Ker Kwaro Acholi moves to re-align the agricultural and business sector to cooperative societies

ACHOLI – Ker Kwaro Acholi, the Acholi Cultural Institution is in the final stages of rolling out a new cooperative society which seeks to organize and re-align the agricultural and business sector in Acholi sub-region.

In the proposal dubbed “Ker Kwaro Acholi Cooperative Society,” the cultural institution will bring together all the other smaller cooperative societies especially farming groups and other businesses in Acholi sub-region.

David Amone, the Minister for Production and Investment at Ker Kwaro Acholi says, the major focus of the new society is to unite, strategize and give focus and direction to the farmers and business communities in order to eliminate conflicts in business as well as boost bargaining capacities of the farmers.

Amone says, whereas Acholi sub-region is blessed with vast fertile land, almost 90% of the people are practicing agriculture. Less than 50% have grown to succeed in the sector majorly due to lack of focus and market knowledge and strategy.

“In this cooperative society, we will bring together all the farmers in their various smaller societies, train them, provide them with market knowledge and instill the spirit of unity and farming as a business, which should be able to change production,” Amone said.

Amone observed that most businesses in the Acholi sub-region seem to be competing and fighting amongst themselves instead of uniting and supporting each other in order to grow as a region like other areas have grown.

“When we see the current businesses in Acholi sub-region, there’s a lot of unnecessary competition, fighting among our own children who are actually brothers and sisters. We want to bring them together, help them have a holistic approach to the various business opportunities the region has,” said Amone.

“This cooperative society will give a big boost to the socio-economic transformation that the region has been undergoing though at a slow pace,” Amone notes.

Rwot Otinga Otto, the Deputy Paramount Chief of Acholi Cultural Institution says, they want to bridge the gap between private sector led and lower local economic development which has seen disparities in growth.

Otinga, who is also the clan Chief of Lamogi says, the major reason why the Acholi sub-region was recently ranked the poorest despite the availability of vast fertile land is that Acholi farmers are not focused and seemingly don’t know what they want and where they want to go.

“You can have your land or business but what do you want or where do you want to be? You find that most times our people upon starting business and breaking even, they get relaxed and now start to only sustain their business and not continue to further their growth. How then can we develop if we have such mentalities among the business community?” Otinga wondered.

Anthony Akol, the Chairperson of the Acholi Parliamentary Group (APG) agrees with the concept but worries that there are too many cooperative societies coming up and this might affect their focus.

“Because now, we have the Parish Development Model (PDM), and several other cooperative societies in the region, having another one will likely jeopardize the focus and development intended beneficiaries,” Akol worries.

“We need to instead organize our already existing cooperative societies in order to achieve the main focus and vision of the new cooperative society that the cultural institution wants to rollout,”Akol proposes.

Denis Onguti, a businessman in Gulu City says, the already established and functional societies like that of the business community should instead be retooled on withering the threat being brought about by the foreign investors in the region.

“We have very many foreign businesses cropping up in the region and for us as business people, we need to be supported to compete so that we can as well develop our region,” Onguti appeals.

Acholi sub-region currently has hundreds of cooperative societies which are functional and these include;the Acholi East and West Cooperative Union, Kilak Cooperative Society, among others. Most of the societies majorly focus on agricultural production.

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Microfinance Support Centre (MSC) to establish an office in Masindi

MASINDI – As one way of bringing services closer to the people, Microfinance Support Centre (MSC) has decided to put an office in Masindi district to cater for the three districts of Masindi, Kiryandongo and Buliisa.

This was revealed by Hellen Masika, the deputy Executive Director of MSC on Wednesday while meeting Masindi district leaders, technocrats, and the religious leaders at Masindi district headquarters.

“Residents from the three districts have been finding it hard to access our services. I want the district leaders to identify for us space. We shall beautify it and equip it. Make sure that the people in that office are residents of this area who are well versed with the local language,” said Masika.

She warned the district leaders to desist from any form of corruption while recruiting the two officers who will be working in the office.

She explained that the regional office which is in Hoima is not enough for the whole region to provide adequate services.

The regional office caters for 10 districts and a city, eight from Bunyoro sub-region and two from Buganda region.

Those from Bunyoro include; Masindi, Hoima, Buliisa, Kiryandongo, Kibaale, Kakumiro, Kikuube, Kagadi and Hoima city while Kiboga and Kyakwanzi are from Buganda.

