acholi Africa Agoro Cooperative Agoro Irrigation Scheme agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apac Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana bee keeping boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders emyooga Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial Fishery fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Kole Kwania Lamwo District Lango Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda Masindi District matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Oyam Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Poultry Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Water irrigation Waterborne diseases weather West Lango Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited. Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Farmers shun Agoro irrigation scheme water
Members of Agoro self-help irrigation cooperative society have stopped using water from the scheme blaming it for destroying their crops...
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acholi Africa Agoro Cooperative Agoro Irrigation Scheme agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apac Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana bee keeping boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora District Commercial Officers DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders emyooga Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial Fishery fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Ikwera SACCO Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Kole Kwania Kwania District Lamwo District Lango Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda Masindi District matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Oyam Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Poultry Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Water irrigation Waterborne diseases weather West Lango Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited. Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
SACCOs grappling with fraud, poor governance
A significant number of Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) in Uganda have suffered fraud and poor governance, a new...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Magazine Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union Limited Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
How SACCOs came to dominate Uganda’s Cooperative Movement
As you travel across Uganda, you will not miss a signage with the word “Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs)”....
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Amuru Sugarcane plantation Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Casual labor Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms Harvesting health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Magazine Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower sugarcane Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union Limited Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western Wildfires World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Amuru Sugar plantation recruits 400 labourers for urgent sugarcane harvest after fire
At least 400 casual laborers have been urgently recruited and deployed to harvest the sugarcane that survived a wildfire at...
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acholi Africa Agali Sub county agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Amuru Sugarcane plantation Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Casual labor Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms Harvesting health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Irrigation system Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Lira district Loans Lwengo Magazine Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Onion and Tomato production Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower sugarcane Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union Limited Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Water production Waterborne diseases weather Western Wildfires World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Co-operators appeal for legal framework to promote water for production
Members of Miromi Farmers’ Cooperative Society in Agali Sub County, Lira district, have appealed to the government to come up...
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acholi Africa Agali Sub county agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Amuru Sugarcane plantation Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Casual labor Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms Harvesting health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Irrigation system Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Lango Legal Life Style Lira district Loans Lwengo Magazine Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Onion and Tomato production Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower sugarcane Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union Limited Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Water production Waterborne diseases weather Western Wildfires World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Lango Cooperative Union in battle to recover lost assets
The leadership of Lango Cooperative Union is struggling to repossess its prime assets that were lost to private individuals. Formed...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus mbarara Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Publicity Mbarara Central Market Vendors Association Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade traders Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Mbarara Central Market completion extended again
Traders in Mbarara district will again have to wait longer before they can occupy the highly anticipated Mbarara Central Market,...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Lake Albert Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus mbarara Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Pakwach District Panyimur Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Publicity Mbarara Central Market Vendors Association Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade traders Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Pakwach: Rising L. Albert waters destroy local businesses
Business owners in Panyimur Town Council, Pakwach district, are in tears over the rising levels of Lake Albert that have...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana Beneficiaries boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Heifers Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Kwania District Lake Albert Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus mbarara Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Pakwach District Panyimur Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Publicity Mbarara Central Market Vendors Association Quote Regional registration Report Restocking program Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade traders Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
400 farmers in Kwania receive heifers under restocking program
More than 400 farmers from six sub-counties in Kwania district have received heifers worth Shs 576m under the restocking program....
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana Beneficiaries boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Heifers Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Kwania District Lake Albert Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus mbarara Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil operation wealth creation Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Pakwach District Panyimur Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Publicity Mbarara Central Market Vendors Association Quote Regional registration Report Restocking program Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade traders Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
UCDA cracks down on immature coffee trade
The Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) has declared war against traders engaged in buying immature coffee from farmers. UCDA’s regional...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Panyimur Panyimur Fish Market Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming River Nile roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather West Nile Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
L. Albert floods submerge Shs 1bn modern fish market in Panyimur
Authorities in Panyimur Sub County, Pakwach district have been left scratching their heads after the only modern fish market and...
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Accidents acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Kitgum Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Panyimur Panyimur Fish Market Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming River Nile roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized UNRA Waterborne diseases weather West Nile Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Delayed Masindi Port -Kitgum road works hamper business
Several businesses along the Masindi Port -Rwekunye, Apac-Lira-Kitgum road have been crippled by the deteriorated state, made worse by ongoing...
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Accidents acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bukomansimbi Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Kitgum Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Lyantonde Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Cooperative union Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Panyimur Panyimur Fish Market Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Rakai Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming River Nile roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs Ssembabule standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized UNRA Waterborne diseases weather West Nile Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Masaka Cooperative Union sets up credit arm to support members
In December 2019, Masaka Co-operative Union formed a financial cooperative to boost coffee production capacity in the region. For the...
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Academics Accidents acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bukomansimbi Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Kitgum Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Lyantonde Maize Makerere University Makerere University Business Schoo Market Information masaka Masaka Cooperative union Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Panyimur Panyimur Fish Market Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Rakai Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming River Nile roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs Salary Ssembabule standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized University UNRA Wages Waterborne diseases weather West Nile Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
MUK don urges government to quickly resolve MUBS staff salary disparity
Dr. Deus Kamunyu Muhwezi, the Chairperson of the Forum for Academic Staff in Public Universities (FASPU) called on government to...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Agrochemical Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Veterinary Medicine Waterborne diseases weather Western Western Uganda World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
NDA closes 21 illegal veterinary drug outlets
The National Drug Authority (NDA) has shut down 21 illegal veterinary drug outlets in nine districts located in Western Uganda...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Agrochemical Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank Bank of uganda banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Capital Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabale Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Veterinary Medicine Waterborne diseases weather Western Western Uganda World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Lyamujungu Cooperative reinvests all dividends to settle outstanding loan
Members of Kabale-based Lyamujungu Co-operative Financial Services Ltd have resolved to reinvest all their dividends in order to absorb the...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana bee keeping boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Gulu: Farmers shun beehives worth Shs 12m
At least 200 beehives worth Shs 12m have been shunned by the farmers they were intended for, with some reportedly...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana bee keeping boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade traders Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Cooperators urged to embrace responsibility
Cooperators have been urged to take back control of their cooperatives by taking up membership roles and responsibilities in order...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana bee keeping boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals Certification charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora Digital DroughT in Uganda e-learning EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade traders Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized University Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Bishop Stuart University, Cooperatives to collaborate on internship placement
Bishop Stuart University has put in place collaborations with more than 50 cooperatives where their students can go for hands-on...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana bee keeping boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals Certification charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora Digital DroughT in Uganda e-learning EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Lango Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rosemary Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade traders Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized University Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Farmers in Northern Uganda to embark on growing Rosemary
Hundreds of farmers in Acoli and Lango sub regions have received training on Rosemary growing from Special Anointing Oil, SAO-Uganda,...
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