Lango Farmers Turn To Hass Avocado

LANGO – Frustrated by poor local yields and wavering low crop prices, farmers in the Northern districts of Kwania, Apac, Lira, Kole and Dokolo are switching to the high value Hass Avocado to rake in higher profits.

Farmers united under Abulomogo Maize Farmers’ SACCO have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with Lango Hass Avocado, a Non-Governmental Organization, to grow Hass Avocado in Lango sub region.

It is more popular in East Africa and is grown for export and draws good market prices in Europe.

It is high in protein and minerals. It is used mainly in the making of cosmetics, more-so in the manufacture of facial and hair oil, according to experts.

About 2,500 members of Abulomogo Maize Farmers’ SACCO from the districts of Kwania, Apac, Lira, Kole and Dokolo have agreed to a pact to grow Hass Avocado on large scale for export, largely to boost incomes and shore up their savings.

Abulomogo Maize Farmers’ SACCO, formerly called Arocha Farmers’ Group, was formed in 2008 and is located in Kidilani parish, Chegere Sub County, in Apac district.

The 10-year project will see Lango Hass Avocado distribute 400 Hass Avocado seedlings to each SACCO member at about Shs 400,000 per acre to be repaid in installments. According to the MOU, the organization will then buy the avocado from the farmers at Shs 20,000 per kilogram.

A farmer is expected to harvest 87,780 fruits per acre. That is approximately between 2500-3000 kilograms.

Sam Ongebo, the coordinator of Lango Hass Avocado, said harvesting Hass Avocado can go on for over 15 years. Harvests start one year after planting. A farmer can get between Shs 20-30 million annually from an acre.

“Hass Avocados are mostly harvested from June to September. It is important to know how to identify the correct harvesting period because avocados are harvested raw and ripen off the tree. Harvest a few fruits and keep them in favorable conditions to ripen. If the fruits ripen evenly, then they are considered to have been mature,” he said.

He said they have started training farmers in growing the crop and fight diseases.

Nelson Adeka, the Abulomogo SACCO chairman, is optimistic Hass Avocado farming will boost members’ savings and increase their loan portfolio from Shs 560m to an estimated Shs 3 billion.

“The development will boost our loan portfolio to at least Shs 3 billion. I call upon farmers to address the issue of poor-quality harvests by planting their seedlings in time and deal with post-harvest handling challenges in order to boost the marketability of their produce,” he said.

Gloria Eleny, a resident of Adyeda Trading Center in Aduku Sub County, Kwania district, said she has been planting maize for the last eight years but is disappointed with the yield and the price fluctuation. With Hass Avocado, Eleny believes her life will improve.

Bonny Obete, a resident of Abur Parish in Kole district, is worried that without modern agricultural equipment like tractors, tarpaulins and modern storage facilities, most farmers might not reap big due to poor quality.

Hass Avocado is one of the strategic crops the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) has prioritized to increase food, nutrition, income security and improve the country’s export.

Records in the MAAIF show that export earnings from Hass Avocado have steadily increased from 6,000 tons in 2004/5 to 24,008 tons in 2014/15. Currently, About 15,000 farmers in the Lango sub region have been registered to grow of Hass Avocado.

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SACCO Saving Kids With Nodding Syndrome

OMORO – Unsupported anymore by the government or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), parents of children battling the debilitating Nodding Syndrome in the northern district of Omoro have turned to saving groups to support their sick children.

Nodding syndrome, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is a devastating neurological disorder of uncertain etiology described in African children. It was first documented in Tanzania in the 1960s, then later in South Sudan in the 1990s and in Northern Uganda in 2007.

About 33 women are currently leaning on Dii-Cwinyi Luc-Luc SACCO located in Te-Olam village, Odek Sub County in Omoro District to support their children.

Each member has between three to four children suffering from Nodding Syndrome, according to Grace Akello Layel, the chairperson of Dii-Cwinyi Luc-Luc SACCO.

Layel told theCooperator that members are growing soya beans and beans on a small scale to support their children.

“We also engage in petty trade in vegetables and sell locally brewed alcohol to get money to save every week,” she said, adding that members borrow from their pool of savings.