A team from MSC led by Emmanuel Kiiza Aliba, the Chairperson board had come to Masindi to explain to the leaders the opportunities available if they partner with MSC.

“There are very many opportunities if you partner with us. I am imploring organized SACCOs, Cooperatives and groups to partner with us such that we can support you financially and fight poverty. MSC was put in place to support organized and active groups as well as one way of changing social and economic status of Ugandans,” noted Kiiza.

He added that he doesn’t want to leave office when the people of Bunyoro are poor and yet Bunyoro is home, adding that he came to Masindi with the whole team to open the doors wide for the residents to benefit.

Rev. Can. Francis Kajura, the Archdeacon Masindi Archdeaconry asked the Deputy Executive Director MSC to ensure that religious leaders are also supported, explaining that they are also organized in a SACCO but benefiting from government is a hurdle to them.

“We formed our SACCO about seven years ago. We thought we would benefit from Emyooga program but all was in vain. As religious leaders, we also need to be supported because apart from the ministry, we also do other economic activities,” he explained.

In her response, Masika noted that they couldn’t benefit from Emyooga because they were not among the categories, adding that since they are organized, they can benefit from other programs which are supported by the MSC.

She added that even the Muslims are going to be supported under the Islamic financing where they’ll not be required to put interest on the money given to them.

“There has been an information gap, but all this is going to be bridged when we establish our office here,” Masika added.

Pamela Nyakato, the Secretary for Finance at Masindi District Local Government promised to expeditiously work on the issue of identifying the office space to enable people access the services which will enable them to move out of poverty.

Abdallah Serunkuma, the Chairperson Masindi business community commended the team from MSC for coming to them to explain various opportunities which are available noting that they have been in total darkness but now their eyes are opened.

Ronald Businge Kyomuhendo, the Mayor Masindi Municipality asked for intensified sensitization and monitoring of different government programs, explaining that the government is injecting a lot of money through different programs but with no impact on ground.

“We need to find out why there’s not much impact on ground and yet government is investing in a lot of money. We need to move out of offices and understand where the problem is,” he added.

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Minister suspends Lira land board

The Minister of Land, Housing, and Urban Development, Judith Nabakooba has suspended all Lira district land board members over alleged corruption and influence peddling.

In a letter dated 4th Feb 2022 to the Chief Administrative Officer [CAO], Ben Ogwete Otim, the minister said, the allegation translates into questionable moral turpitude against public officers serving on the board.

“The ministry has received complaints of misconduct involving corruption and influence-peddling against the members of Lira district land board where I am the approving officer in such an appointment,” she said.

“The purpose of this letter is to suspend the officials of the board to pave way for investigations into the allegation,” she adds. The letter was copied to the Inspector General of Government [IGG].

The board includes Chairperson Paul Cankoma Okello and four others.

The minister advised the district Chairperson, Richard Cox Okello Orik to nominate new members of the board for appointment and approval.

“I have asked the minister of state for lands to guide the district on the effective process of nominating new members on the board within a month,” she said.

The communication landed immediately after the arrest of Pastor Francis Okello, who was the acting secretary for the board. Okello was nabbed on allegations of smuggling land-related documents.

The police recovered a heap of files loaded in his car at the district headquarters which they suspected he wanted to ferry to his home.

Two weeks ago, former parliamentary candidate for Lira City West division, Anthony Ojuka called on the government to institute an investigation into corruption in the ministry of land zonal office in Lira district.

In his petition to the Permanent Secretary [PS], Ojuka accused Francis Ateng, the head of the zonal office of becoming a land broker, illegally processing land titles, and conniving with elements to sell government land.

Through his counsel, Opyene, and company advocate, Ateng has since rubbished the allegation and threatened to drag Ojuka to court over defamation.

It said Ojuka uttered inaccurate and incorrect statements which were intended to satisfy his personal and political interests.

But Nabakooba instructed the Permanent Secretary to liaise with the ministry of land’s zonal office not to entertain backdating of documents to authenticate fraudulent acts.

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Mbarara City leadership demand bidders more than Shs236m in arrears

Mbarara city is demanding more than Shs236m from bidders in arrears after they defaulted on their contracts.

