acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Kasese youth urged to embrace agribusiness
Youthful coffee farmers in Kasese have been urged to join agribusiness as one way to maximise their earnings. The call...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Entertainment environment Fairtrade Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme UNBS Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
UNBS develops 110 new standards for food and agricultural sector
In a move aimed at promoting the quality, safety and competitiveness of agricultural commodities on the Ugandan market, the Uganda...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders Enterprise Entertainment Entrepreneurship environment Fairtrade Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme UNBS Uncategorized Village Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Local non-profit mentors farmers into entrepreneurs
In a bid to break the cycle of poverty, thousands of farmers in Gulu, Nwoya, and Kitgum district have embraced...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Economy Elders emyooga Enterprise Entertainment Entrepreneurship environment Fairtrade Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus mbarara Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology theft Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme UNBS Uncategorized Village Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Thugs hit Mbarara cooperative, kill two guards
Police in Mbarara is investigating circumstances under which two security guards were killed on Sunday after unknown assailants attacked a...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Government to promote domestic tourism as part of COVID-19 recovery strategy
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic early this year affected operations of different sectors of the economy. Especially hard hit...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Northern Uganda: Watermelon prices double due to scarcity
The price of watermelon in Northern Uganda is on the rise following scarcity of the crop occasioned by heavy rains...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders emyooga ensibuuko Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
7,000 farmers in Lango enrol for crop insurance scheme
Over 7,000 farmers in Lango sub-region have subscribed for crop insurance with Ensibuuko Technology Limited, a leading fintech organisation. Ensibuuko...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders emyooga ensibuuko Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Soya farmers reap big from bulking with local cooperative
Soya bean farmers in Acholi sub region who bulked their crop with a local cooperative at a time when market...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Gulu city’s sludge manure to undergo testing
Despite the high demand for sludge manure by vegetable farmers in Gulu, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) has...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Youth urged to invest in agriculture
Antonio Querido, Country Representative of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in Uganda has appealed to the youth to invest...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
NDA shuts down 80 veterinary drug shops for non-compliance
The National Drug Authority has shut down a total of 80 veterinary drug shops and agro-chemical shops in South Western...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders emyooga Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Makerere University Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs salaries standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
MUASA boss threatens strike over staff salaries as universities reopen
Following the recent directive by President Museveni lifting lockdown on schools, Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe instructed staff...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Wawoto Kacel Cooperative empowering vulnerable women through arts and crafts
Wawoto Kacel Cooperative Society in Gulu City is helping hundreds of vulnerable women who lack access to land to regain...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy dairy farmers dairy farming deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF ntungamo Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Birunga Dairy, farmers feud over Shs 670m
A row has erupted between Birunga Dairy and more than 500 farmers in Ntungamo district over Shs 670m in unpaid...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy dairy farmers dairy farming deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize market Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto moroto traders motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF ntungamo Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Moroto traders decry delay in completion of main market
Moroto Municipality Market vendors have expressed disappointment over the delayed completion of the main market. Moroto market is being constructed...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy dairy farmers dairy farming deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize market Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto moroto traders motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF ntungamo Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs Soroti fruit factory standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Soroti fruits factory set to resume buying fruits
Fruits farmers in Teso and Acholi regions have reason to smile following an announcement by the Soroti fruit factory that...
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acholi ADF Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized vanilla Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Help us protect our vanilla, ex-rebels ask government
A group of former Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels who denounced rebellion and were reunited to their families in Kitholhu...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health high taxes Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Matooke Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Fort Portal matooke traders protest high taxes
Matooke traders in Fort Portal have protested a Shs 500 tax that is levied off each bunch of matooke, saying...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders emyooga Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health high taxes Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Matooke Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Over 600 groups register for Emyooga in Masindi
Over 600 groups in Masindi have been registered to benefit from the Presidential Initiative on Wealth and Job creation (Emyooga)....
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders emyooga Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health high taxes Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Matooke Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe
Child street vendors on the rise as schools remain closed
Kasese Municipal council authorities have expressed concern over the growing number of children that are taking up street vending following...
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