Hoima city women and PWDS get Shs.151million

HOIMA –Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and women groups in Hoima City have a reason to smile after they received Shs 151 million to help them improve their household incomes.

According to Hoima City Authorities, the government through the Ministry of Gender and Social Development released Shs.76 million under Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Program (UWEP) to benefit women groups in Hoima City.

UWEP is an initiative of the government that is aimed at improving access to financial services for women and equipping them with skills for enterprise growth, value addition and marketing of their products and services.

The funds were shared with 14 women groups and some of the groups were given Shs.4million and others received Shs12million depending on their projects and the proposals they submitted.

Brian Kaboyo, the Hoima City Mayor said, the groups will be required to pay back the money with the interest of 5% per annum since it’s a revolving fund.

Speaking in a recent orientation meeting for the women groups to empower them with financial management skills, Kaboyo commended the government for the initiative adding that the program is going to facilitate women to boost their business and create jobs to improve on their household income.

Kaboyo cautioned the groups against mismanagement of the funds saying, the challenges always faced by several groups are misuse of government funds dispersed to help in the fight against poverty.

He noted that such money is seed capital, and challenged the groups to invest the money in productive enterprise to service its intended purpose.

He also challenged the group to prioritize paying back of the money since this is a revolving fund, explaining that payment of the money by group members is one of the biggest challenges in previous programs.

“Women are good in business, I know you will benefit if you invest well this money. I also request you to prioritize the issue of paying back this money because if you fail, your fellow women will not be able to benefit,” he said.

Meanwhile Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the same local government have reason to smile after they received over Shs 75 million to help them improve their household incomes.

According to Hope Suzan, the Hoima City Community Development Officer, the funds were released to PWD groups by the central government as a special grant.

She noted that funds will benefit 14 groups which include, Kyentale Tweyambe PWD, Kigabu Cell Ageteraine PWDs, Kiduma Ward Tweyombe PWDs, Kirubika Cell PWDs, Kihukya Cell PWDs, Kibati II women PWDs, Park Secretarial Youth PWDs, Kiryateete PWDs Produce Dealers and Tukwatanize Rabbit Keeping Southern Ward PWDs among others.

She said that each group will get more than Shs.5million, adding that this money is not a revolving fund and the beneficiaries will not be required to pay it back.

She noted that all the groups which applied for the money were considered and challenged PWDs to form groups to ensure that they benefit from government projects.

She commended the government for the initiative, adding that the funds will enable the PWD groups to boost their businesses and create jobs to improve their household incomes.

She cautioned the groups against mismanagement of funds, adding that money will be useful to groups once they invest it wisely.

Denis Tumwesige, the Hoima City Male Councillor for PWDs expressed excitement about the funding saying, the money will help them to have income generating activities and be able to be self reliant.

However, he said that some PWDs who are not financially stable find it difficult to form groups and benefit from such funds due to some conditions.

According to the registration of a group at the city, it requires the group members to save Shs.100, 000 adding that such a condition is affecting many and demanded this condition to be relaxed.


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Tea Farmers lose billions of shillings

Mbarara – Tea Farmers in Buhweju are stranded with their produce following the failure of Igara-Buhweju tea factory to buy out all the available green leaves.

Igara-Buhweju tea, the only establishment in the area has a consumption capacity of only ten (10) tons every day, yet the farmers’ production is in the excess of 25 tones.

This leaves an excess of at least 15 tons of already harvested tea going to waste, causing considerable losses to the farmers.

Boniface Kanyantore, a tea grower in Bunyaruguru says, the losses are immense and this may affect their livelihood.

“We may be forced to change and switch to production of other crops. Igara factory has not helped us, because they told us to produce and they buy, but look at the waste we have,” he told theCooperator news.

Igara Tea factory was constructed in 2010, with an estimated consumption capacity of at least 10 tons per day, with a projection of at least 5-7 tons of production from the farmers.

The number of farmers enrolling into tea production has since grown beyond the projection, creating an over flow of the produce to the factory.

The Chairperson of Igara-Buhweju tea factory, Julian Amutuhaire attributes the challenge to the unstable electricity supply that unexpectedly stopped production.

“The challenge is basically due to power. Electricity here is so unreliable. The farmers are apparently producing more than what the factory can process,” Amutuhaire says.

A technician at Igara Tea, who preferred anonymity told theCooperator that, the factory requires investment in excess of Shs 4bn to create expansion and increased consumption and thus productivity.

“Management would need at least Shs300m to have this increase, although we can also work on a piece mill basis, which would require small amounts of money over time,” he intimated.

Mzee Gedeon Mugabo, a tea grower who owns 12 acres of tea in Nyakishana says, the wasted tea is so much that many think otherwise about the crop.

“We are now thinking about other options. We may want to go back to banana production because the pain in tea has become too much,” he says.

The areas most affected include; Nyakashaka TC, Engaju, Nyakashaka rural, Bureere Nyakishana and Buhweju

The District Commercial Officer, Buhweju Ian Atamba says, the amount of the green leaves produced in the area would require at least 4-5 different factories to consume the produce, and sustain the farmers.