Layel however, said they need oxen and ox-ploughs to increase their productivity.

“These children need good feeding and medical care. Sometimes, when they fall sick, it becomes hard for members to keep saving because they have little money,” Layel said.

The group is also working to ensure that each member puts an iron sheet roof on her house to avoid unnecessary fires lit by their children in grass thatched huts.

“We were given Shs 700,000 by African Women Rising, an NGO, which we have loaned out to members and managed to generate Shs 5 million. We want to buy at least 10 iron sheets for each member to put a roof on the house,” she said.

Even in the face of the disruptive Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the group, which started in 2018, managed to save up to Shs 13.9 million last year.

Jimmy Kakamon, the LC-1 chairperson of Te-olam village, applauded the women for taking care of their children.

Okello Douglas Peter Okao, the LC-V chairperson of Omoro District, said the district has written to the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) asking for 283 sets of oxen and ox-ploughs to help households affected by the Nodding Syndrome.

“We want the families affected by the Nodding Syndrome to be supported by oxen and ox-ploughs but the office of the OPM is yet to respond,” Okao said.

He said the district received 360 pieces of iron sheets last week from the OPM, which will be distributed to 18 most vulnerable families affected by the disease.

Nodding Syndrome has affected an estimated 1,834 children in Northern Uganda.

In 2017, Hope for Humans Centre, a Nodding Syndrome treatment center in Akoyo village, Odek Sub County, was closed due to lack of funds.

It was the only facility offering treatment and education to hundreds of children suffering from the illness – which affects the brain and the central nervous system of underage boys and girls, between the ages of five to 15.

The center was founded by Dr Suzan Gazda, an American neurologist and her friends in 2012.

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Roadside Business Loans Spur Trade In Nebbi

NEBBI – Loans may keep some people sad and trapped in a cycle of debt, especially when they outpace one’s savings.

But Agnes Akumu, 45, a roadside clay pot dealer, is all smiles, years after taking up a ‘roadside business loan.’

“My life is transformed ever since I started accessing the roadside business loan from the SACCO. This has inspired me to do other side businesses, which have increased my capital base from Shs 50,000 to Shs 800,000 with a low loan interest rate of 8%,” Akumu, a resident of Akworo Village in Nyaravur trading center, said in a recent interview.

She’s largely a clay pot dealer and grinds stone along Nyaravur-Pakwach Road. She’s one of the many excited beneficiaries of the small roadside business loans.

Though her business is accident prone given its proximity to the Nyaravur –Pakwach Road, Akumu says the success outweighs the risks. She says she has been able to pay school fees for her children and support her family all the way.

She said she has also been able to buy two acres of land using profits from her business.

Clay pots, she said, are in demand largely for decoration and for cooling water. She said they are a very lucrative business.

Roadside businesses are small scale enterprises plied along the road targeting travelers who buy small items as they move from place to place.

Roadside business loans were introduced by Nyaravur Farmers’ Savings and Credit Cooperative Society, three years back.

Akumu said roadside business traders have also applied for Emyooga funds but are yet to get any firm nod of approval.

But the roadside business loans have improved the livelihoods of many and some are now applying for bigger loans.

According to business experts, roadside business loans are seed capital, given to business people doing roadside businesses.

Richard Okumu, the manager Nyaravur SACCO, said at least 70% of borrowers of roadside loans are women who have embraced the initiative and are responding positively.

In the past, he said, loans were given to very rich business men who owned very big shops but that has since changed.

He said the maximum loan given to roadside business persons is Shs 300,000 since roadside traders deal in small items.

David Muswa, the commercial officer, said women are very focused business people and are committed to paying back borrowed funds.

He urged financial institutions to carry out financial literacy trainings for well-focused women to help lift their businesses.

“As commercial officers at the district, we feel much privileged to see the roadside business women being uplifted and their livelihoods improved.” Muswa said.

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Street Vending Empties Hoima Central Market

HOIMA – One-by-one, vendors are walking out of a fast emptying Hoima Central Market and pouring onto the crowded city streets to sell their merchandise easily.

The abandoned lockups are mainly on the second and the third floor of the storied facility built under the Markets and Agriculture Trade Improvement Project – MATIP.