During a council meeting held on Tuesday this week at Mbarara City Council hall, it was discovered that bidders were not meeting their arrears since December 2021.

In a report read by Eunice Asiimwe, City Councilor representing People with Disabilities [PWDs] and Chairperson Multipurpose Committee, Mbarara City is losing a lot of revenue as a result of conspiracy, connivance, and poor management of revenue collection by the district Executive.

Members of the committee scrutinized the bidders’ position and noted that most contracts have defaulted and no action has been taken despite several council resolutions

Defaulted contracts include; street parking [106,462,425], Nyamityobora weekly market [5,092,000], Bikadde market [2,056,382], charcoal sellers [3,884000], Kikoona market [3,874,400], Nyamityobora market [36m], Koranorya market [8.6m], Biharwe matooke market [6.6m], pick-ups [20,237639] among others.

The report further shows that there are a lot of irregularities and connivance at the tendering stage of revenue sources that procuring contractors goes beyond the scheduled time.

“It was noted that some bidders who defaulted were the ones who won tenders year in and year out. Besides, the tendered prices are sometimes reduced especially in the second month of the contract. For example, street parking, Koranorya market and Kikoona market whose contracts run for long periods” Asiimwe explained.

The committee also discovered that since 2020, the bidder of Kikoona market in Ruti ward was paying the council only Shs3m instead of 16.5m per week. It is alleged that the bidder connived with the contracts committee to cause financial loss to the city council, some few technocrats at Mbarara city council, and politicians to reduce the money from Shs16.5 to only Shs3million causing a financial loss of Shs1.2b.

The said contract was awarded to Tukaham Enterprises allegedly belonging to Jomo Mugabe, the Mbarara City South Mayor which is tantamount to conflict of interest.

When asked, Mugabe refuted the allegation saying, he does not own any tender in Mbarara City Council.

Asiimwe said, all the city contracts made, lack a proper management plan due to the lack of contracts managers.

“The contract managers could have assisted Senior Assistant Town Clerks at the divisions to fully perform their duties and sign contract agreements,” she emphasized

James Agaba, the Principal Commercial Officer, Mbarara City who doubles as the Chairperson of the contracts committee, denied reducing Kikona market revenue from Shs16.5m to Shs3m.

“I am the one who awarded the contract at Shs16.5m so I don’t know who authorized the contractors to pay only Shs3m,” Agaba said.

Richard Mugisha, the Deputy City Clerk said, the district Executive has been busy promising to invite them within one week’s time to harmonize on the default position.

“I go by the statement of the Mayor because we have been busy but we promised that by the close of Friday we shall have invited them for a meeting” Mugisha said.

“It wouldn’t be prudent for the Executive to run a similar parallel activity of engaging these people; but with your permission by next week as my senior stated, we shall do the needful” Ronald Taremwa, the City Finance Chairman representing Mbarara City North B added.

The matter sparked bitterness as Councilors continued demanding an explanation from the Executive why contractors that have defaulted are still running the same tenders.

“It’s so unfortunate hearing such statements coming from the Deputy Mayor and the Deputy City Clerk that they have been so busy to attend to the resolutions that were made by the supreme authority of Mbarara City” Jenina Kyomuhendo-Female Youth Councilor Mbarara City

“This does not only mislead but indicates neglect of duties because we had resolved that all the service providers with running contracts should be invited for a discussion because our budget is now being threatened by the poor performance,” Enock, another Councilor representing male disabilities adds

Way forward

Bonny Tashobya, the City Speaker, asked the City Clerk to incorporate a digital system under the revenue department to always declare the revenue collections in Mbarara City.

“City Clerk, stop basing on the reports presented to you, lets institute a clear system where we always know what has been collected because we are always left in the dark. Like now, we don’t know whether the Executive always pockets what they collect or bank it in our accounts.”

Through the Speaker, the Council also directed the Executive to terminate contracts of all business people who have failed to pay the awarded tenders.

“We have resolved as Council that some contracts like street parking, Koranorya market, and Kikoona market should be considered for termination if the contractors adamantly refuse to pay. You cannot tell me that you were supposed to pay Shs7m per week and then you start by paying Shs200,000; that is impossible. You are actually defrauding people who give us money because this is the exact money, we use to grade our roads,” says Tashobya

“As councilors, we are saying those bidders should be called here not later than Friday and then we ascertain the nature of the problem,” he adds

“Members, let’s not play around with Council resolutions because this is a matter that involves millions of shillings and we are looking for revenue. We don’t have any other resource envelope to work for the people in our respective constituencies” Tashobya says

Christopher Aine, the Deputy Resident City Commissioner [DRCC] encouraged the council to always award contracts to competent business people.