“The number of farmers has really increased, that we need about 4 or 5 factories to consume all this tea,” he said.


“The district needs at least four factories that will accept green leaf tea from the farmers,” he said.

The Chairman Buhweju District, Atuhaire Deo says, the Council wrote to the Ministry of Agriculture regarding the excessive production of tea and the capacity of Igara Tea factory, but have since not received a formal response.

“We are hopeful that we shall have a solution from the ministry to mitigate these losses,” he added.

Farmers, who spoke to this reporter had collected heaps of the green leaves that was drying up at the farmland, while more produce had dried up at the collection center.

In July 2021, the factory cut the price of the green leaves from the farmers by Shs 50 making Shs 400 per kilogram. It was reported that the cut was due to the Covid 19 effects to the factory which had put the factory into a hard business positioning.

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More than Shs1 billion Emyooga money unspent in Gulu City

GULU – Several groups that were approved to benefit from the government’s Emyooga funds are reluctant to withdraw money from their accounts on what they termed unfair conditions.

The groups claim, to qualify for any loan from Emyooga funds, one has to remit 30% of the money being requested before they are given the money. They also claim that the loan repayment period which was agreed to be at one year was also reduced to just four months. Gulu City received a total of Shs 1,120 billion for 1,442 groups from Bardege Layibi division and Laroo Pece division. Each of the two divisions has been allocated Shs 560 million.

Bonny Onen, a performing artist based in Gulu City says it’s very difficult for their association to get the required 30% of the money for them to qualify to get money, saying the arts and performing industry has been closed for close to two years now.

He says besides that, Post Bank where they opened their bank accounts have also continued to deduct money they had initially deposited as a requirement. The bank is deducting Shs 8000 from their account.

George William Opira, the Chairperson of restaurant dealers Bardege Layibi division says that many people have opted to quit the group because of too many demands; that is the 30% required before receiving money. He says that many are also wondering if they can repay the money in four months’ time and yet initially, they were told that they would repay in 1 years’ time.

Beatrice Ajok, the Chairperson Produce dealers’ group of Pawel Pudyek wonders why they are to first pay 30% of money to get money and yet they don’t even know where it goes.

According to Ajok, they have resolved that if they are not clearly told why and where the 30% of the 30 million is going, they will not apply for it to be withdrawn.

“What bothers me is why they want us to first pay 30% of the money we are applying for. And where does the money go? How are we going to benefit from the money deducted?”

“Unless we are told where the 30% money is going, we have resolved not to apply for withdrawal of the Emyooga funds from the bank,” Ajok adds.

Lucky Anywar, the Secretary Bardege-Layibi division Produce Dealers Association, whose group did not receive the government funds says the numerous and confusing forms such as loan appraisal forms, registration forms among others forced the group leadership to move to all the members homes considering the transport challenges.

According to Anywar, what’s more confusing is that each of the members of the group has got to have a business plan which is accompanied by the national identity card before being considered for a loan.

Anywar says that the time frame given to repay the loan is too little and other sectors such as transport which are fully operating, the arts and performing industry affected, they can’t repay the money in the given time period.

Alfred Okwonga, the Gulu City Mayor says the confusion has caused many groups to relax in applying for the funds. According to Okwonga, as a result they still have more than Shs 1 billion unspent with just a handful of groups having withdrawn the money.

Okwonga appeals to the successful groups to apply, withdraw the money and invest as follow-up on adjustments are made by the relevant authorities.

Catherine Owiny, the Commercial Officer Gulu City says the 30% of the money which is to be provided is saved in each of the group accounts. She says that the guidelines the groups are complaining about are meant to protect them from misusing the Emyooga funds, and later face arrest because the funds are revolving and supposed to be used by other groups which were not approved on the first approvals.

According to Owiny, on the reduced loan repayment period, they are still talking to Microfinance Support Center for further considerations.


Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, the Member of Parliament for Bardege-Layibi division says, they are going to present the concerns of the groups on the floor of parliament. He says they will also talk to the Microfinance Support Center into readjusting the loan repayment period to the initial 1 year instead of the four months.

While addressing the country on security and human rights on Saturday last week, President Yoweri Museveni said Shs 213 billion of the allocated seed capital of Shs 266 billion had been disbursed to groups which were approved.

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Only 19 of the 72 Emyooga SACCOs have received funds in Hoima district

HOIMA – Members of Parliament from Hoima city have supported Emyooga beneficiaries’ demand to do away with all conditions imposed on the program, if the initiative is to serve its intended purpose.

Emyooga program is a Presidential Initiative on Job and Wealth Creation but it has been faced with several criticism and challenges during its implementation.

Several of the intended beneficiaries in the area have continuously lost interest in the program with some withdrawing their membership from the Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) due to what the beneficiaries termed as uncalled for bureaucracies.

The implementers of the program (Emyooga task force) that include the Microfinance Support Center, Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) and Commercial Officers continue to insist that the beneficiaries should meet some requirements before accessing the money.

The task force insists that for SACCO members to access the funds on their accounts, they must have a mandatory 30% savings.