The Shs 11 billion project was funded by the African Development Bank –ADB. About 100 lock-ups are occupied out of the available 180.

The market has over 800 registered vendors. theCooperator has however, learnt that a number of vendors are abandoning the lock-ups because customers are buying from the streets.

Henry Kyarigonza, the chairperson of Kahoora Market Vendors SACCO, said the growing number of street vendors is under cutting their colleagues inside the market.

He said they have severally asked Hoima city authorities to intervene and force street vendors to operate in gazzeted areas without much success.

“This challenge is also forcing the remaining vendors in the market to abandon the facility and go on the streets since buyers are no longer coming to the market because they get what they need on the street,” he said.

“For example, we had allocated the eggplant sellers lockups inside the market but since they wait for the whole day without getting a customer, they have also moved out of the market to sell their produce on the street,” he said.

Some market vendors have demanded a tax waver, citing slow business and low sales brought on by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and unregulated street sales in the central business area of the city.

Many sellers have relocated to city streets including Bunyoro-Kitara and Byabacwezi Roads.

“Every place in the city has turned into a market, therefore I request authorities to force such sellers into the market as a business center for specific commodities other than trapping buyers outside of the market on streets leaving those inside without customers” Haruna Kasangaki, a vendor and SACCO member.

Godfrey Kutegeka, the chairman Hoima Central Market Traders Association, said vendors are pushed out of the market by high taxes.

He demanded a tax waver. He said a combination of slow business, slow sales, outstanding bank loans and tax arrears make it hard for them to pay tax and sustain their trade.

“The vendors have a lot of debts because business slowed down due to COVID-19 and they cannot pay taxes. This forces some to move out of the market and operate on the street,” he said.

Hoima City Clerk, Godfrey Mbamanyisa, insists that vendors must pay their arrears worth about Shs 200 million.

He says failing to pay tax implies a failure to deliver various services in the market like security, water and electricity among others.

“We are supposed to pay UMEME, National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) and other service providers such as cleaners and security are demanding Shs 42 million. Where should we get this money if the vendors are asking for tax wavers,” he asked.

Mbamanyisa said that soon they will evict all street vendors and hawkers.

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Amuru Builds Shs1.5bn Produce Stores

AMURU –To spur on-farm productivity and shore up the market for big volumes of agricultural commodities, Amuru District local government is constructing 11 produce stores worth about Shs1.5 billion for cooperative groups and farmer associations.

The 3,000 metric tons each capacity stores are being built in Atiak Sub County, one in Pabbo Sub County, four in the northern Amuru town council and three in Lamogi Sub County.

The beneficiary cooperatives include; Pupwonya Cooperative Society, Pabbo Rice Cooperative Society, Amuru Progressive Farmers’ Cooperative Society, Ojigi Cooperative Society in Amuru Sub County and Patopa Cooperative Society in Amuru district.

Samuel Kidega, the Amuru District commercial officer, said construction of the produce stores is funded under the Agriculture Cluster Development Project-ACDP program.

ACDP, which started in January 2012, is a partnership project between the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries and the World Bank –financed by the bank’s International Development Assistance (IDA).

The project, implemented in 57 districts across Uganda, aims to raise on-farm productivity, production, and marketable volumes of selected agricultural commodities (maize, beans, rice, cassava and coffee).

Kidega said farmers have been hiring small lockup shops in the trading center to store their produce.

Amuru District Production Officer, Okwonga Batulumayo said a lack of storage facilities in most sub counties in the district forced farmers to store their produce in their houses.

“Quality is usually compromised when farmers store their agricultural produce in the house,” Okwonga said.

The production officer said Shs 2.5 billion has been given to the district to construct roads linking storage facilities to the market.

“These roads will ensure that farmers do not waste too much money on transport to access the market for their produce,” He said.

Meanwhile, Geoffrey Orsbon Oceng, the Amuru Resident District Commissioner, urged farmers to own stores.

“The government is doing everything possible to help farmers move out of poverty by investing in projects that directly help them but they have to embrace the projects,” he said.

