Gulu City Misses out on Special National Disability Grant

GULU – The Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) in Gulu City have demanded government inclusion for the national special disability grant.

The national disability grant is from an Act of Parliament to support persons with disabilities in groups with start-up capital to eliminate poverty among the people living with disabilities.

The fund was established under the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development targeting at least between five to fifteen members from each group with a livelihood support of Shs 5 million.

The Chairperson, Gulu district Councilor for disability, Patrick Komakech, revealed that 22 groups from Gulu district have received the money to support their businesses since the implementation was launched three years ago.

However, he noted that none of the groups from Gulu City received any support for the special program, a situation which he blamed on lack of structural organization in the City.

“We are hopeful that Gulu City will start getting the same support now that the Council has instituted the Disability Council,” Komakech added.

The Chairperson, Gulu Disabled Persons Union, Geoffrey Alli says, the Members of the Disability Council are directly charged with the identification of the beneficiaries and will oversee the implementation of the different government projects targeting the persons with disabilities in the City.

The Council is composed of the five members that include; Komakech Patrick, the Former Chairperson Disability Council Gulu District. Patrick Komakech who now represents the youth and Peter Ouma who represents the Development Partners supporting disability in the City.

Others are the former male Councillor V, Roland Anywar, Maltrix Apiyo and Rose Aparo who represented the families of children with disabilities in the Council. Unfortunately, she passed on after her appointment.

Sections of the Persons with Disabilities which have opposed the appointment of the Committee have withdrawn the petition and agreed to work with the team.

Bosco Oryem has urged the new Council to work with the structures in the villages as he withdrew the petition against the Union and Gulu City Council.

“If it’s the petition that will block us from getting this support, then we have withdrawn but that doesn’t mean we will sit and watch over the Council if our interests aren’t protected,” Oryem added.

The team will jointly work with all heads of departments within the City Council in the enforcement and the implementation of the different projects and programs.

The Area Member of Parliament Joyce Acan says, conflict of interest arising from the different groups did not only affect the Union but the livelihoods of the vulnerable persons in the City compared to the other districts.

She revealed that while persons with Disabilities in Gulu are yet to be considered for the national disability special grant, at least 84 groups from Kitgum have benefitted from the project worth Shs 440 million.

“The fund can only be supervised when the structure is established and this is the challenge, we are facing in Gulu City. The problem will likely continue if they have failed to put aside their differences and work together,” Acan told theCooperator in a recent interview.

Florence Acen, the Chairperson Persons with Disabilities at Alokolum in Bardege-Layibi division says, they had been applying for the grant in the last three years in vain.

Betty Aol Ocan, the Woman Member of Parliament for Gulu City also urged the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development to consider supporting the vulnerable persons within Gulu City in the second quarter of the financial year.

Just like Acan, Aol equally has appealed to the union to strengthen coordination and to account for the support being channeled for persons with disabilities in the City.

According to the 2014 report by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, the prevalence of disability in the Country was at 12.5% with a projection of 4.8 million people living with disabilities.

Meanwhile, the report by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development indicates that 17% of adults in the country are living with disabilities, 7% are children aged 5-17 and 4% are children below five years.

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Savings Group enabling better care for children with disabilities

AMURU – Parents of children with various forms of impairment in Jimo village, Agwayugi parish, Lamogi sub-county in Amuru district have formed a savings group to help fund their children’s education.

The group which was formed on the 4thNovember, 2021 has a total of 30 members whose children go to Agwayugi Primary School and has so far saved Shs120,000 cash.

David Oyet, the Chairperson of the savings group says, since most of them have children, more often than not, money is not available for children with disabilities which eventually affects their education.

Oyet says, given the hard-financial times being experienced now due to the impact of COVID-19, many of them have not been saving for the education of their children.

Margaret Aryemo, a parent of a child with disability says with the savings group, they can borrow money in case of emergencies like illnesses among others.

According to Aryemo, through the savings, they will be able to buy scholastic materials and as well as pay for their children’s school fees and other school requirements.