“Why can’t we get serious with these bidders? How can someone really get a tender and play around with it? If someone can’t really perform, why don’t you drop him and get serious competent business people to take over the contracts? Aine asked.

“If you cannot manage a tender, please leave it for those who can manage but we cannot just be consuming resources from the central government while we are failing to perform our obligations” he added

Mbarara City council has so far received the 3rd quarter of central government grants worth Shs15,750,915,321 from the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development [MFPED] and the city has so far collected Shs1,326,676,000 which is 15 percent of the total budget.

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UBTEB official urges girls to pursue engineering courses

KABAROLE – The Executive Secretary, Uganda Business Technical Examinations Board [UBTEB], Onesmus Oyesigye has appealed to girls to pursue engineering courses which has for many years registered more boys than girls.

“Gone are the days when they used to say engineering courses are for boys. Actually, girls do better than boys in these courses. I therefore encourage girls to pursue science courses like mechanical engineering, building and construction among others” Oyesigye said.

He made this remark while monitoring and assessing the ongoing examinations at Uganda Technical College Kichwamba in Kabarole district.

Oyesigye cited an example of an international certificate specifically in Oil and Gas that very few girls tend to pursue.

“When it comes to mass employment in Hoima, our sisters will miss out because very few will benefit. I appeal to parents to encourage their girls to do this course that will enable them to get employment anywhere in the world” he said.

He disclosed that in the near future, these institutions will be open to everyone whether you went to school or not.

“In the near future, we shall have fully fledged curriculum for all Ugandans to benefit. We shall have short courses like electrical installation, painting, solar among others. It will be open to everyone to come and do any skilling course of their choice” he said.

The deputy principle academic registrar at Kichwamba technical college, Joseph Nyakoojo said, the college offers only skills training and in the near future; they will have skills with production because they have the equipment.

“The skills we give to the oil and gas students can help them even when they are not working with oil companies” Nyakoojo said.

However, Nyakoojo noted that the overall enrolment of female students at the college is still very low hence the need for more female students.

He said, the enrolment at the college stands at 572 males and 145 females.

UBTEB is conducting exams in 223 assessment centers with 15809 students and 63 special needs students sitting for the exams.

The exams begun on 24th January and will end on 7th Feb.


Uganda Technical College Kichwamba is a government tertiary institution of higher learning offering both certificates and diploma courses in various engineering courses.

In 2020, government approved Petroleum institute Kigumba in Hoima and Uganda Technical College Kichwamba to provide first rate training in the critical oil and gas sector.

Kigumba now offers five courses while Kichwamba has four.

Courses at Kigumba include upstream petroleum study, downstream petroleum operation, electrical installation, mechanical installation and instrumentation while Kichwamba has electrical installation, mechanical installation, welding metal fabrication and carpentry and joinery.

Other technical colleges in Uganda include Uganda Technical College Bushenyi, Ntinda vocational training institute, Bukalasa Agricultural training institute, Uganda technical college Elgon among others.

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Water shortage hits Nebbi town, project design blamed

Nebbi. The National Water and Sewerage Corporation [NWSC] Nebbi area has linked the current water crisis in Nebbi town to the project design which was meant to serve Nebbi’s small urban population.

The area NWSC Engineer Nebbi, Eng Kenneth Rukundo admitted that the unreliable water supply in Nebbi town is caused by small distribution pipes that the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Environment designed some years back to supply water to a smaller population.

“If water is to be supplied constantly, the whole water system must be changed to meet water demands in the growing town,” said Rukundo.

Nebbi town was amongst the three small towns namely; Apac, Paidha and Pakwach in the country that government constructed clean and water plant under small town water and sanitation project in 2008 to address the alarming challenges of clean water coverage in small towns, but the design is being overwhelmed by the rapid population growth which needs to be changed.

He said, due to the increasing demand of water from water consumers in the growing town and outside town, this has forced NWSC to cover the areas of 273 km beyond their capacity to supply communities hence overwhelming the designed project.

