Youth in Masindi have toured Sunrise Inspirational farm which in Kijumbura village, Pakanyi sub county, about 20kms from Masindi town. The farm, which sits on approximately 20 acres, belongs to 30 year old Ramadhan Atuhura who deals majorly in bananas, coffee, rice, poultry, goat rearing and horticulture.
Atuhura is a member of an association dubbed “Farmers Talk Uganda” (FTU) which comprises over 140 farmers countrywide. FTU was formed about two years ago.
The farmers frequently visit each other’s farms to share knowledge and guidance on how to improve their yields and become better farmers who can target bigger markets.
While visiting Atuhura’s farm, Charles Rwebembera, the chairperson and proprietor of FTU advised the youth to interest themselves in crops and enterprises whose value does not diminish.
“If you decide to venture in crops like bananas for commercial production, carry out research and invest in improved varieties that will give you value for the money invested. Do land economics and ensure it is utilized fully because land is scarce,” Rwebembera said.
Frederick Isingoma, a member of FTU who deals in coffee and banana growing said, “A kilogram of coffee is always above shs 4000. Some youth opt for crops with quick yields such as maize but they also suffer from very low prices in return. Most of our parents supported us in school using proceeds from coffee.”
Ramadhan Atuhura cleans his nursery bed as other farmers look on. Atuhura practices mixed farming including bananas, horticulture, poultry and grazing. Photo by Priscillar Nyamahunge
Isingoma advised farmers to apply modern farming techniques such as applying manure to cash crops so as to get better yields.
Stanley Wandera, a farmer and chairperson of Gukwatamanzi Cooperative Society, said most youth undermine farming equating it to an enterprise practiced by illiterates.
“Some graduates have ancestral land which is lying idle in their villages but they do not think of investing in agriculture. Some only depend on begging from their parents. Such a mentality should be fought against,” Wandera said.
Ronald Tumuhaise, who was part of the visiting youth said most times many youth are discouraged because of the intensive time needed to invest in agriculture and some opt for enterprises that require less attention.
James Wamani said most youth lack financial literacy and lack basic knowledge about the advantages of investing in cash crop production.
Meanwhile, Atuhura said he plans to invest in value addition with a focus on wine production which will help him tap more income.
“I have mobilised and created a cluster of farmers who are now growing bananas. I sell to them suckers at a reduced price of sh1500 instead of sh2000 and also train them in good agronomic practices. I am sure that those farmers will contribute towards my wine production with supplies as they also uplift themselves,” Atuhura said.
In Eastern Uganda, Bugisu sub region, where literacy remains a substantial barrier to development, radio can reach a large number of poor people because it is affordable and consumes little electricity.
On 9th October 2019, another new Frequency Modulation (FM) radio went on air in Bugisu. Programmes, which are majorly broadcast in Lumasaba (the local dialect) could be heard in two thirds of the Eastern Central areas including Masabaland’s households. There were few programs running in Luganda and English.
The new radio station, BCU Radio, is what the legendary Bugisu Cooperative Union (BCU) farmers have been waiting for, for years.
Broadcasting on FM 100.6, BCU Radio is located on Naboa Road, adjacent to Shine On Hotel and Bank Of Uganda (Mbale branch). The radio station is owned and managed by BCU.
Established in July 1954, BCU is a Ugandan agricultural cooperative union, privately owned by coffee farmers from Bugisu subregion. Based in Mbale town, Eastern Uganda, the cooperative union was started by a group of coffee farmers led by the late EV. Samson Kitutu.
Over time, the union has thrived, uniting the region and marketing produce on behalf of the coffee farmers in Bugisu.
BCU is led by Hon. Nathan Nandala Mafabi who also doubles as a Member of Parliament representing Budadiri West in Sironko district.
“The radio is now going to be the ultimate vehicle of delivery and mobilization for the union’s farmers because this is their own,” Hon. Mafabi said during an interview.
The BCU boss is confident that the already strong union is only going to grow even stronger, with the establishment of their own mass media station.
Mr. John Musila, who deputizes Hon. Mafabi said the establishment of BCU radio had been a long time desire of the farmers.
“The decision to come into existence is to avail farmers in Bugisu and our neighbours with an agricultural, informative and farmer educative broadcast,” the visibly delightful Musila told theCooperator.
“We want them (farmers and business fraternity) to know that this is their radio which basically means any form of support in form of adverts, announcements and paying for commercial talk shows by them will make BCU radio even stronger,” Mr. Musila added.