Amuru District has 15 produce stores already, which were constructed by non-governmental organizations but only one in Pabbo Kal in Pabbo Sub-County is fully operational.

Interviewed, Bartholomew Okwonga, the Amuru District Production Officer, said some farmers abandoned the produce stores because of poor handling of their produce in storage.

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Abapiri Farmers Lobby For Shs 400m Warehouse

KWANIA –Frustrated by how little farm produce they can stash away, a 450-member group of farmers allied with Abapiri Oil Seed Cooperative Society, in Abapiri Village, in Chawente Sub County, Kwania District is lobbying the government, well-wishers and donors for Shs 400 million to construct a warehouse.

The cooperative, which deals in soya beans, maize, simsim and other cereal crops plans to construct a store to bulk members’ farm produce for sale.

Stephen Otim, the chairman of the cooperative, said they have already procured land to build the warehouse but are still lobbying the government, well-wishers and donors for funds.

“We are grappling with the challenge of proper storage, however, the cooperative has a plan of constructing a big store estimated to cost Shs 400 million, we already have land but we are seeking support from the government,” he said.

He said the government should rehabilitate roads and provide irrigation systems to boost farmers’ production. Thomas Olal, a member of Abapiri Oil Seed Cooperative, is optimistic that construction of the warehouse will allow them to bulk their produce and sell at affordable prices to help members climb out of poverty.

Hellen Ayao urged the government to invest in different cooperatives in the country. She rallied people to join groups in order to benefit from the government programs.

“We lack a warehouse, I call upon the government to support us, we want to bulk our produce and sell at affordable prices as you know bulking is power. This will help us get a lot of money to eradicate poverty at the grassroots. I want to encourage people to join the group so that we benefit from the government program,” she said.

Patrick Bura, the Kwania District Commercial Officer, said in a telephone interview that; “Cooperatives have a potentially strong role in reducing poverty and social exclusion, and promoting national development. The government is yet to plan on how to support such cooperatives, but as of now they can write a proposal to the Africa Development Bank for financial support, yes as of now.”

Abapiri Oil Seed Cooperative Society started in 2017 as a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) – largely to promote commercial agriculture and strengthen group marketing for increased household income. The Cooperative currently has a total of 451 members with 150 loan portfolios. However, it is operating without a proper storage facility.

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Gulu Farmers Avoid Large Scale Farming

GULU –Deeply frustrated by the high cost of opening and ploughing virgin land, farmers in Acholi sub-region have steered clear of large scale farming.

Beatrice Kipwola, a member of Paicho Central Kal Cooperative Society in Paicho Sub County, Gulu district, told theCooperator that she has restricted herself to cultivating no more than five acres of land.

“Each season I plant only five acres of both soya beans and beans. This year, I had planned to add another five acres, but this means I have to inject Shs 900,000 in just opening and ploughing the virgin land, minus other inputs, planting and weeding expenses. This is a risk I don’t want to take, considering that high yields are not a guarantee,” Kipwola said.

A tractor costs between Shs 80,000 to Shs 90,000 to dig up an acre of unused land. An ox-plough costs Shs 40,000.

Since more than 90 percent of people in Acholi sub region are engaged in either subsistence or commercial agriculture –free hands for hire to open new land are hard to come-by because everyone is busy.

Each person or family does their own land opening.

Kipwola, who gets a net profit of about Shs 300,000 to Shs 400,000 every season, said she is afraid of expanding her gardens because hiring individuals to open land costs Shs 120,000 per acre. She said the high cost diminishes her profit margins.

Kipwola hires an ox-plough to open land.

Joska Lacaa, another member of Paicho Central Kal Cooperative Society, said she cannot cultivate beyond three acres.

Lacaa said she has restricted herself to growing only an acre of ground nuts and an acre of maize to avoid the prohibitive cost of opening new land.

She said uprooting a single tree stump from virgin land costs between Shs 10,000 to Shs 20,000.

“If there are 20 tree stumps on an acre, it means I have to part with a minimum of Shs 200,000 before employing the use of a tractor, twice. So, where will my profit come from?” Lacaa said.