“Through our group, we share challenges and ideas on how we take care of our children, besides just saving for their fees or scholastic materials. We also plan to borrow from the group in case we have any challenges related to the health of our children with disability,” Aryemo explains.

“I can tell you that we have experienced a lot of attitudinal change especially from us and the general community as far as education of children with disabilities is concerned. Many people think we are just wasting money and this is majorly because of their bad perception. Save the Children has helped us change our mindset towards the education and wellbeing of the children with disabilities in our communities,” Aryemo observed.

Paska Auma, a resident of Jimo village, also a parent of a child with disability says, initially their children felt marginalized and stigmatized because as parents, they lacked knowledge of how to equally care for them.

Through the savings group, Auma says Save the Children, an international Non-Governmental Organization trained them on how to take care of the children with various forms of impairment.

She further said as a result, their relationship with their children has greatly improved because the children are no longer marginalized or stigmatized by them as parents but also by society.

“Most of the time many of us who have children with disabilities, we tend to neglect them and deem them surplus to support especially when it comes to their education. Through this savings group, we are able to save some small monies to help keep them at school. We also receive trainings from Save the Children which helps change our mindset towards our children,” Auma noted.

William Latim Alex, the Headteacher of Agwayugi Primary School says, most parents oftentimes looked down on investing in the education of their children with disability because of their physical forms.

“As a result, there have been numerous cases of school dropouts especially for children with disabilities,” says Alex.

As of the closure of schools two years ago, Agwayugi Primary School had a total enrolment of 924 pupils with 59 of them being learners with various forms of impairments.

The savings group is part of Save the Children’s Together for Inclusive Education Project being implemented in Amuru and Gulu districts.

Under the project, the organization has rehabilitated four classroom blocks in Agwayugi, Pagak, Gira gira and Jimo Primary Schools in Amuru district. It is facilitating home based learning for over 100 children with disabilities in the district.

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Implementers of EACOP project to give 30% project uplift to PAPs

HOIMA – Total Energies, one of the companies implementing the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project, has promised to give 15% annual project uplift to deal with the issue of delayed payment of Project Affected Persons (PAPs).

The implementation of EACOP project is by governments of Uganda and Tanzania represented by Uganda National Oil Company (UNOC) and Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) respectively, Total Energies and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC).

The development of EACOP is being led by Total Energies on behalf of the shareholders. The contract will be executed by a joint venture comprising of two Ugandan firms: New Plan Limited and Industrial Compressor Services Limited (ICS Ltd) to develop and implement the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) to acquire land for the Uganda section of the EACOP project route.

This was revealed by Fred Bazarabusa, the Land Acquisition Officer (LAO) for the EACOP project, during a meeting organized by Global Rights Alert to help the PAPs have an interface with the oil companies undertaking the EACOP project and the Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU) in regard to compensation issues from Hoima and Kikuube districts.

The PAPs led by their Chairman, Nelson Tibemanya, presented a petition to the oil companies, district leaders and PAU where they decried the delayed compensation coupled with under valuation of their properties.

The residents claim that the valuation was done in 2019 and the government stopped them from using the land earmarked for the project. In their petition, they claimed that prices of different properties including land have increased, adding that money earmarked for their property cannot replace what they are going to lose.

He described the compensation arrangement as fraudulent, full of irregularities, unfair and not transparent.

According to Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), conducted by Strategic Friends International, PAPs were given Shs 12m for an acre of land between Hoima and Mpingi districts but under the RAP conducted by New Plan Limited and Industrial Compressor Services Limited, they were offered Shs.6m for an acre within the same area.

They wondered how these discrepancies came about and suspected some foul play by the implementers of the project.

Stanley Ntagali, the retired Archbishop of the Church of Uganda who is also a PAP says, they are not against the project, but the government needs to address their concerns.

Ntagali expressed concern that some of the PAPS are being intimidated and warned oil companies and government officials adding that intimidation will not help the project to progress.

In response, Fred Bazarabusa said that PAPs will be given 30% project uplift as benefit for the elapsed two years without giving them their compensation.