The current households connected with piped water stands at 3221 while the monthly consumption of piped water stands at 44315 cubic meters meaning that, if the pump is boosted, the supplies will have to increase by 50 percent.

He also said, to respond to the unreliable water supply that the current growing population in Nebbi is facing, NWSC is planning to install the rapid sand filter pump from slow pump sand filter to meet the current water demand in Nebbi town.

“The slow sand water pump filter was meant to pump water to a smaller population but currently the pump can’t distribute water to meet the overwhelming needs of the population because of its capacity and there’s need to install the rapid sand water filter pump if we are to have constant water supplies,” Rukundo said.

He adds that, NWSC is being faced with a number of challenges of mechanical breakdown of machines and unreliable electricity power to run the heavy pumps to distribute water to cover areas mapped by NWSC for water supplies.

According to residents, the unreliable water supplies in town has forced the entire population to spend much of their time walking long distances to look for water from rivers for domestic use.

Some Hotels and school owners who largely depend on piped water to conduct their businesses since they are the biggest water consumers, have resorted to hiring tukutuku riders to fetch water from rivers due to inconsistent supply of piped water in these dry spells.

Olangi Geoffrey, one of the residents of Kasuku cell in Abindu division, Nebbi municipality says, in order to access piped water from NWSC, a person must wake up at around 4:00am since during the day, piped water is unavailable.

He adds that the situation is more challenging during school time, making it hard for mothers to prepare their children for school since they spend most of their time looking for water in this dry spell.

According to Olangi, the unreliable water supply in town is being caused by the extensions of piped water by NWSC outside Nebbi town to the nearby sub counties which were not in the design.

“The water plant in Nebbi town was designed to serve a small population but now NWSC extended pipe water beyond the recommended population designed “Olangi said.

Brain Rwothongeyo, a washing bay operator in Nebbi town says, since Christmas time, he has lost customers due to unreliable water supplies because they are unable to receive water for the whole day.

He adds that when piped water isn’t available, he spends Shs 500 per jerrican in order to serve the few customers who come to the washing bay and this has affected his daily returns.

The most affected areas in Nebbi town, with water challenges are; Kasuku, Angir and some parts of Laji, unjuku upper and Lower cells that are currently being affected with people queuing for water .

However, the Nebbi Municipality MP Hon. Hashim Suleiman said, water must be connected in all villages since bore holes which used to help the bigger populations before were condemned for use and decommissioned resulting in a water crisis.

“We have vulnerable members of the communities who can’t survive without water and if there is scarcity of piped water in town they are over charged,” Hashim said.

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Police on the spot for torturing and harassment of locals

Hoima – Residents and local leaders in Bulindi town council in Kyabigambire sub county in Hoima district are demanding for the withdraw of security officers that were deployed in the area to avert crimes.

Recently, the local leaders and security resolved that police officers be deployed in the area after unknown people dropped threatening leaflets vowing to murder some residents and leaders including the Kyabigambire LCIII Chairperson Alex Mwesigwa, the sub county Speaker, Steven Adroko and Vice Chairperson Irene Nabadda among others.

Police and Uganda People’s Defense Force [UPDF] were deployed in the area but one month after the deployment, residents now want the security officers withdrawn on accusations of harassment and torture.

They claim that the security officers were deployed to provide security in the area but now they have turned to be a source insecurity.

The residents accused security officers for beating and extorting money from them. “I was beaten and injured by security officers as I was taking my child to the hospital at around 9pm, I tried to plead with them but they could not spare me” Fred Karubanga one of the victims explained his ordeal.

The locals made the demand for the withdraw of security from their area during a meeting that was organized by the Bugahya County Member of Parliament, Pius Wakabi and the Hoima district Speaker Swaibu Nyangabyaki in Bulindi.

Harriet Kaija another victim said, security deployed in the area to hunt for the criminal but they have failed and turned their guns on residents. She demanded that the security officers be withdrawn from the area to save the residents from the continued harassment.

Hoima district Speaker Swaibu Nyangabyaki said, several people have been tortured by security officers. He noted that a number of people in the area are nursing wounds that were inflicted on them by security officers adding that many others have lost hard earned money to corrupt security officers.

‘I do not want to sound like am inciting people, but the truth is that we no longer need your security officers in our sub-county, we can live without them because instead of protecting us they are torturing us” Swaibu Nyangabyaki told the District Police Commander [DPC].