Simon Opiro, the chairperson of Paicho Central Kal Cooperative Society, said land opening is a daunting task for the more active 47 female members of the cooperative. The cooperative has 219 members, but only 81 are active. Unlike men who can do some of the tasks, women have to hire most of the services, he said.

Opiro said that besides the prohibitive cost of hiring tractors for land opening, the whole sub county has only three tractors, which are always occupied. He said it takes about a month or more to get a tractor on-the-ground after booking.

Santa Joyce Laker, the chairperson of Atiak Sugar Plantation Out growers’ Cooperative Society Limited, said land opening is the biggest challenge to the cooperative.

“Operation Wealth Creation gives only seeds; how do you give seeds to someone who is unable to clear a large farm for commercial agriculture?” Laker said.

“We need support from government. It has only supported us to open land for sugarcane, not other crops, yet commercializing agriculture needs a lot of inputs,” Laker said.

A 2016 study of Land, Food, Security and Agriculture in Uganda by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Makerere University Business School found that cooperatives in Uganda now, unlike in the heyday of the cooperative movement, are not getting enough government support in terms of inputs.

The study suggests that agriculture credit be extended to cooperatives in form of tractor hire services and supply of inputs such as pesticides and other equipment, such that recovery is done at the time of sale of produce.

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Gulu Rice Farmers’ Group Goes For Big Loans

GULU –The 48-member Latyeng Farmers’ group in Gulu District has big plans and an even bigger appetite for loans.

First, the group wants to morph into a cooperative largely to attract big loans to expand its business portfolio.

The 48 group members grow rice, produce foundation seeds, pack and label rice. Last season, the group planted 115 acres of rice and harvested 160 tonnes.

Vicky Ocan, the group secretary, told theCooperator that Latyeng farmers’ group has organized 152 farmers into seven different groups.

“We have seven farmers’ groups each with about 30 to 40 farmers, who get rice seeds from us on credit and repay with an extra bag of rice after four months, as we link them to buyers,” she said.

Ocan said the small groups have not yet registered with Latyeng Farmers’ group.

“Although these farmers are not registered with our group, we give them regular training in rice-growing business. And as we plan to shift to a cooperative setting, we shall consider them first during registration of members,” Ocan said.

Ben Ocan, the Chairperson of Latyeng Farmers’ group, said they are still keenly studying the farmers to pick out the serious ones before they talk them into forming a cooperative.

Ocan believes a cooperative will help them get enough loans to buy machinery and other equipment to produce more rice and grow bigger.

“Right now we can only borrow Shs 50 million from the Microfinance Support Center. But we want to be able to borrow as much as Shs 300m so that we buy a big tractor for opening many acres of land and a lorry to transport our produce,” Ocan said.


The group, however, faces a string of rice milling and bagging challenges.

The group was given a Shs 98 million rice huller by the National Agricultural Advisory Services, NAADS, in 2017 but it has not been installed due to lack of power in the area.

The machine can hull 300 bags of rice daily. Ocan said their prayers for electricity in the area have not been answered.

He said farmers travel 10 kilometers to hull their rice expensively.

Ocan said they need about Shs 40 million to install a three-phase transformer to run the machine, or a generator of about Shs 100m, which the group cannot afford.

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Pay Dispute Rocks Atiak Out Growers Cooperative

AMURU –Rebel war abductees allied to Dwog Cen Paco Cooperative Society in the Northern district of Amuru are demanding about Shs 8.68 billion in wages for work done for Atiak sugarcane plantation in the last four years.

The 119 complainants, all former abductees of the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army, LRA, said they formed the cooperative in 2015 with 206 members. In 2016, they were contracted by Atiak Sugarcane Out growers Cooperative Society and National Agricultural Advisory Services, NAADS, to plant sugarcane and supply Atiak Sugar Factory in Amuru District.

Santo Omony said NAADs officials and Joyce Laker, the chairperson of Atiak Out Growers’ Cooperative, promised to pay each member of Dwog Cen Paco Cooperative Society Shs 5 million every year for an acre of sugarcane grown.

Omony said his colleagues; 77 women and 42 men, were given 534 acres to plant. The women were given four acres each and men three acres each. He said each woman is demanding Shs 80m and each man Shs 60m for work done in the last four years.