“We are going to give them 30% project uplift of the total amount of compensation for each PAP as an incentive for the time they wasted waiting for their compensation. For example, if a PAP was valued at Shs100 million, his or her 30% project uplift will be Shs 30 million,” he explained.

He called on the PAPs to remain calm saying, all their grievances will be handled adding that EACOP officials are also carrying out a review along the EACOP route registering the grievances of the affected people.

He explained that after the exercise, they will come up with a supplementary valuation for all property such as crops, trees, graves and houses among others which will be added to the earlier valuation.

He added that after this exercise, the officials will conduct a review on land to ensure that all those with issues related to land get settled.

He further noted, as implementer of the EACOP project, they are committed to addressing all the issues raised by the PAPs to ensure that they get fair treatment.

Chris Emanzi, Director Program at Global Rights Alert said, the PAPs must be treated fairly to ensure inclusive development of the project.

According to him, 200 PAPs affected by the project have refused to open bank accounts where their compensation will be wired and 64 are from Hoima and Kikuube districts.

“If you the oil companies continue to ignore the people’s concerns, then you are going to lose social license of the community and the end result of this will not be good. We may experience confrontation and this is not what we want for this industry.”

Peter Banura, the Kikuube LCV Chairman said, there is an information gap between the PAPs and the government on several issues in the oil sector.

He noted that many are ignorant about the sector and called on the government and oil companies to conduct more sensitization to ensure transparency in the sector.

Benson Chich, the Hoima district Vice Chairman explained that unfair treatment of the PAPs and discrepancies in compensation rates need to be addressed adding that Uganda is likely to face challenges like those faced in Nigeria if the government and oil companies continue to keep a deaf ear on people’s concerns.

Kenneth Babihemaiso, an official from PAU advised the PAPs to write to the government Chief Valuer to come and explain what caused discrepancies in compensation.

He noted that as PAU, they are able to explain how this was done adding that only the government Chief Valuer can answer this issue.

EACOP is 1443km and in Uganda, the pipeline, 296 km long, will traverse 10 districts and 25 sub-counties.

In Tanzania, the pipeline, 1,147 km long will traverse 8 regions and 25 districts. The construction of the proposed crude oil export pipeline will cost Shs. 12 trillion and the pipeline will transport 400,000 barrels per day.

In total, 5,300 hectares of land will be required for the construction of the pipeline, which means that around 13,000 households will be displaced.

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Masindi boda-boda riders hold elections amidst tight security

MASINDI – The members of Masindi Motorcycle Operators Association (MAMOA) held their elections under tight security at Masindi stadium in Masindi town.

More than 1000 members of MAMOA participated in the elections which were presided over by Clare Wamara, the Masindi district Senior Labor Officer and Denis Tumwine, the district Male Workers Councilor.

Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) and Uganda Police Force (UPF) heavily deployed to ensure security was guaranteed during the elections.

Before they went for elections, by consensus they agreed to lineup behind their candidates of choice.

Rick Ronald Barongo, who has been the association’s secretary for the last three years was elected the Chairperson after polling 619 votes. His opponent, Nathan Kiiza polled 53 votes.

Bernard Musinguzi Wandera, was elected the Vice Chairperson, Jonathan Wobusobozi was elected Secretary, Robert Kalisa was elected Treasurer, Isaac Ahuura was elected Defense Secretary, Solomon Baguma was elected Secretary for Publicity and Rogers Tugume was elected Secretary for Health.

There was a section of boda-boda riders who wanted to protest the elections arguing that they can not continue when accountability is not given but their efforts were futile after Denis Tumwine, the District Workers Councilor told them that according to their constitution, accountability has to be given after fourteen days from the elections have been conducted.

MAMOA has more than 3000 members from the entire Masindi district.

In his inaugural speech, Barongo promised to work hand in hand with security to avert crime amongst the boda-boda riders.

“If you are a wrong doer and you are hiding in boda-boda, I will surrender you to police. When you are doing the right thing, I will defend you,” said Barongo amidst cheers from his supporters.