Mr. Musila, who doubles as Manafwa district Local Council 5 chairman, said that although the region already has over 15 radio stations, BCU Radio will be distinguished by principles, among which include: farmer community ownership and management, and farmer community participation.
Enhancing effective extension, education and communication services amongst its members are some of the key benefits the union expects from their new broadcast project, for: sustaining agricultural growth, strengthening food security and combating hunger and malnutrition in the area.
A BCU board member in charge of the radio operations, Mr. James Kutosi alluded to the fact that the radio project is seen as a lifetime blessing by both farmers and the board.
“We have been spending a lot of money on other commercial radios, in mobilization and educational activities but now that we have our own, we will not have to continue spending a colossal sum of money, contracting over 10 radios to pass the same massage to our farmers,” the overjoyed Mr. Kutosi stated while wearing an irresistible smile.
Mr. Kutosi continued: “It will be a requirement for our farmers to always listen to BCU Radio for all official communications of the Union, unlike in the past where everyone listened to the radio of their preference.”
Inyukha Hasi show presenters Muduwa wo Bbaaba and Joe Emmah during their show.
According to Mr. Kutosi, BCU was spending approximately 150 million shillings annually on local radios, newspapers and television stations, for mobilization activities, an amount he says will now be minimized by the existence of BCU Radio.
Mr. Julius Musungu, a farmer in Manafwa district says they expect the radio to be the voice of farmers, which will also inspire farmers to observe weather patterns.
According to Mr. Musungu, farmer education through radio programmes will be another key aspect for quality coffee production.
“I suppose the radio will provide employment opportunities for some of our children who end up doing journalism and mass communication at university or institutional level,” Mr. Musungu said.
The majority of BCU farmers have profoundly welcomed their newly established radio with hope that it will provide a proactive and a farmer dedicated voice to the community, many of whom are rural coffee growers and dealers.
Listenership is already building up for BCU radio, which has also managed to attract majority of Bugisu’s eminent radio personalities.
The newsiest radio station has recruited over 15 staff members including a support team and experienced presenters among whom are: Mr. John Kennedy Wasikye alias John K and Mr. Richard Welishe alias Brigadier Ragga Chief who formerly worked with Step FM and Big FM in Mbale town, respectively.
Other presenters at BCU Radio are: former Elgon FM sports presenter, SK Godfrey Kakungulu; former Step TV news anchor, Imam Saudi Masalu; Vinikhet Manana formerly with IUIU FM; former Rock Mambo’s Racheal Namarome; and former Open Gate FM English news anchor, Emma Namonyo alias Joe Emmah.
Despite being just weeks old in a town which has got over 15 locally based radio stations, BCU Radio’s Wasikye is optimistic that they will be at the top of the sub region’s airwaves very soon.
“Our recruitment has been very good, so far. We have the experienced and most followed radio presenters in town, coupled with talented and promising journalists,” the enthusiastic Ragga Chief said.
The Ragga Chief emphasized that BCU Radio has something new in the programming content which communities near and far.
The broadcasting content of BCU Radio is increasingly becoming popular to a local audience because the kind of content had been overlooked by the predominant commercial broadcasters.
“It is a truly people’s radio that perceives listeners not only as receivers and consumers, but also as active citizens and creative producers of media content. The listeners determine what should be on air,” John K, one of the senior staff members explained.
The radio’s most listened shows thus far are: the Inyukha Hasi show – the morning show hosted by Joe Emmah, John K and Muduwa Wo Bbaaba, the Coffee Tree which is presented by the former Mbale Municipality MP aspirant and veteran radio presenter, John Kennedy Wasikye alias John K, and the Bira Mbire show, hosted by another veteran presenter Ragga Chief along with Racheal Namarome.
The other shows include Imbago Y’omulimi loosely translating as the hoe of the farmer hosted by Vinikhet Manana, and Manyama Busilamu presented by Soudi Muhamadi Masalu and, the Golden Medal sports show, among others.
Programming is locally focused, using indigenous knowledge to build on local cultural and agro-ecological diversity, blending with technology and scientific innovation.
On their official Facebook page their pioneer fans have commended the radio management for a great service.
“Great programming coupled with professional presenters is what has been missing on radio!” commented a one Moses Masuba on the BCU Radio 100.6 FM Facebook wall.