Their work, he said, involved weeding, planting sugarcane, weeding and cutting cane for crushing at the sugar factory.

After four years of working on the sugarcane plantation, the laborers say they have not got a single penny.

Omony said they decided to lay down their tools on January 4, 2021.

“We were supposed to start weeding and also cut some sugarcane from the plantation in January but we decided that we could not continue working without pay,” Omony said.

“I know this money has already accumulated and it can’t be paid at once. But our request is that they should be considerate and give us part payment,” he added.

Concy Aloyo, another member of the group, said they feel discriminated against, given that workers from other districts such as Gulu, Lamwo and Adjumani have been paid.

“We took up this initiative to be self-reliant after losing our land and even family members during the LRA war, and it pains me that our endeavor is not paying us,” Aloyo said.

Aloyo said the chairperson of Atiak Sugar Out growers’ Cooperative, Joyce Laker, promised in January when they refused to work that she would get back to them after a week, but she didn’t. Aloyo said if the five-year contract expires, it will become difficult for them to get paid.

Simon Ojara, another aggrieved member, said the NAADS coordinator for Northern Uganda, said in July last year “that our money was already given to the chairperson of Atiak Sugar Out growers’ but we wonder why they have not paid to date.”

Attempts to get a comment from Joyce Laker were futile. She neither picked nor returned our repeated calls.

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Emyooga: Family Probed For Forgery

HOIMA – Accusations of forgery have roared to the forefront in the creation of three Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (SACCOs) under the Presidential Initiative On Wealth And Job Creation, Emyooga.

Imposters, passing themselves-off as journalists and artists nearly received official certificates for three SACCOs that would have allowed them access Emyooga money.

But suspicious district officials held on to the certificates, pointing to forgery.

Samuel Kisembo Araali, the City Resident Commissioner of Hoima, confiscated three certificates during the official handover to Emyooga beneficiaries on Monday afternoon, April 26 at Hoima Booma Grounds in Hoima City.

The SACCOs whose certificates were withheld include; Hoima West Constituency Journalists Emyooga SACCO, Kigorobya Constituency Journalists Emyooga SACCO and Hoima West Performing Artists Emyooga SACCO.

The seizure of the certificates followed pointed queries about the credentials of the people who turned up to pick the documents on behalf of the three SACCO groups.

Kisembo explained that the SACCOs were formed by none journalists and artists. He said the district will investigate how family members constituted the membership of one SACCO meant for journalists. He said that the culprits will be prosecuted.

He said the Emyooga money was initiated to create jobs and wealth for people. He said anyone who misappropriates the money will be arrested.

“They are three (SACCOs), which we are going to investigate thoroughly because they seem to be belonging to one particular group. One family mobilized themselves and they are all members of the journalists’ SACCO. One is the chairperson, another is the secretary and another is the treasurer. They are not even journalists,” Kisembo said, adding that he withheld the certificates to help in the investigation.

“I am glad that we have been able to detect this before giving them the money. Just imagine if they had already taken the Emyooga money, it would be unfortunate,” he said.

62 out of 72 SACCOs in Hoima district and Hoima City received their certificates. The SACCOs were formed from1,460 Emyooga associations based in the four constituencies of Hoima West Division, Hoima East Division, Kigorobya and Bugahya Counties.

Each constituency has 18 SACCOs and each constituency is supposed to get Shs 560 million out of Shs 2.24 billion allocated to the entire district.

Yosam Tumwebaze, the Resident District Commissioner for Hoima, urged beneficiaries to put the money to proper use.

“This money is for helping you to develop yourselves and move out of poverty, so when you get it, don’t use the money for alcohol, weddings, buying clothes, or marrying second wives,” Tumwebaze said.

Colonel Joram Kagyezi, the coordinator of Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) in Bunyoro region, promised to monitor the beneficiaries to ensure that money is put to proper use.

“The Emyooga money is a seed; you need to use it wisely so that it moves you to another level. I promise that I will move and reach each group that will share this money. So if there is anybody who has been thinking of misusing the money like the way the youth did with the Youth Livelihood Fund, he or she should not take this money because things will not be good for them,” he warned.

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