He also asked the political leaders to open up their doors for them saying that they need to be offered good services as boda-boda riders.

“As boda-boda riders, we are being exploited by the organizations that give us motorcycles on loan. They confiscate our motorcycles even if we are in a lockdown and they don’t give us our cards. Our leaders should intervene,” he appealed.

Livingston Kandiho, the officer in charge Masindi Central Police Station (CPS) asked the boda-boda riders to help police in the fight against crime.

“I am your friend when you’re doing good things. When you’re supporting wrong people, we shall come for you. Cooperation with security operatives is the way to go,” Kandiho advised.

Tumwine asked the people involved in the boda-boda business to embrace the boda-boda SACCO which was formed in 2018 as one way of boosting their income.

“The SACCO will help you save money and acquire loans at a low interest rate. Don’t be exploited by other organizations and the commercial banks when you have your SACCO here,” he advised.

The new leadership is mandated to be in office for three years.

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Government assures Lango of Sh3.5b palace construction

LANGO – The government is to kick start the construction of Lango palace and 149 offices for clan chiefs to ease their work.

The Minister for Gender, Labor and Social Development, Betty Amongi said, the construction would kick off soon because the government has advanced money to the contractor. The contract was awarded to CMD investment Ltd.

The scope of the work according to Amongi who is also Oyam South legislator, includes construction of the administration block, a cultural center, palace and offices for the clan leaders.

Early this year, the government held a ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of the palace at Lango Cultural Center. The then Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Oulanya represented President Museveni.

Since then (May 2021), the construction of the palace which was supposed to last 18 months has not started prompting both the community and cultural leaders to raise red flags.

Minister Amongi, who has intervened in the Lango cultural institution leadership conflict said, the government would request for a supplementary budget as soon as the contractor starts the work.

For ten years now, there has been a rift in the leadership of the institution, since the then Speaker Wakeli Okello claimed he was sidelined during a tour by the Chief and his delegation to Europe and America.

The row escalated and a section of clan chiefs rallied behind former Uganda Road Fund (URF), Executive Director, Eng. Dr Michael Odongo Okune who had shown interest to become the Paramount Chief (Won Nyaci) and elected him in 2017.

The two operated differently with Eng. Dr Odongo calling himself the legitimate Paramount Chief waiting to be gazzeted while Odur remains the head of the institution.

“The confusion has affected many developmental projects which were supposed to come to Lango,” Amongi says.

“As the government, we were not sure of the person we should invite when there is a national function like celebrating independence,” she adds.

“But I want to assure the people of Lango that the palace will be built and the confusion is coming to an end,” Amongi said.

Meanwhile, the government has adopted the resolution passed by 118 Lango clan leaders out of 149 to continue to recognize Odur as the Paramount Chief.

They also resolved that President Museveni should also be informed about the development including banning Eng. Dr Odongo from officiating at cultural ceremonies.

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CNOOC partners with kingdom to prepare youth for oil Opportunities

BUNYORO – China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Uganda has stepped out with projects aimed at preparing Bunyoro kingdom subjects to tap into opportunities created by the oil and gas sector.

While the discovery of oil in the Albertine region has raised fears of a likely resource curse, government and oil companies are putting in place strategies to mitigate the negative impacts associated with the industry.

Last week, CNOOC in partnership with Bunyoro Kitara kingdom launched a training campaign for the heavy goods truck drivers as one way of preparing them for the oil and gas opportunities.

CNOOC is taking the Kingfisher oil field in Buhuka parish, Kyangwali sub-county in Kikuube district onshore of Lake Albert.

Kingfisher field development area is spread over approximately 344km2 in the Lake Albert Rift Basin in Western Uganda. The oil field is situated on the Eastern bank of Lake Albert, which acts as a border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It was discovered by the Kingfisher-1 wildcat well in 2006.

