the disputed loading and offloading tax collection at the district border points.

Speaking during a scientific council meeting held at Divine Hotel gardens on Tuesday, the councilors said council has never passed such a tax.

The councillors who included; Busobozi Moses, Councilor representing Kagadi Sub-County, Richard Namanya for Workers, Julius Twesigye for Mpeefu among others say the tax was banned during the regime of the former Kibaale district chairman George William Namyaka after the traders protested. They wondered how Kagadi district had resumed it.

The Councillors threatened to mobilize their electorates and storm the district headquarters if the current district leadership keeps a deaf ear to their concerns.

They allege that the offloading and loading taxes are being collected illegally since there is no contractor who secured the contract through legal terms.

Buyaga East Member of Parliament, Kagadi district Eric Musana Acaali, advised the Kagadi district local government to stop the tax which is levied on agricultural products with immediate effect.

Musana says the tax is negatively affecting farmers and business people mostly in this struggling time of Covid-19 where agricultural products are facing low prices in the market.

He threatened to forward the matter to the central government for action saying tax by roadblocks was abolished by president Museveni.

He said that such tax is also going to chase away the traders from the district which may leave farmers stuck with their produce.

“Given the above issues that I have mentioned, I advise the CAO and district Chairperson to stop collecting this tax immediately; if you fail to listen, as MPs we are going to get a way of stopping this because this kind of tax collection was abolished,” Musana warned.

Buyaga West MP Barnabasi Tinkasimiire and Kagadi district Woman MP Jennipher Mbabazi also protested that mode of tax collection.

They ordered Kagadi district local government authorities to immediately halt this road block tax collection, adding that this kind of tax is indirectly suffocating the local farmer.

“I do not see any viable reason why this current Kagadi district local government leadership led by Ndibwami should go ahead collecting such a tax; this primitive and ancient form of collecting tax which was last seen in President Idi Amin’s regime must stop,” said Tinkasimiire.

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