The SACCO members are also required to ensure that systems and structures of the SACCOs and associations are strengthened, which include having proper records, office space, which is independent from individual member’s businesses and staff with basic qualifications.

Last week Hon. Anita Among, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament sent Members of Parliament on recess from 5th to 17th of this month to conduct an oversight assessment of the Emyooga program.

However, during a meeting organized by Asinansi Nyakato, the Hoima City Woman MP and Dr. Joseph Ruyonga, Hoima West Davison MP Hoima City, it was discovered several SACCOs in the city and Hoima district had not accessed the money.

According to information that was unveiled to the law makers, only 19 out of the 72 SACCOs had received money to boost their businesses and only Shs 350 million out Shs 2.24 billion which was granted to Hoima district and city had been disbursed to the beneficiaries by last week.

Bosco Muhanuzi, the Mayor for Hoima East division told the MPs that the condition imposed on the program was unfavourable to targeted beneficiaries.

He noted that the condition of saving 30% is not for the low-income earner such as mechanics and fishermen but it’s for the rich groups and demanded all these conditions be scrapped.


It is easier to get a loan from the banks than the one from Emyooga. I have never seen a loan that demands that you take 30%, after opening an office, employing manager, cashier and accountant, yet all these require finances,” he said, adding that this program is just for hoodwinking the people and wasting their time.

Brian Ariguma, the Chairperson of Hoima East Mechanics SACCO also demanded that the government allows the members to access the money without all these conditions if the funds are to benefit the poor people. He noted that most of his members have lost hope in the program, adding that they have started demanding for their little savings from the SACCO leaders.

“What we earn is what we eat, where do they expect us to get 30% which they demand us to save. Someone is looking for Shs 100, 000 to boost his or her business and then you ask that person to save Shs 300,000 to get Shs 700,000, this is unfair,” he complained.

Juma Asiimwe, the Chairperson of Hoima East division leaders SACCO says, when the president was unveiling the program, he did not put conditions on the program and wondered why the implementers are frustrating them with such conditions.

“If you want this program to help us to move out of poverty go and scrap off all these conditions,” Asiimwe told the MPs.

Asinansi Nyakato, Hoima City Woman MP, observed that the program has not benefited people as they expected and promised to advocate for some changes in the program.

“We are going to recommend to the government to scrap off 30% and if it’s not possible then the program should be halted because it’s exploiting our people,” she promised.

Dr. Joseph Ruyonga, Hoima West division MP noted that though the program is facing challenges, there is a need for the beneficiaries to undergo financial literacy training if they are to benefit from the program.

He observed that the biggest challenge faced by the program is that many of the beneficiaries, up to now, think that Emyooga money was a political incentive because it was initiated during the political season.

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Bunyoro’s Shs 5 billion industrial hub to equip residents with skills

MASINDI – The construction of a Shs 5 billion industrial hub for Bunyoro sub-region has left Masindi residents and their leaders excited about the prospects of skilling youths in different fields.

The regional industrial hub under construction by the government of Uganda is located at Nyakarongo village, Kimengo sub-county, Masindi district.

The multi-billion project is being constructed to address poverty and unemployment among the youth in the region, says Masindi district LC5 Chairman, Cosmas Byaruhanga.

Bunyoro sub-region is comprised of eight districts including Hoima, Masindi, Kiryandongo, Buliisa, Kikuube, Kagadi, Kibaale and Kakumiro.


Byaruhanga says that using this hub, the youths will be equipped with the required skills that will help them fight poverty and create employment opportunities.

According to the project design, the facility will be furnished with diverse vocational training equipment like welding and metal fabrication, shoe making, salon and hairdressing, carpentry and joinery, brick laying, tailoring and driving tools among others.

The facility will also host agricultural demonstration farms and value addition facilities for maize and coffee processing for export in addition to offering short courses on various skills to the youth in the region.

The politician says the industrial hub will not only create jobs to the youths but also spur development in the region.

The facility sits on 100 acres of land that Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) donated to Masindi district local government on the request of the district Chairperson.

The construction work which is at 80% and yet to get complete will be finished by the end of this year.

Bright Mugume, the LCIII Chairperson Kimengo sub-county says that they are happy with the government for having put such a project in his sub-county adding that children within the area are going to be able to get vocational skills.

“This sub-county has no government secondary school nor a technical school. Most of our children stop in primary seven and they have not been getting a chance of getting vocational skills but this has been addressed. That’s why I have to thank the government of Uganda for this rare opportunity,” said Mugume.

Jackson Nasasira, a resident of the same area said that the sub-county has no revenue generating activity adding that when the industrial hub starts operations, the economy of this area and the people will be boosted.

Stephen Mugisa, a youth from Kimengo sub-county says, they are optimistic that they will be able to get skills at a lower cost noting that it has been hard for them to get the skills from the technical institutions because they have no money to pay the tuition.

The facility is neighbouring an upcoming centre at Kiryana trading centre where more than 2000 people are running different businesses.

They say that when the industrial hub starts operations, they will be able to get market for their goods.

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