acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bukwo district Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global governmen government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview irish potatoes Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Irish Potato farmers in Bukwo decry ‘death’ of markets due to COVID19

Irish potato farmers in Bukwo District in eastern Uganda are counting losses due to lack of market for their produce...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative coffee exports Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Cooperative union Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Napak farmers reap big from cassava growing

Former cattle rustlers-turned crop farmers in Napak district are reaping big from cassava-growing in Karamoja, theCooperator has learned. Cassava, a...
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Ministry of Agriculture to construct post-harvest handling facilities in 57 Districts
acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative coffee exports Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Cooperative union Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Ministry of Agriculture to construct post-harvest handling facilities in 57 Districts

Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries(MAAIF) has started on constructing storage facilities and rehabilitation of road chokes in farmer...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Masindi taxi drivers welcome re-opening of public transport, call for extension of curfew.

Masindi taxi drivers under their umbrella organization Masindi Taxi Drivers and Operators Association (MATDOA) have welcomed the decision to reopen...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Magazine Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Gulu Arch-Diocese roots for commercialization of cassava production in Acholi sub-region

A total of 10,000 commercial cassava farmers in Acoli sub-region are receiving cassava stems from the Operation Wealth Creation program...
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Over 100 acres of crops dry up in Kasese after flooding
acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Magazine Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Over 100 acres of crops dry up in Kasese after flooding

Farmers in Kyondo cell, Nyamwamba division, in Kasese municipality, are crying foul as their crops start to dry up due...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing flooding floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Magazine Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Sebei Elgon Cooperative Society moves to revive maize processing

Maize farmers in Sebei region now have reason to smile following a plan by the Sebei Elgon Cooperative Society to...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Hunger looms as food suppliers abandon Elegu market over COVID-19 fears

Local leaders at Elegu border post, Elegu Town Council, in Amuru district, have expressed fears of a looming crisis as...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Fraud allegations rock Bugisu Cooperative Union, six employees arrested

Six employees of Bugisu Cooperative Union (BCU) are under investigation over alleged fraud involving coffee beans belonging to the union...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Gulu vendors and consumers embrace online trade

Traders and consumers in Gulu are embracing an online platform to sell and buy goods. For close to two months...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy debt deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs sebei elgon cooperative standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Sebei Elgon Cooperative Union stuck with Shs 500m debt.

The new management of Sebei Elgon Cooperative Union, one of the oldest cooperatives in Eastern Uganda, is currently stuck with...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society cooperative training Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic education Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images india International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

NCUI gears to usher in Digital era of cooperative training in India

With a view to grappling with the extraordinary challenges being posed by COVID 19, the national apex body of cooperatives...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society cooperative training Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic education Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images india International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

COVID-19: Moroto Municipality loses millions in revenue from closed businesses

Moroto Municipality has lost millions of shillings in revenue collection as a result of the current lock down imposed to...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration rentals Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

BCU hunts for tenants for its properties after COVID-19 slump

The Bugisu Cooperative Union is in the market for reliable tenants to occupy its commercial properties located in prime areas...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration rentals Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs sebei cooperative standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Sebei Elgon Cooperative Union donates Shs 15m to COVID fight

The Sebei Elgon Cooperative Union has donated Shs 15million to the three districts of Kween, Bukwo and Kapchorwa, to help...
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Dairy Milk, the woes of Ugandan exporters
acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy dairy sector deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Opinions & Commentary Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration rentals Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs sebei cooperative standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Dairy Milk, the woes of Ugandan exporters

Uganda is a naturally gifted agricultural country. When you see the volumes of production under the largely subsistence approach that...
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Masindi youth promoting agriculture through music
acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy dairy sector deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Opinions & Commentary Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration rentals Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs sebei cooperative standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Masindi youth promoting agriculture through music

A section of youth from Miirya Sub County in Masindi district, under their umbrella organisation-Agri-planet Uganda- have started promoting agriculture...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Magazine Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Karamoja food prices spike after closure of Moroto-Nakapiripirit-Mbale road

Food prices in some districts of Karamoja sub region have increased again following the closure of the Moroto-Nakapiripirit-Muyembe-Mbale road after...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Magazine Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Grasshoppers cause 200,000-acre crop failure in Kitgum district

Farmers in Kitgum district have suffered crop failure on an estimated 200,000 acres of farmland due to a voracious pest...
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acholi Africa agricultural Agricultural Credit Agriculture Analysis Animal Welfare Ankole Apple Growers in Uganda bank banking Banks Banyankole Kweterana boda boda Boda Boda cooperative bribes Buganda Kingdom Bunyoro Busia Business Busoga Central Cereals charcoal Chickens cholera Church citrus farmers city centre climate change Coffee Coffee Cooperative Coffee farmers Coffee farming coop Coop Bank coop week Cooperative cooperative accountability Cooperative Governance Cooperative society Cooperative Union cooperatives Cooperatives & Communities Cooperatives Governance cooperators Coopertives coopweek Cotton farming Counter-Strike court Covid-19 dairy deforestation Democracy Development Diaspora DroughT in Uganda EAC East Africa East African Community Eastern economic Elders Entertainment environment Fake agro-inputs Famine Farmers farming Featured Finance Finance & Banking Financial fishing floods food Foods Fraud Frontpage Article Gambia global government Green Revolution in Africa Gulu hailstorms health Housing IK Musaazi Images International Coffee Day Interview Irrigation Irrigation schemes Kabaka Kabarole Kampala Kasese kasese fish farmers kasese floods Kenya Kilimo Trust Legal Life Style Loans Lwengo Magazine Maize Market Information masaka Masaka Elders Cooperative Union Masindi masindi bodaboda matatus Micro-finance MicroFinance Microfinance Support Centre Middlemen milk processing Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Water and Environment moroto motorcycles MTN Music Mwalimu National Sacco NAADS National Coffee Bill News nigeria Northern NSSF Oil Opinion Opinions Organisations orphanage OWC Parliament Pesticides Politics Post harvest loses Preservation of Bean President Mnangagwa Quote Regional registration Report Rhino Camp ginnery Rice farming roads Rwanda Rwenzori Apple farmers Sacco SACCOs standards storage of cereals strike sugar cane out-grower Tanzania tax taxes teachers Technology Trade Transport TV UCDA Uganda Uganda Coffee Development Authority Uganda Cooperative Alliance Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority Uhuru Institute umeme Uncategorized Waterborne diseases weather Western World World News yoghurt Youth zimbabwe

Kenya rolls out USD 500m post-COVID economic stimulus plan

Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta on Saturday, May 23 announced an 8-point economic stimulus programme to boost the economy and mitigate...
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