MP Wakabi supported the resident’s demands noting that it was absurd that the officers deployed to keep peace; law and order are instead engaging in acts of criminality.

He said, residents in Bulindi town council, Kibugubya, Kitongole, Kisabagwa and Katongo villages have tested the wrath of the security officers saying the officers need to be punished.

“I survived being beaten by the officers when the OC of Bulindi police post Moses Kige told them that he is an MP. Otherwise, if the OC was not around, I was going to be beaten. Imagine if they can beat an MP how about the local person, they arrest people and ask them for money ranging from Shs 50,000 to Shs 100,000 to be released,” said Wakabi

The Hoima DPC, Ruth Nkamusima apologized for the indiscipline of her officers and promised to address the matter. She also asked the tortured victims to open up cases at police and promised that their issues will be investigated for justice to prevail. I apologize on behalf of security and I promise that the situation is going to change, we deployed security to keep peace but we did not deploy security to beat you” she apologized.

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Surging cases of armed robbery in Gulu City

Gulu – The leadership of boda boda cyclists’ associations in Gulu City are calling for an urgent intervention into the surging cases of armed robberies targeting their members.

A total of 10 motorcycles have been robbed by unknown gunmen within Gulu City and neighboring Omoro and Nwoya districts.

The stolen motorcycles include UFK 722Y, UFE 737 J, UFK 852 D, UFE 906 J, UFL 706 F, UFK 858G, UFJ 138 G, UFF 438 T, UFK 223 Y to mention but a few.

Francis Rubangakene, the Chairperson of Gulu East Boda-boda Cylists Association identified some of the victims of the armed robberies as; Innocent Opiyo whose wife was put on gun point and tasked to call him and upon arrival at his home in Aywee, he was hit by the burnet unconscious by the two-gun men.

The other victim identified as Ceaser Guna, a resident of Ongako who operates in Gulu City. He was attacked between Ongako primary school and the health center III by unknown men carrying iron bars and a gun before taking his motorcycle registration number UFF 438T. He is currently receiving treatment from St Mary`s Hospital Lacor, in Gulu City.

Rubangakene says, as leaders they have been called by the security leadership for meetings which has failed to address their insecurity concerns.

According to Rubangakene, cases of armed robberies have initially been reported last year but no serious intervention was carried out by gunmen.

“I want to appeal to the police and the UPDF to improve on their patrols within the City” Rubangakene notes.

Emmy Ocen, the Chairman Gulu West Boda boda cyclist’s Association said, seven of his members have been victims of the attack leaving three riders and one customer in critical condition at St Mary`s Hospital Lacor.

Ocen says, despite the fact that the riders are attacked at night, which is in violation of the 7 PM curfew, security officials need to do their work of ensuring that all Ugandans are safe.

“We understand that the president hasn’t allowed us to operate at night, but we feel the security officials not doing enough to protect Ugandans. Because how can you allow gunmen to move freely at night using motorcycles to attack us. We know the capacity of Ugandan government as far as security is concerned. Why aren’t they doing anything serious to ensure the unknown gunmen are known and brought to book?” Ocen asked.

David Ongom Mudong, the Aswa Region Police Spokesperson when tasked on investigations on the rampant gun related theft of motorcycles said, they arrested a prime suspect who is believed to be the mastermind behind the recent attack’s on cyclists.

“Following our investigations which led us to one, Denis Komakech, resident of Tegwana Parish, Layibi Central, Laroo-Pece Division where he has been hiding, we arrested him in the wee hours of Thursday today morning. We are currently hunting another suspect who’s name we are withholding for investigation purposes” said Mudong.

“During our operations in Tegwana, we recovered three pairs of UPDF army uniforms, a bunch of keys, car jerks, pips bearings the rank of a captain and other break in equipment. We will use these items as evidence against the suspect,” Mudong noted.

However, Asan Kasingye, the Political Commissar of the Uganda Police Force via his official Twitter handle wondered why the cyclists would be operating at night in violation of the presidential directives. He also noted that the matter is already under investigation.

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BKK Prime Minister and his cabinet Ministers suspended over abuse of office

HOIMA – Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom (BKK) Prime Minister, Andrew Byakutanga and his Finance Minister, Robert Owagonza and others have been indefinitely suspended from office over misconduct and abuse of office.