BCU Radio is the first ever mass media and commercial radio station to be owned by a farmer-based cooperative in Uganda. 06:03:162019-11-11 06:05:36Bugisu Cooperative Union Opens Uganda’s first Cooperative Radio Station
A police investigation is underway after some members of the Bukwo-based Nyalit Cooperative Society raised a red flag over alleged embezzlement of the cooperative’s funds.
The said money, UGX 69 million, is a compensation from the Uganda National Roads Authority – UNRA for the demolition of the Nyalit Cooperative building in Bukwo district, Sipi subregion. The building in question had been constructed within a road reserve and had been in existence for 3 years.
In 2018, members of the cooperative reached an agreement with officials from UNRA to have the road reserve area (in which the cooperative’s building was housed) freed, in exchange for compensation of UGX 69 million.
A source who asked not to be named in this story for security reasons confirmed to theCooperator magazine that the UGX 69 million was released by UNRA in August 2019.
The source alleges that the money was misused by four of the cooperative’s leaders: the Chairman – Mr. Wilson Cheptoek, his vice-chairman, the treasurer, and the secretary, whom members accuse of selfishly sharing the 69 million shillings without their consent and later claiming that UNRA was yet to effect the payment.
“I called the police because we (members) were getting sick and tired of being treated like fools by our own leaders. We cannot allow anyone to ruin our cooperative which has taken years to build,” the source said.
Grains which were abandoned under the rain at the Cooperative yesterday evening.
At the time our reporter visited the offices of the cooperative on 22 October 2019, the cooperative was close to being non-operational owing to the ongoing dispute. Nyalit Cooperative is now renting office space in Bukwo town Council, after the demolition of their previous premises.
The Sipi subregion Police Spokesperson, Mr. Rogers Taitika confirmed that in the last few days, at least four suspects have been apprehended to help in the ongoing investigations.
“It’s true we have started the investigation into this matter and there is some progress we are making but of course I cannot reveal much at the moment since we are still gathering information,” Taitika said, at his Kapchorwa town office.
Asked to detail the current arrests, the police regional spokesman remained adamant reasoning that revealing such information would jeopardize their ongoing investigation. 12:04:052019-11-08 12:17:17Police investigate the embezzlement of UGX 69M at Nyalit Coop
Mwalimu National Sacco members in Western Kenya have threatened to stop their monthly contributions to the Sacco.
The members claim that the Sacco has been making unauthorised deductions from their salaries.On Monday, they stormed the Sacco’s Kisumu branch, demanding the ouster of the branch leadership.
Motorcycle loans
According to some of those who were interviewed by The Standard, the Sacco introduced a loan product where members could purchase motorcycles.But since repayments for the loans began, the SACCO has been making larger deductions from members’ salaries than what was initially agreed on, the members said.John Jagongo, who spoke on behalf of some of the affected members, said many were shocked when they visited their accounts to find there was no money, despite salaries and dividends having been deposited.
“The agreement was that members would take motorcycles from specific shops and they would pay for them through Sacco loans. A few months after the purchases were made, these shops closed,” Mr Jagongo explained.“
As a result, there was nowhere to access spare parts for the motorcycles from, and when we asked the Sacco about it, the managers simply said we will have to keep paying off the loans even if the bikes are grounded due to a lack of spares.”
Jagongo said some of the teachers had taken up to 15 motorcycles, which were being sold at Sh103,000 each.He said the loans still have to be serviced even if the bikes are grounded.“It is sad that the Sacco belongs to us teachers, yet the people we employ to manage it treat us with contempt,” said Jagongo.
Another member, Evans Obuya, said Kisumu branch, with more than 40,000 members, is the most vibrant across the country, serving teachers in Nyanza and Western regions.“Failing to address our grievances could lead to the crumbling of the entire institution,” he said.
“Most teachers in other parts of the country receive their salaries through accounts in commercial banks, while most teachers in Kisumu receive their salaries through the SACCO. That is why we feel betrayed.”
Asset base
Jagongo further said that: “The Sacco has been claiming to have a huge asset base and a committed membership, but it does not reward members with a proper dividend.” In its last financial year, the Sacco declared a dividend of nine per cent.Kisumu Sacco Branch Manager Sam Njoroge refused to comment on the allegations raised by the members when journalists approached him at the institution’s Kisumu offices.
A man who introduced himself as his deputy said he had instructions not to allow anybody into the manager’s office.When The Standard tried to contact the Sacco’s main offices in Nairobi, calls and text messages to managers went unanswered.
Yesterday, members were attempting to rally each other to paralyse operations at the Kisumu branch through social media.