Speaking during the launch at the Kingdom administration offices, Mathew Kyaligonza, the National Content Manager, CNOOC Uganda said, the training program was initiated following an extensive industrial baseline survey which was conducted to determine and align potential planned projects for goods and services within the Ugandan market.

He explained that the survey highlighted 100,000 to 150,000 direct and indirect jobs that will be created during the production phase of the oil and gas.

He added that it found out that the oil and gas sector will need 2,500 skilled drivers and these skilled drivers are not available.

He says, these opportunities are the reason why the oil company has initiated training of drivers in the region to position the Kingdom subjects to grab the opportunities.

According to him, the training will benefit 70 drivers and the training will take three months.

The beneficiaries will be equipped with driving skills which will allow them to operate beyond the East Africa region.

“The participants will learn key issues in dealing with heavy goods vehicles’ driving in accordance with East African Community curriculum,” he explained.

More than 86 people applied for the training but only 70 qualified and this training will be conducted every year. The training will be conducted by Uganda Driving Standards Agency.

While launching the campaign, Kingdom Prime Minister, Andrew Byakutaga Ateenyi commended CNOOC Uganda for the initiative adding that there is still need to prepare the Kingdom subjects for the upcoming oil and gas opportunities.

He noted that the discovery of oil and gas has created a lot of excitement and anxiety adding that many people are flocking the kingdom hunting for opportunities in the petroleum sector.

“Almost daily, the kingdom receives people inquiring about available opportunities in the oil sector and I am happy that some of the inquiries are being answered with this training which we are launching today.”

Byakutaga says, the issues of local content are still lacking, adding that there is a need for concerted effort to address this challenge, if the kingdom subjects are to benefit from the sector.

“The national oil and gas policy provides an elaborate way through which Ugandans can benefit from the local content in the oil sector; we are pleased that the government has gone ahead to create guidelines for implementation of oil and gas policy, and the government has also passed laws to govern the sector,” he said.

He also said, the challenge is implementing the local content policy and regulation to enable people to benefit from the sector.

According to him, this calls for concerted effort from every one. “People need training to be prepared to produce required goods and services and their capacity to be developed to match with the oil and gas standards, the more we delay the more we lose opportunities.”

Apollo John Rwamparo, the Bunyoro Kitara kingdom Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, called on the oil companies to come up with a program of preparing the business communities in the region for the sector.

He says, the kingdom subjects owning businesses are missing out on several oil and gas opportunities because they lack information on how to join and tap in the sector.

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Hoima Drivers Miss Out On Covid-19 Relief Fund

HOIMA – Drivers operating from Hoima Taxi Park and Kinuubi Park in Hoima city have threatened to stage a peaceful demonstration protesting the alleged city authorities’ failure to include their names on the list of beneficiaries of Covid-19 relief fund.

The Government through the Prime Minister’s office and the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (MGLSD) allocated Shs 100, 000 to each household with various categories of vulnerabilities in cities and municipalities across the country.

Such vulnerable groups included drivers, motorcycle taxi drivers commonly known as boda-boda riders, salon operators and others whose work was either totally stopped or restricted to a certain level to reduce the spread of Covid-19.

However, although some people have received the money in Hoima city, many including drivers and boda-boda riders still complain that they are yet to see any single penny wired to their cell phones as per the government promise.

Peter Byaruhanga and Musa Kalanzi said although their names were initially registered and included on the list of beneficiaries, they were surprised after few of the colleagues received, leaving the majority out.

They claim that the money has been wired to phones of the non-vulnerable instead of the targeted groups.

They claimed that out of the 600 drivers who were registered only 15 received it wondering the criterion that was used in selecting the beneficiaries that led to their ultimate conclusion.

It is against this background that they threaten to stage a peaceful demonstration to attract the attention of the city authorities so they can act accordingly.

The drivers said that city leaders need to explain why they were left out, adding that they are currently struggling to feed their families since most of them have no other source of livelihood.

Muzamil Ahebwa, a driver and publicity secretary for Kinuubi Drivers’ Association said that more than 20 drivers at his park missed out on the money. He expressed concern that most of the people who received the money were not part of vulnerable groups.

