acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders emyooga Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health high taxes Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo MAAIF Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Matooke Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

MAAIF tractors prove costly to farmers due to frequent breakdowns

In a bid to boost productivity in the agricultural sector through mechanization, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health heavy rains Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Farmers in Acoli lose acres of crops to floods

Heavy rains in Acoli sub region have left acres of crop gardens submerged. The heavy rains which poured for a...
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Disaster minister worried by persistent heavy rains
acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health heavy rains Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote rains Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Disaster minister worried by persistent heavy rains

The Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Eng. Hillary Onek, has voiced fears over heavy rains, ongoing for several...
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What happened to Uganda’s Marketing Boards?
acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coffeee coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health heavy rains Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Magazine Maize Market Information marketing boards masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa producer boards Quote rains Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

What happened to Uganda’s Marketing Boards?

While delivering last year’s State of the Nation Address, President Museveni noted that his government remained committed to using “the...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Lack of access road delays works on proposed Okuti border market

Construction of the multi-billion Okuti International border market in Kitgum district has failed to take off due to lack of...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC packwach Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Pakwach cooperative struggles to recover from COVID-19-induced slump

Members of Panyimur Dei Area Cooperative Enterprise (PD-ACE) are struggling to survive amidst low productivity and savings from members as...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga cattle cattle markets Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy dairy farming deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine farm products Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kashari Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus mbarara Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC packwach Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Kashari traders beg government to re-open cattle markets

Traders in Kyenshama Trading Centre in Kashari North Constituency have requested government to think about reopening of cattle markets. Kyenshama...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga cattle cattle markets Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy dairy farming deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine farm products Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kashari Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus mbarara Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC packwach Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs Soroti fruit factory standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Soroti fruit factory recovering from 87% drop in sales due to COVID-19

The management of Soroti fruit factory is struggling to recover from losses resulting from the COVID-19-related lockdown. According to Douglas...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Economy on recovery path from COVID-19 impacts

Corti Paul Lakuma, a Policy Analyst and Researcher with Makerere based Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) has expressed faith that...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Kabale SACCO registers 10% increase in savings during lockdown

While several SACCOs around the country suffered serious setbacks during the COVID-19 induced lockdown, Lyamujungu Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Seed Policy to stimulate agricultural sector growth

Absence of regulation to guide the promotion of good quality seed has long afflicted the agricultural sector, a loophole that...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Acoli farmers count losses due to heavy rains

Farmers in Acoli are counting losses due to the heavy rains currently being experienced in thearea. The heavy rains that...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Amudat bee farmers appeal for honey processing plant

Bee farmers in Amudat district in Karamoja sub region have appealed to the government and any well-wishers to provide them...
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Popular Mbarara market burns down, arson suspected
acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize market Market Information market vendors masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus mbarara market Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Popular Mbarara market burns down, arson suspected

Several traders who lost their merchandise in the Saturday July 11 conflagration that engulfed Nyamityobora market suspect that the popular...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize market Market Information market vendors masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus mbarara market Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration regulations Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Government sets up fund to protect SACCO members’ savings

Government has established a contingency plan for members that may lose their monies in Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs)....
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust kinyara sugar Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize market Market Information market vendors masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus mbarara market Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration regulations Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower sugar prices sugarcane growing Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

UPDATE: Masindi RDC gives Kinyara, out growers’ association ultimatum to agree on new sugar price

Masindi Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Martin Mugabi, has given Masindi Sugarcane Growers Association Limited (MASGAL) and Kinyara Sugar management one...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative coffee exports Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Cooperative union Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Masaka Cooperative Union gears up to resume coffee export

The Masaka Farmers’ Cooperative Union is undertaking comprehensive restructuring aimed at resuscitating its coffee export potential. Registered in 1951, the...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Karamoja traders welcome the re-opening of the Moroto- Nakapiripirit- Mbale road

Traders from Karamoja have described as a relief, the reopening of Moroto- Mbale- Muyembe road, saying that it will ease...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Atiak Sugar Project plagued by labor shortage

At least 750 casual laborers are still needed by Ayuu Alali Cooperative society to help speed up the planting of...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Money changers at Elegu Border count losses as Covid19, restrictions bite

Money Changers at Elegu, Uganda’s border with South Sudan in Atiak Sub County, Amuru district are counting losses after majority...
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