According to the letter dated 30th of January 2022 and signed by the Head of the Babito ruling clan, the Chief Prince (Okwiri) Engineer Fred Mugenyi Ruchunya indicated that the decision to sack them was reached on 29th of January 2022 during a Babito general assembly held at Karuzika Palace No5 in Hoima town.

According to the letter, the officials are accused of lack of transparency and accountability for the kingdom resources, fraudulent and dubious withdrawals and expenditure of Kingdom finances without any approved policy and activity planned in the palace.

According to Ruchunya, in 2018, the government accepted to give the Kingdom its share from Kinyara Sugar Works worth Shs33 billion, Shs1.25 billion is paid quarterly and government has been paying this money for two years.

He further says, they have demanded Byakutanga and his members to give accountability in vain.

In his letter, Ruchunya noted that they made investigations in Equity Bank where the kingdom opened accounts and got banks statements and found out that colossal sums of money were withdrawn by Byakutanga and signatories.

According to him, on 21-4-2021, Shs 400 million was withdrawn, on 24-12-2019, Shs 250 million was withdrawn, and on 3rd-3-2020, Shs 250 million was withdrawn and money was given to the law firm of a one Kabega.

It is also indicated that on 20-5-2019, Shs 765 million was withdrawn, 26-5-2019, Shs 370 millions was withdrawn, again on 26-5-2019 Shs 90 millions was withdrawn and all this money was paid to a law firm called PORD.

On 20th-8-2019, Shs 205 million was withdrawn and on 26-6-2020, Shs 296 million was withdrawn and all the money was paid to a law firm called GAUFF.

Ruchunya said, the Kingdom has not been having court cases that would cost such sums of money adding that this money was taken by individuals for their personal interests.

He also accused the Prime Minister and his members for mismanagement of Kingdom assets and property, involvement in the sale of the Kingdom land, insubordination and disrespect of the Babito ruling clan among others.

He noted that basing on these actions, Ruchunya said, the meeting of Babito resolved that the Prime Minister (Byakutaga) and his ministers step aside from office and hand over offices to their deputies immediately to pave way for investigations and forensic Audit.

“The meeting observed these actions tantamount to gross abuse of office as Prime Minister of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom and its leadership before their subjects. Therefore, in the interest of its continued smooth existence and growth of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom, the meeting resolved and mandated Okwiri to direct you (Byakutanga) and the two cabinet Ministers to step aside from your voluntary services to the Kingdom with immediate effect to pave way for investigations and forensic audit,” the letter reads in parts.

However, in his response to the letter dated 30th of January 2022 and signed by Byakutanga, he disregarded Ruchunya’s orders and described it as baseless.

He noted that Okwiri Ruchunya has no power, whatsoever to appoint or to dismiss any official of the Kingdom, either as an individual or by virtue of the authority he holds in that office.

He noted that Omukama of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom, Dr. Solomon Iguru Gafabusa is the only appointing authority of the Kingdom and the only one who can replace officials of the Kingdom as he pleases.

“Whereas I respect the Office of the Okwiri, as the head of the Babito clan in the Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom, I would like to categorically state that the purported author of the document has no power, whatsoever to appoint or to dismiss any official of the Kingdom, either as an individual or by virtue of the authority he holds in that office,” Byakutanga explained.

But Okwiri Ruchunya in his letter said, his appointment gives him power to take action against any errant kingdom official.

“You are aware, the Babito are the ruling clan and we derive our authority from the statute of 1993 that reinstated cultural leaders and who are mandated to administer their kingdoms, chiefdoms and the subjects. We also derive our authority from article 246 of the constitution of the republic of Uganda and as amended in 2011, explained in the letter. I also derive authority from my appointment instructions in which Omukama mandated me to take any appropriate action against any official of the kingdom in case the Babito general assembly and clan executive central committee or Okwiri himself has a cause to believe that there is a crime or misconduct committed or about to be committed,”

However, Kabega Musa of Kabega, Bogezi & BukenyaAdvocates whose law firm was mentioned to have received huge sums when contacted said, his law firm has been offering legal services to the Kingdom but he declined to divulge more details about the service he has been offering.