“Am also a victim, I do not know what happened to our names, you can imagine few of our colleagues whom we registered with on the same form received the money and I and many of my colleague drivers did not get any coin, I suspect our names were excluded by the people from the center.”

He demanded that, city authorities intervene and communicate to the Prime Minister about their concern so that they can also be considered.

Imran Tumwesige, the Secretary Hoima Boda-boda Cyclists Association said that many of the boda-boda cyclists missed on the funds. He noted several boda-boda cyclists registered for relief funds but few have received it.

“We are suspecting some people to have received the money in our names, leaving the actual beneficiaries to miss out,” he said.

Samuel Kisembo, the Hoima Resident City Commissioner (RCC) said that they were directed to register 9,460 households but they received more than 18,000 applications from the city dwellers.

“Hoima city through our technical team, we did our part and good numbers of people have received this money and we estimate to be standing at 50%, of course the challenge is that the demand was very high, there were over 18,000 applicants to benefit but we were allocated only 9,460. So as of now we have not yet gotten any report from the MGLSD of names that were not able to make it,” he said.

He added that they are optimistic that by the end of this week all the people who were registered will have received their money.

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Hoima Drivers Miss Out On Covid-19 Relief Fund

HOIMA – Drivers operating from Hoima Taxi Park and Kinuubi Park in Hoima city have threatened to stage a peaceful demonstration protesting the alleged city authorities’ failure to include their names on the list of beneficiaries of Covid-19 relief fund.

The Government through the Prime Minister’s office and the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (MGLSD) allocated Shs 100, 000 to each household with various categories of vulnerabilities in cities and municipalities across the country.

Such vulnerable groups included drivers, motorcycle taxi drivers commonly known as boda-boda riders, salon operators and others whose work was either totally stopped or restricted to a certain level to reduce the spread of Covid-19.

However, although some people have received the money in Hoima city, many including drivers and boda-boda riders still complain that they are yet to see any single penny wired to their cell phones as per the government promise.

Peter Byaruhanga and Musa Kalanzi said although their names were initially registered and included on the list of beneficiaries, they were surprised after few of the colleagues received, leaving the majority out.

They claim that the money has been wired to phones of the non-vulnerable instead of the targeted groups.

They claimed that out of the 600 drivers who were registered only 15 received it wondering the criterion that was used in selecting the beneficiaries that led to their ultimate conclusion.

It is against this background that they threaten to stage a peaceful demonstration to attract the attention of the city authorities so they can act accordingly.

The drivers said that city leaders need to explain why they were left out, adding that they are currently struggling to feed their families since most of them have no other source of livelihood.

Muzamil Ahebwa, a driver and publicity secretary for Kinuubi Drivers’ Association said that more than 20 drivers at his park missed out on the money. He expressed concern that most of the people who received the money were not part of vulnerable groups.

“Am also a victim, I do not know what happened to our names, you can imagine few of our colleagues whom we registered with on the same form received the money and I and many of my colleague drivers did not get any coin, I suspect our names were excluded by the people from the center.”

He demanded that, city authorities intervene and communicate to the Prime Minister about their concern so that they can also be considered.

Imran Tumwesige, the Secretary Hoima Boda-boda Cyclists Association said that many of the boda-boda cyclists missed on the funds. He noted several boda-boda cyclists registered for relief funds but few have received it.

“We are suspecting some people to have received the money in our names, leaving the actual beneficiaries to miss out,” he said.

Samuel Kisembo, the Hoima Resident City Commissioner (RCC) said that they were directed to register 9,460 households but they received more than 18,000 applications from the city dwellers.

“Hoima city through our technical team, we did our part and good numbers of people have received this money and we estimate to be standing at 50%, of course the challenge is that the demand was very high, there were over 18,000 applicants to benefit but we were allocated only 9,460. So as of now we have not yet gotten any report from the MGLSD of names that were not able to make it,” he said.

He added that they are optimistic that by the end of this week all the people who were registered will have received their money.

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