Our research is driven by our ideological position that development must be equitable, all inclusive and people centered. And that to achieve this a deliberate strategy is necessary for a fair sharing of national resources, through acquiring employable skills, becoming competitive in product and services markets, and together contributing to the national tax base to finance social services for the public good. We research on ways to improve efficiency of citizen formations to produce wealth, improve personal and household income, and promote community well-being.

In the last five years we have conducted two specific studies on the status of cooperatives, a study on the risk of election violence in Uganda. Our choice of research area is informed by the concerns and opportunities cooperatives and community organisations are reporting and buy what can be done to make them more successful. We are also informed by issues emerging from think pieces, discussion papers and reports from regular public dialogues that we host. We are building the Uhuru Think Tank into the research and knowledge hub for citizen centred development and socioeconomic transformation.