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BKK Prime Minister and his cabinet Ministers suspended over abuse of office

HOIMA – Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom (BKK) Prime Minister, Andrew Byakutanga and his Finance Minister, Robert Owagonza and others have been indefinitely suspended from office over misconduct and abuse of office.

According to the letter dated 30th of January 2022 and signed by the Head of the Babito ruling clan, the Chief Prince (Okwiri) Engineer Fred Mugenyi Ruchunya indicated that the decision to sack them was reached on 29th of January 2022 during a Babito general assembly held at Karuzika Palace No5 in Hoima town.

According to the letter, the officials are accused of lack of transparency and accountability for the kingdom resources, fraudulent and dubious withdrawals and expenditure of Kingdom finances without any approved policy and activity planned in the palace.

According to Ruchunya, in 2018, the government accepted to give the Kingdom its share from Kinyara Sugar Works worth Shs33 billion, Shs1.25 billion is paid quarterly and government has been paying this money for two years.

He further says, they have demanded Byakutanga and his members to give accountability in vain.

In his letter, Ruchunya noted that they made investigations in Equity Bank where the kingdom opened accounts and got banks statements and found out that colossal sums of money were withdrawn by Byakutanga and signatories.

According to him, on 21-4-2021, Shs 400 million was withdrawn, on 24-12-2019, Shs 250 million was withdrawn, and on 3rd-3-2020, Shs 250 million was withdrawn and money was given to the law firm of a one Kabega.

It is also indicated that on 20-5-2019, Shs 765 million was withdrawn, 26-5-2019, Shs 370 millions was withdrawn, again on 26-5-2019 Shs 90 millions was withdrawn and all this money was paid to a law firm called PORD.

On 20th-8-2019, Shs 205 million was withdrawn and on 26-6-2020, Shs 296 million was withdrawn and all the money was paid to a law firm called GAUFF.

Ruchunya said, the Kingdom has not been having court cases that would cost such sums of money adding that this money was taken by individuals for their personal interests.

He also accused the Prime Minister and his members for mismanagement of Kingdom assets and property, involvement in the sale of the Kingdom land, insubordination and disrespect of the Babito ruling clan among others.

He noted that basing on these actions, Ruchunya said, the meeting of Babito resolved that the Prime Minister (Byakutaga) and his ministers step aside from office and hand over offices to their deputies immediately to pave way for investigations and forensic Audit.

“The meeting observed these actions tantamount to gross abuse of office as Prime Minister of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom and its leadership before their subjects. Therefore, in the interest of its continued smooth existence and growth of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom, the meeting resolved and mandated Okwiri to direct you (Byakutanga) and the two cabinet Ministers to step aside from your voluntary services to the Kingdom with immediate effect to pave way for investigations and forensic audit,” the letter reads in parts.

However, in his response to the letter dated 30th of January 2022 and signed by Byakutanga, he disregarded Ruchunya’s orders and described it as baseless.

He noted that Okwiri Ruchunya has no power, whatsoever to appoint or to dismiss any official of the Kingdom, either as an individual or by virtue of the authority he holds in that office.

He noted that Omukama of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom, Dr. Solomon Iguru Gafabusa is the only appointing authority of the Kingdom and the only one who can replace officials of the Kingdom as he pleases.

“Whereas I respect the Office of the Okwiri, as the head of the Babito clan in the Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom, I would like to categorically state that the purported author of the document has no power, whatsoever to appoint or to dismiss any official of the Kingdom, either as an individual or by virtue of the authority he holds in that office,” Byakutanga explained.

But Okwiri Ruchunya in his letter said, his appointment gives him power to take action against any errant kingdom official.

“You are aware, the Babito are the ruling clan and we derive our authority from the statute of 1993 that reinstated cultural leaders and who are mandated to administer their kingdoms, chiefdoms and the subjects. We also derive our authority from article 246 of the constitution of the republic of Uganda and as amended in 2011, explained in the letter. I also derive authority from my appointment instructions in which Omukama mandated me to take any appropriate action against any official of the kingdom in case the Babito general assembly and clan executive central committee or Okwiri himself has a cause to believe that there is a crime or misconduct committed or about to be committed,”

However, Kabega Musa of Kabega, Bogezi & BukenyaAdvocates whose law firm was mentioned to have received huge sums when contacted said, his law firm has been offering legal services to the Kingdom but he declined to divulge more details about the service he has been offering.

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